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0nder the >uidance of A* 3 I4! ' S"%(1 ( B.Tech. IIT Roorkee , Director & Founder : Vision IAS )

(21 MOCK TESTS + Current Affairs Notes + Value Addition Material )
&'$(' ! O)*e+,"-e A//'$ +1 2 S,' ,e(3



- Te ! V"#"$% IAS

ANSWER WRITING EVALUATION &ROGRAMME (Experts Support: Telephonic iscussion / Email !nteraction"
: This is a comprehensive and intensive #"%,e' +,"-e$ ."#, %+e le '%"%( /'$(' ! 0 $%l"%e /'$(' ! 0 +l ## '$$! /'$(' ! focusin% on sincere !&S &spirants who will appear in 'ivil Service
Exam ()*+. ,ur experts provide step b- step %uidance to aspirants for understandin% the concepts of the sub.ect and preparin% them for effective answer writin%.

: ,ur simple/ practical and focused approach will help aspirants understand the demand of 01S' exam effectivel-. ,ur strate%- is to constantl- innovate to keep the preparation
process d-namic and %ive personali2ed attention to individual aspirants based on factors like core competence/ availabilit- of time and resource and the re3uirement of 'ivil Service Exam. ,ur !nteractive 4earnin% approach will continuousl- improve aspirant$s performance and move their preparation in the ri%ht direction.

N4!)e' $5 M$+6 Te#,# : 21 7ee : R# 189:0 ( 'ourse fee " ; R# 2310 ( Service Tax 5 Education 'ess " < R# 21000 ( Total 'ourse 6ee " N ,4'e : 7le=")le 7 8eschedule on the demand of the aspirants 9 S+1e.4le A %. S+1e.4le B ( &e'#$% l">e. #+1e.4l"%()? M$.e $5 ."#/ ,+1: 1rinted material (@) via airmail / .$A%l$ . Te#, & /e'# 2 ! ,e'" l ONLINE C DISTANCE LEARNING 0 CLASSROOM from V"#"$% IAS M "%# ,e#, Se'"e# &l ,5$'! (4o%in/ password" : W1 , 3$4 A"ll (e,: &l % A (S+1e.4le A: M '+1 23 D 2014)
4o%in id : 1assword for performance anal-sis of aspirants ( I%%$- ,"-e A##e##!e%, S3#,e! ) C$%#$l". ,e. B4e#,"$% & /e'C+4!CA%#Ae' )$$6le, ( 21 M$+6 Te#,# : &D7 7"le ) Evaluated &nswer ;ooklet b- experts with proper feedback/ comments : %uidance. &nswer format ( S-nopsis " of <ock Test paper &nal-sis of <ock Test papers based on difficult- level : nature of 3uestions. 'omprehensive anal-sis of previous -ear 3uestions : =alue &ddition material
INNOVATIVE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM: Static : d-namic 1otential of <ock test papers ( Scorin% 1otential " / <acro : <icro performance &nal-sis of aspirants / Section wise anal-sis / ifficult- &nal-sis / &ll !ndia 8ank/ comparison with toppers/ >eo%raphical &nal-sis / !nte%rated Score 'ard / &nal-sis of <ock Test papers based on difficult- level : nature of 3uestions etc.



&l % B (S+1e.4le B: &e'#$% l">e. S+1e.4l"%()

N$,e: 1.A#/"' %,# + % 'e#+1e.4le (postpone but not prepone) ,1e ,e#, . ,e ) #e. $% ,1e"' /l %E 2E Cl ##'$$! Te#,# (5le=")le) : E-e'3 . 3 $5 ,1e Aee6D 10 AM 2 2 &M 3E Te#, Ce%,e'#: D' M461e'*ee N ( ' ( <ain 'enter : *)C / *st floor / ;/*7( / &nsal ;uildin% / ;ehind 0', ;ank " / R *"%.' N ( ' Ce%,e' (DE/ Crd 6loor /
,ld 8a.inder Ba%ar <arket Bear &xis ;ank " / I '$l B (1 Ce%,e' ( */F7; / (nd 6loor / &psara &rcade / Garol ;a%h <etro / elhi " : J "/4' Ce%,e' (*st 6loor / E / Gailash =ihar / Bear &pex <all / 4al Gothi />andhi Ba%ar <ode / Haipur " Se+$%. '3 (A..","$% l) Re5e'e%+e# &'"! '3 (E##e%," l) NeA# & /e' 0 M ( >"%e#0 Ae)#",e Se+$%. '3 ( A..","$% l ) NeA# & /e' 0 M ( >"%e#0 Ae)#",e


D ,e $5 M$+6 Te#, S+1e.4le A S+1e.4le B

T$/"+# +$-e'e. F M = M '6# : 2G0 D D4' ,"$% $5 ,1e Te#, : 3 H'# ? 3 -3!" #uestions $ill %e as&ed fro' (urrent affairs se(tion in ea() 'o(& test *a*er+

&'"! '3 (E##e%," l) Re5e'e%+e#

M '+1 23 D 2014
S+1e.4le B

GE SE & /e'CII: C$%#,",4,"$%D &$l",3

!ndian 'onstitution7 evolution/ features/ historical amendments/

C 11,1 NCERT: !ndian 'onstitution underpinnin%s/ at ?ork


C 'onstitution of !ndia )3 &M B 6#1"

7 !ndian 1olit- b- M L =!"6 %, follow visionias at facebook

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana

C The !ndian Express C Economic


VISION IAS!/visionias

(&e'#$% l">e. #+1e.4l"%( : 'e#+1e.4le ,1e . ,e $5 M$+6 ,e#,# ) #e. $% #/"' %,K# /l % )

provisions and basic structure. 6unctions and responsibilities of the 0nion and the of !ndia : D D B #4 States/ issues and challen%es pertainin% to the federal structure/ devolution of powers and finances up to C IGNOU : <1S7))C !ndia: emocraclocal levels and challen%es therein. and evelopment* Separation of powers between various or%ans dispute (C+EKDFL/(E+K( ( Selected Cha ter ) redressal mechanisms and institutions. 'omparison of the !ndian constitutional scheme with ( 'hapter *K: T-polo%ies of that of other countries 'onstitutions: 0nited Gin%dom/ 0nited States of &merica/6rance/ 1arliament and State 4e%islatures 7 structure/ >erman-/ South &frica/ 1eoples$ functionin%/ conduct of business/ powers : privile%es 'hina " and issues arisin% out of these. Structure/ or%ani2ation and functionin% of the !ndependence Executive and the Hudiciar- <inistries and epartments of the >overnmentI pressure %roups 7 2%. ARC RE&ORT and formal/informal associations and their role in the 1olit-. C &4%+1" 'ommission 8eport Salient features of the 8epresentation of 1eopleJs &ct. &ppointment to various 'onstitutional posts/ powers/ functions and responsibilities of various 'onstitutional ;odies. Statutor-/ re%ulator- and various 3uasi7.udicial bodies

C !ntroduction to the 'onstitution

C !ndian 1ublic &dministration Crd Edition 7Vision IAS b- R *%" 2 G$3 l co! rehensi"e

1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra

Current a##airs notes

&$l","+ l S+"e%+e )3 N D A'$'

&4)l"+ A.!"%"#,' ,"$% )3 M L =!"6 %, ( 'hapter : &dministrative S-stems "

12,1 NCERT C 1olitics in !ndia after C S '6 '" 'ommission 8eport

-Value addition Material ( Value addition !aterial $ill co"er d%na!ic &.S. 'ains !aterial and stud% !aterial on those to ics $hich are not easil% a"aila(le in (asic re#erence (ooks )

+ Current Affairs

GE SE & /e' CII: G$-e'% %+e D S$+" l J4#,"+e Te#, 2 F404? A/'"l G D 2014
!mportant aspects of %overnance/ transparencand accountabilit-/ e7%overnance7 applications/ models/ successes/ limitations/ and potentialI citi2ens charters/ transparenc- : accountabilitand institutional and other measures.

CG$-e'% %+e "% I%." C ;4axmikant 7 2 ARC RE&ORT (8i%ht to

!nformation/ 1romotin% e7 >overnance/ 'iti2en 'entric &dministration / Social 'apital"

C evelopment &dministration L M$1", B1 ,, +1 '3

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana

NeA H$'">$%# $5 &4)l"+ A.!"%"#,' ,"$% Dth Edition b-

C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra


C !ndian 1ublic
follow visionias at facebook!/visionias


8ole of civil services in a democrac-.

M$1", B1 ,, +1 '3 ( 'hapters :

>ood M>overnanceM/ >overnmental evelopment processes and the development &ccountabilit-/ civil societ- and industr-7 the role of B>,s/ S@>s/ various %roups >overnance/ 8i%ht to !nformation/ and associations/ donors/ charities/ institutional 1articipation and >overnance / E7 >overnment "

&dministration Crd Edition 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e b- R *%" 2 G$3 l Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

and other stakeholders

C IGNOU : <1S7))C !ndia: emocracand evelopment* (C+EKDFL/(E+K( ( Selected Cha ter )

7Fth B'E8T 7 4aw and social .ustice >overnment policies and interventions for 7Lth B=E8T N Economics development in various sectors and issues arisin% 7**th B'E8T: Economics: !ndian Economic evelopment out of their desi%n and implementation. ?elfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the CI%." Ye ' B$$6 population b- the 'entre and States and the performance of these schemesI mechanisms/ CE+$%$!"+ S4'-e3 laws/ institutions and ;odies constituted for the CY$* % protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections. C I4'46#1e,' !ssues relatin% to development and mana%ement of Social Sector/Services relatin% to @ealth/ Education/ @uman 8esources. !ssues relatin% to povert- and hun%er.

Twelfth 6ive Aear 1lan ()*(7*D ocuments ( &l %%"%( C$!!"##"$%) A%%4 l Re/$',# : ministrof social .ustice and empowerment C The !ndian in Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

+ Current Affairs
C11,1 NCERT : 1h-sical >eo%raph-

GE SE & /e' C I: Ge$(' /13 $5 ,1e W$'l. Te#, 3 F40G? A/'"l 1: D 2014

?orld >eo%raph- bM *". H4# "%

7'ertificate 1h-sical and @uman Salient features of worldJs ph-sical %eo%raph-. >eo%raph- b- G$1 C1e%( Le$%(

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes

istribution of ke- natural resources across 7&round the ?orld (>eo%raph-" : ICSE B$ '. 9 'lass K / D : F O or the world (includin% South &sia and the !ndian

C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra

OLD NCERT B$$6# 9 'lass K / D / F O

3 follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

sub7continent"I factors responsible for the location of primar-/ secondar-/ and tertiar- 7 ,rient 4on%man &tlas sector industries in various parts of the world (includin% !ndia"

-Value addition Material

GE SE & /e'CIII: B"$ ."-e'#",3 2 E%-"'$%!e%,

7 ,ur Environment N NCERT (VII) 7 Ecolo%-: 0nit P N Cl ## 12,1 B"$l$(3 NCERT 'onservation/ environmental pollution and 7Ecolo%- : Environment ( !ndia Aear de%radation/ environmental impact ;ook"

7Ecolo%- and Environment N

7 own to Earth

CThe @indu Surve-

& D S1 '!

of the Environment

C11,1 NCERT : 1h-sical >eo%raph7'ertificate 1h-sical and @uman !mportant >eoph-sical phenomena such as >eo%raph- b- G$1 C1e%( Le$%(

GE SE & /e' C I: Ge$(' /13 $5 ,1e W$'l.

?orld >eo%raph- bM *". H4# "%

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

Te#, 4 F409?

M 3 3 D 2014

earth3uakes/ Tsunami/ =olcanic activit-/ c-clone etc./ %eo%raphical features and their location7 chan%es in critical %eo%raphical features (includin% water7 bodies and ice7caps" and in flora and fauna and the effects of such chan%es.

7&round the ?orld (>eo%raph-" : ICSE B$ '. 9 'lass K / D : F O or OLD NCERT B$$6# 9 'lass K / D / F O 7 ,rient 4on%man &tlas

C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra

GE SE & /e' CIII: D"# #,e' M % (e!e%,

isaster and disaster mana%ement

CIGNOU : <1&7)*F isaster <ana%ement 7 2%. ARC RE&ORT (Crisis

Management )

Re/$', :
http://www.undp.or%/conte nt/dam/india/docs/disaster Qmana%ementQinQindia.pdf

GE SE & /e' C I: S$+"e,3

Salient features of !ndian Societ-/ iversit- of NCERT C12,1 L !ndian Societ!ndia. 8ole of women and womenJs or%ani2ation/ NCERT C12 C Social 'han%e and evelopment !n !ndia population and associated issues/ povert- and developmental issues/ urbani2ation/ their IGNOU LESO C12 : Societ- in !ndia

Te#, G F408?

M 3 1M 2014

!ndian Social S-stem 7 R ! A14*

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana

!ndian Social Structure : 'han%e N I L S1 '! )Vision IAS

C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl4


follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

problems and their remedies. Effects of %lobali2ation on !ndian societSocial empowerment/ re%ionalism : secularism.
IGNOU LESO C19 : Social 1roblems !n !ndia

co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes

7 6rontline 7 Gurukshetra

communalism/ !ndian Societ- : 'ulture L

N .ee! H #% "%

)Value addition 'aterial

+ Current Affairs Social 1roblems !n !ndia C R !


GE SE & /e' C I: I%." % He'", (e %. C4l,4'eD H"#,$'3

Te#, 9 F411?

M 3 2M 2014

I%." % +4l,4'e will cover the salient aspects of &rt 6orms/ 4iterature and &rchitecture from ancient !ndian 'ulture and @erita%e 7NIOS : AAAE%"$#E +E"% C 7 +e,# $5 I%." % C4l,4'e to modern times. ( S/e+,'4! &4) ) M$.e'% I%." % 1"#,$'3 from about the middle of 7!ndian 6reedom Stru%%le of 7!ndian 'ulture 'hapter of the ei%hteenth centur- until the present7 independence C B"/"% C1 %.' !ndian Aear ;ook si%nificant events/ personalities/ issues CNA B'"e5 H"#,$'3 $5 M$.e'% I%." O 7<odern !ndian histor- C T1e 7'ee.$! S,'4((le 7 its various sta%es and L Spectrum 1ub. BEL G'$-e' important contributors /contributions from different parts of the countr-.

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana

C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline

7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

+ Current Affairs
GE SE & /e' C I: I%." % He'", (e %. C4l,4'eD H"#,$'3
&$#,C"%.e/e%.e%+e consolidation reor%ani2ation within the countr-. and !ndia since independence )3 B"/"% C1 %.' %. ,1e 12,1 NCERT C &$l","+# "% I%." I%.e/e%.e%+e 5,e' !ndia &fter >andhi )3 R !+1 %.' G41 <asterin% <odern ?orld @istor- b- N$'! l L$Ae

Te#, M F412?

J4%e M 2014

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana

H"#,$'3 $5 ,1e A$'l. will include events from *Fth ,1 ,1 centur- such as industrial revolution/ world wars/ : 2 10 NCERT C I%." redrawal of national boundaries/ coloni2ation/ +$%,e!/$' '3 A$'l. decoloni2ation/ political philosophies like communism/ capitalism/ socialism etc.7 their forms and effect on the societ-.

7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

+ Current Affairs
VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

GE SE & /e'CIII: E+$%$!"+ De-el$/!e%,

711,1 NCERT: Economics: !ndian

Economic evelopment

Te#, 8 F40:?

J4%e 18 D 2013

!ndian Econom- and issues relatin% to plannin%/ 7Economic Surve- of !ndia mobili2ation of resources/ %rowth/ development 7!ndian Econom-: 8. D4,, %. and emplo-ment.
S4%. ' !

8eport : Twelfth 6ive Aear 7 The @indu 1lan ()*(7*D ocuments ( 7 1!; : &l %%"%( C$!!"##"$%) 7 Ao.ana

C The !ndian Express

!nclusive %rowth and issues arisin% from it. >overnment ;ud%etin%.

C !ndian Econom- Since !ndependence 7 U! I /"l

7The 1en%uin ictionar- of Economics 7!ndia Aear ;ook

7Economic times 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes C Economic 1olitical ?eekl-

Effects of liberali2ation on the econom-/ 7 2%. ARC RE&ORT (Stren%thenin% chan%es in industrial polic- and their effects 6inancial <ana%ement S-stems" on industrial %rowth. !nfrastructure: Ener%-/ 1orts/ 8oads/ &irports/ 8ailwa-s etc. !nvestment models.

+ Current Affairs

-Value addition Material ( Value addition !aterial $ill co"er d%na!ic &.S. 'ains !aterial and stud% !aterial on those to ics $hich are not easil% a"aila(le in (asic re#erence (ooks )

7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra

GE SE & /e'CIII: E+$%$!"+ De-el$/!e%,

4and reforms in !ndia
7 The @indu 7!ndia since independence )3 B"/"% 8eport : Twelfth 6ive Aear 7 1!; : <a.or crops croppin% patterns in various parts of C1 %.' 9 4and 8eform O 1lan ()*(7*D ocuments ( 7 Ao.ana &l %%"%( C$!!"##"$%) the countr-/ different t-pes of irri%ation and ,1 7Vision IAS irri%ation s-stems stora%e/ transport and 7 12 NCERT: Ge$(' /13 !ndia 1eople and Economco! rehensi"e marketin% of a%ricultural produce and issues and 7The 1en%uin ictionar- of Current a##airs notes related constraintsI e7technolo%- in the aid of 711,1 NCERT: E+$%$!"+#: !ndian Economics farmers Economic evelopment
7!ndia Aear ;ook

C The !ndian Express 7Economic times C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline 7Gurukshetra

Te#, : F410?

J4%e 2: D 2014

!ssues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support pricesI 1ublic istribution S-stem7 ob.ectives/ functionin%/ limitations/ revampin%I issues of buffer stocks and food securit-I Technolo%- missionsI economics of animal7rearin%. 6ood processin% and related industries in !ndia7

7Economic Surve- of !ndia 7!ndian Econom-: 8. D4,, %. S4%. ' ! C !ndian Econom- Since !ndependence 7 U! I /"l

-Value addition Material

7<inistr- of &%riculture
website 7<inistr- of 'onsumer &ffairs/ 6ood and 1ublic istribution website

6 VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

scope and si%nificance/ location/ upstream and downstream re3uirements/ supplchain mana%ement.

7<inistr- of 6ood 1rocessin% !ndustries website

+ Current Affairs GE SE & /e' C IV : E,1"+#D I%,e('",3D %. A/,",4.e

Ethics and @uman !nterface: Essence/ determinants and conse3uences of Ethics in human actionsI dimensions of ethicsI ethics in private and public relationships. @uman =alues 7 lessons from the lives and teachin%s of %reat leaders/ reformers and administratorsI role of famil-/ societ- and educational institutions in inculcatin% values. &ptitude and foundational values for 'ivil Service / inte%rit-/ impartialit- and non7partisanship/ ob.ectivit-/ dedication to public service/ empath-/ tolerance and compassion towards the weaker7 sections. 1ublic/'ivil service values and Ethics in 1ublic administration: Status and problemsI ethical concerns and dilemmas in %overnment and private institutionsI laws/ rules/ re%ulations and conscience as sources of ethical %uidanceI accountabilitand ethical %overnanceI stren%thenin% of ethical and moral values in %overnanceI ethical issues in international relations and fundin%I corporate %overnance. 2%. ARC RE&ORT (Ethics in
Governance , Refurbishing of Personnel Administration )

Te#, 10 F413?

J4l3 10 2014

7Ethics and &ccountabilitin >overnment and ;usiness ;R !e#1 I A'$' 7Ethics and !nte%rit- in 1ublic &dministration: 'oncepts and 'ases )3 R 3!$%. WE C$= CRe#erence !aterial on *thics, Inte+rit%, and A titude

7 The @indu 7 Ao.ana 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

C The !ndian Express 7 1!; : 7Economic times C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline

7Bew @ori2ons of 1ublic &dministration D Edition )3 M$1", B1 ,, +1 '3 ( Ch : Ad!inistrati"e *thics ) C !ndian 1ublic &dministration Crd Edition )3 R *%" 2 G$3 l ( Ch : . Inte+rit% in ci"il ser"ices ) CIGNOU : M&AC011 ( Ch : *thical Concerns in ,u(lic Ad!inistration)

=ideo : ?@&TJS T@E 8!>@T T@!B> T, ,R 7M"+1 el S %.el

www..usticeharvard.or%/watc h/

GE SE & /e' C IV : E,1"+#D I%,e('",3D %. A/,",4.e Te#, 11 F414? J4l3 24 D 2014

&ttitude: content/ structure/ functionI its influence and relation with thou%ht and CSocial 1s-cholo%- )3 B '$% behaviourI moral and political attitudesI social
Ethics b- W"ll" ! IE 7' %6e% 0nderstandin% Ethics b VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook

7 The @indu 7 Ao.ana 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e

C The !ndian Express 7 1!; :


influence and persuasion. Emotional intelli%ence7concepts/ and their utilities and application in administration and %overnance.

CEmotional !ntelli%ence b- D %"el G$le! %

N$el &'e#,$%

Current a##airs notes 7Economic times )Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes

7 2 ARC RE&ORT (,i-)t to 'ontributions of moral thinkers and philosophers .nfor'ation// Citi0en Centri( from !ndia and world. Ad'inistration ) 1robit- in >overnance: 'oncept of public serviceI 1hilosophical basis of %overnance and probit-I !nformation sharin% and transparenc- in %overnment/ 8i%ht to !nformation/ 'odes of Ethics/ 'odes of 'onduct/ 'iti2enJs 'harters/ ?ork culture/ Sualit- of service deliver-/ 0tili2ation of public funds/ challen%es of corruption.


CRe#erence !aterial on *thics, Inte+rit%, and A titude

C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline

Te#, 12 F43G?

GE SE & /e' C II : I%,e'% ,"$% l 'el ,"$%#

Se/, M D 2014

B #"+ C$%+e/,# 2 74%. !e%, l# :

!ndia$s 6orei%n 1olic-: &n ,verview !ndia and its Bei%hbours Evolution of !ndiaJs ?orld7view 0B bodies and Treaties !mportant !nternational institutions

IGNOU 7E1S7)D !nternational 8elations 7<1S7))* !ndia and the ?orld NCERT Cl ## 12: 1olitical Science: 'ontemporar- ?orld 1olitics 6orei%n 1olic- of !ndia b- V N I1 %% <inistr- of E=,e'% l A55 "'# Ae)#",e

IGNOU 7<1S7))( !nternational 8elations: Theor- and 1roblems !ndiaJs 6orei%n 1olic-7 Re,'$#/e+, %. &'$#/e+,C )3 S4!", G %(4l3 <anorama Aear ;ook / ?ikipedia

7 The @indu 7 ?orld 6ocus )Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

C The !ndian Express 7 1!; : 7 6rontline

!ndia and its nei%hborhood7 relations. ;ilateral/ re%ional and %lobal %roupin%s and a%reements involvin% !ndia and/or affectin% !ndiaJs interests Effect of policies and politics of developed and developin% countries on !ndiaJs interests/

8 VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

!ndian diaspora. !mportant !nternational institutions/ a%encies and fora7 their structure/ mandate.

+ Current Affairs GE SE & /e' CIII: Se+4'",3

4inka%es between development and spread NCERT Cl ## 12: &$l","+ l S+"e%+e: C$%,e!/$' '3 W$'l. &$l","+# ( of extremism. 'hapter : Securit- in the 8ole of external state and non7state actors 'ontemporar- ?orld " in creatin% challen%es to internal securit-. 2%. ARC RE&ORT (Public Order , 'hallen%es to internal securit- throu%h communication networks/ role of media and social networkin% sites in internal securit- challen%es/ basics of c-ber securit-I mone-7launderin% and its prevention Securit- challen%es and their mana%ement in border areasI linka%es of or%ani2ed crime with terrorism =arious Securit- forces and a%encies and their mandate
Capacity Building for Conflict Resolution , Combating Terrorism )
<inistr- of @ome &ffairs

Te#, 13 F483?

Se/, 1M D 2014

&nnual 8eport ()**7()*( 7 <inistr- of @ome &ffairs

7 The @indu 7 1!; : 7 Ao.ana

!ndia -ear ;ook <anorama Aear ;ook 7Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes )Value addition 'aterial

C The !ndian Express C Economic 1olitical ?eekl7 6rontline

AAAE!1 E%"+E"%

GE SE & /e' CIII: Te+1%$l$(3

Science and Technolo%-7 developments and their 7Science : Technolo%- : TMH applications and effects in ever-da- life &4)l"+ ,"$% $' S/e+,'4! &4)l"+ ,"$% &chievements of !ndians in science : technolo%-I indi%eni2ation of technolo%- and developin% new 7 Science 8eporter technolo%-. &wareness in the fields of !T/ Space/ 'omputers/ 7The @indu )Value addition
9 VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

7 ?ikipedia )Vision IAS co! rehensi"e Current a##airs notes

C The !ndian Express 7 1!; : 7 6rontline !nternational Hournals : <a%a2ines

robotics/ nano7technolo%-/ bio7technolo%- and issues relatin% to intellectual propert- ri%hts.


www.sciencema %.or% www.wise%eek.c om

+ Current Affairs

'!=!4 SE8=!'ES (18E4!<!B&8A" EP&</ ()*+

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Te#, 14 F420?

Se/, 2M 2014

C$!/le,e #3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' I ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) Indian -erita+e and Culture, -istor% and &eo+ra h% o# the .orld and Societ%

Te#, 1G F421?

O+,$)e' M 2014

C$!/le,e #3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' II ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) &o"ernance, Constitution, ,olit%, Social /ustice and International relations

Te#, 19 F422?

O+,$)e' 1M 2014

C$!/le,e #3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' III ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) Technolo+% , *cono!ic De"elo !ent , Bio di"ersit% )*n"iron!ent , Securit% and Disaster 'ana+e!ent C$!/le,e S3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' IV ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) *thics, Inte+rit%, and A titude

Te#, 1M F423?

O+,E 2M 2014

10 VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

Te#, 18 F424?

N$- 2 2014

C$!/le,e #3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' I ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) Indian -erita+e and Culture, -istor% and &eo+ra h% o# the .orld and Societ%

Te#, 1: F42G?

N$- : 2014

C$!/le,e #3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' II ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) &o"ernance, Constitution, ,olit%, Social /ustice and International relations

Te#, 20 F429?

N$- 19 2014

C$!/le,e #3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' III ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) Technolo+% , *cono!ic De"elo !ent , Bio di"ersit% )*n"iron!ent , Securit% and Disaster 'ana+e!ent

Te#, 21 F42M?

N$- 2G 2014

C$!/le,e S3ll )4# $5 GESE & /e' IV ( 74ll Le%(,1 Te#, ) *thics, Inte+rit%, and A titude

(@) : &'"%,e. ! ,e'" l FC4''e%, A55 "'# 2 V l4e A..","$% ! ,e'" l? A"ll )e ."#/ ,+1e. ,$ $%l3 ."#, %+e le '%"%( 0 $%l"%e #,4.e%,# $% !$%,1l3 ) #"#E O%l"%e 0 ."#, %+e le '%"%( #,4.e%,# + %
.$A%l$ . B4e#,"$% +4! %#Ae' )$$6le, %. //'$ +1 C %#Ae'C % l3#"# $5 !$+6 ,e#, / /e'# 5'$! V"#"$% IAS $%l"%e &l ,5$'!E : Cl ##'$$! S,4.e%,# + % +$lle+, /'"%,e. ! ,e'" l 5'$! $4' +l ## '$$! +e%,e'E : Classroo' dis(ussion $ill %e (ondu(ted at Karol 1a-) Centre onl2+ 7OCUS
: &nswer writin% skill development/ Structure : presentation of answer/ @ow to present facts/ information : knowled%e in the answer/ 0nderstandin% actual re3uirement (

ke- words / 'ontext : 'ontent" of the 01S' in the different marks t-pes 3uestions ( C) <arks / () marks / *E marks / *( marks / *) marks " and which 3uestions should be attempted for %ood score (strate%- : approach" / 0nderstandin% -our current state preparedness : re3uired action plans and 6ramin% -our mind towards actual pattern/ tou%hness and timin% of the actual 01S' Examination.


:The pattern of 01S' <ains exam is ver- d-namic and unpredictable. Therefore <ock Test papers should be desi%ned based on latest pattern of 01S'. ,ur team frame the
3uestions (6/ '&/ 6'&/ 0" with different difficult- level (E / </ / =" in the <ock test papers. So that the aspirants can simulate the 01S' exam in real sense/ understand the demand of the exam and develop effective writin% skills.

D"55"+4l,3 Le-el (DL)

: Eas- (E)D <edium (M)D ifficult (D)D =er- ifficult (V)

N ,4'e $5 B4e#,"$% (N ,4'e) : 6undamental /'onceptual /'onventional (7)D 'urrent &ffairs ( CA) / 6undamental 5 'urrent &ffairs ( 7CA) and 0nconventional ( U)

11 VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias


:C'",e'" 5$' ##e##!e%, $5 + %.". ,e /e'5$'! %+e "% ,1e A'",,e% IAS e= ! # /e' U&SC "%#,'4+,"$%:
0The !ain *1a!ination is intended to assess the o"erall intellectual traits and de th o# understandin+ o# candidates rather than !erel% the ran+e o# their in#or!ation and !e!or%2. )3nion 4u%li( Ser5i(e Co''ission (34SC)


: Me,1$.$l$(3 5$' e- l4 ,"$% $5 A%#Ae' #1ee,: ,ur expert will evaluate aspirant$s answer sheet on followin% indicators and their experience in the field 01S'. EVALUATION INDICATORS *. &li%nment 'ompetence (. 'ontext 'ompetence C. 'ontent 'ompetence : +. 4an%ua%e 'ompetence E. !ntroduction 'ompetence K. Structure N 1resentations 'ompetence D. 'onclusion 'ompetence MARIS BUESTION N$E Score ( * N E "

S+$'e: S+ le: 1C G E N ,utstandin%

+ N Excellent

C N >ood

( N &vera%e

* 7 1oor

Total 'arks in the 3uestion has (een +i"en on ro er consideration o# $ei+hta+e o# e"er% e"aluation indicators (ased on nature o# the 3uestions and 4,SC e1 erience o# the e1 ert. The score o# e"er% indicator #or an% 3uestion $ill hi+hli+ht candidate5s co! etence er#or!ance (#or understandin+ o# the le"el o# 3ualit% o# the 3uestion and re3uired action lans).


Al"(%!e%, C$!/e,e%+e: - ?ritin% the answer accordin% to the actual re3uirement of the 3uestions - 6ocus on Ge- words : Tail words effectivel- ( *lucidate 6 *1 lain, Co!!ent , *1a!ine , Criticall% e1a!ine , Discuss , Anal%7e , Illustrate , Re"ie$ , Ar+ue , /usti#% etc.) T C$%,e=, C$!/e,e%+e: - 'ontextual understandin% of the Suestions - formation / choice of words and proper statement C$%,e%, C$!/e,e%+e : - 'ontent of the answer in the contextual framework L %(4 (e C$!/e,e%+e : - ,ptional Sub.ect Specific 4an%ua%e not used %eneral words in the optional paper ( but !n >eneral Studies lan%ua%e should be simple and clear " - &ppropriate words at proper place / ?ord limits
12 VISION IAS follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

S,'4+,4'e L &'e#e%, ,"$% C$!/e,e%+e: - 1roper s-stemati2ation in the structure of the answer / 1roper consideration of priorit- and focus of %iven ideas. - 4o%ical structure of sentence and their connectivit- proper visibilit- of idea throu%h facts/ data / dia%ram / fi%ure / illustration accordin% to the re3uirement of the 3uestion I%,'$.4+,"$% L C$%+l4#"$% C$!/e,e%+e: - !mpressive be%innin% and Endin% of the answer / >ive -our opinion onl- when asked for it. - !ncorporate -our opinion from different perspective in a balance manner -



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12 Tea' Vision .AS


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NATURE : 6lexible/ c-clic/ !nteractive iscussion TEST TIMING: *) &< : ( 1< (Ever- da- of the week "

C$%, +, N$E : 0:9G091M80M D 0::9802:03: D :M1M192G:G ( Suer- Timin% *) &< to D 1< "

E! "l : * 3E-"#"$%" #R(! "lE+$! D * 3S4$'R3 1$$E+$!

I '$l B (1 Ce%,e' ( @ead ,ffice " M461e'*ee N ( ' R *"%.' N ( ' Ce%,e' J "/4' Ce%,e'

: */F7; / (nd 6loor / &psara &rcade / Bear >ate K / Garol ;a%h <etro / elhi 7**)))E : *)C / *st floor / ;/*7( / &nsal ;uildin% / ;ehind 0', ;ank / r. < Ba%ar / elhi N **)))L : DE/ Crd 6loor / ,ld 8a.inder Ba%ar <arket Bear &xis ;ank / Bew elhi N **))K) : *st 6loor / E / Gailash =ihar / Bear &pex <all / 4al Gothi />andhi Ba%ar <ode / <; : L))*L+L(++ / LDLLLD+)C(
13 follow visionias at facebook!/visionias

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