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Danger of tendering is more as the prolonged treatment with acid will degrade the


Advantages The Enzymes do not degrade the fabric. Therefore, this is very safe method for desizing.

Enzyme Desizing
Properties of Enzyme Enzymes are bio-catalyst of organic origin, secreted by living organisms. Chemically enzymes are proteins of high molec lar weight. Enzymes are highly specific in their action on s btrates. !or e"ample amylases act only on starch and not on cell lose, lipases act on fat, proteases act on protein etc., The most effective method of removing starch from the fabric is the se of Enzymes. The Enzymes will give gentle action on the starch, with no danger to the cotton fabric. Control of temperat re and p# is very important in this method. $ost of the Enzymes are f nctioning at p# %.% to &.% and temperat re %'-(')C. *f the temperat re is more than &''C the enzymes become inactive. There are three ma+or so rces nder which amylase enzymes are e"tracted. 1. $alt E"tract ,. -acterial E"tract .. /ancreatic E"tracts


Desizing conditions for pad-batch process: 0rey Cotton fabric is padded with the following enzymes and stored for 1-( ho rs and then washed. Enzyme
$alt E"tract /ancreatic -acterial

Concentration (g !"
. - ,' 1.'2 ..' '.% 2 1.'

Tem erat#re ($C"

%' 2 (' %' - (' (' 2 &'

(.'- &.% (.% 2 &.% %.% 2 &.%



Disadvantages *f the temperat re and p# are not controlled, the enzymes become inactive.

Contin#o#s Enzyme Desizing

4ormally when malt e"tract is sed as a desizing agent, it ta5es abo t 1-( ho rs for complete desizing. - t, if the concentration of the malt e"tract is increased, the time will be red ced to % min tes. !abric is padded with the high concentration of enzyme li6o r sing a , bowl or . bowl padding mangle.

/adding mangle is a machine sed for contin o s application of any chemical sol tion or dye sol tion 7in case of contino s dyeing). *t consists of a narrow tro gh in which the re6 ired chemical sol tion is ta5en in a concentrated form. The fabric is immersed in the li6 or and then s6 eezed by passing thro gh two s6 eezing rollers 7 Two bowl padding mangle) or thro gh three s6 eezing bowls 7 Three bowl padding mangle). The s6 eezing bowls helps the li6 or to penetrate inside the fibre and to s6 eeze o t e"cess li6 or. *n a case of contino s desizing the following concentration of enzyme li6o r is ta5en in the tro gh of the padding mangle.

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