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Bordwell. Chapter 1 Films as Art Creativity, Technology, and Business.

Bringing the Film to the Audience: Distribution and Exhibition

Distribution: The Center of Power
1. Why are distributors important for exhibitors and for filmmakers? 2. What else do the major distributors do? 3. When does a film usually start to make a profit? What does it imply for distributors and exhibitors? 4. What is blind booking? 5. What is block booking? 6. Why did a Theater manager in upstate New York say Selling food is my job. I just happen to work in a 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
theater.? What is synergy? What is platforming? What is wide release? Why has wide release extended even though its costly? What does a publicity campaign include? What is merchandising? What is cross-promotion? What are the ancillary markets?

Exhibition: Theatrical and Nontheatrical

What is the difference between theatrical and nontheatrical markets? How do cinemas and television complement? What were the consequences of multiplexes? Why have exhibitors worried about shrinking windows?

Artistic Implications of Distribution and Exhibition

19. How can distribution and exhibition influence in the production in a. Cinemas b. DVDs c. Mobile phones d. The web 20. How can merchandising and marketing influence in the story? 21. What are the problems with image size? 22. How does product placement influence in the story?

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