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A/Turn the sentences into reported Speech.

1) " I live in an apartment in Cambridge."

Dorothy said ..
2) " You need to eat more fruits and vegetables ", the doctor said.
The doctor told me
3) " I 'm working late this evening."
Mr. Smith informed them
4) " You must come back by 9:00 pm."
We told her ..
5) " I have been to a lot of places."
He often said ..
6) " I drove home last night."
Jack said ..
7) Jerry said," I 'm studying English a lot at the moment."
Jerry said
8) Peter said," I may bring someone with me to the party. "
Peter said
9) " Is it cold outside? "
He wanted to know
10) Mrs. Doyle asked the students, "Are you ready for the examination?"
Mrs. Doyle asked the students ..
11) " Do you work in Boston, Donald?"
She asked Donald
12) Mark asked me," Why do you want to study Russian? "
Mark wanted to know
13) "Has he finished reading the newspaper?"
Do you know .
14) She asked me, " When are we going to leave? "
She asked me
15) Jason asked Mary, "Are you coming with me?"
Jason asked
B/Write the actual sentences these people said.
I) Jane said she liked watching scary movies.
Jane said, "..."
2) Tom said that he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.
Torn said, " "
3) She told me that she had worked there since she left her last job.
She said, " "
4) We asked whether it was possible to borrow three books.
We said to the assistant, " "

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