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The fossil in question was generally regarded to be the 220 million-year-old remains of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Several years ago, however, this hypothesis was overturned by the discovery of yet another species { orehouse, !""# $2!% which is now the undisputed progeny {&rgus, !""! $!'(Turnhouse, !")* $2+% of the species at hand. ,hile the true origin of this larger reptile is quite uncertain at this time, it is thought to be from central or eastern &sia. ,here the other species {Schwart-, !""0 $*% arose is a mystery. .f it was central &sia, we could reasonably infer that other reptiles were not dominant in this ecosystem. Some thin/ that we will never /now{0illos/i, !")* $!+(Schwart-, !"*+ $2'(,hiting, !")* $2*%. 1owever, fossils currently in the museum in 0erlin provide strong evidence that the emerging reptile was small-boned and duc/billed{,hiting, !")* $2*%, possibly with a larger wing-li/e arm.

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