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at any time if demmed necesary or appropiate and without notice i gotta share something back all of a sudden i suppose

it has to do i think it gotta be that i suppose it has to do with the well actually thats something i still dont fully get im pissed off this isa got to be one of the worse case i got a bit busy so do i you still have some days remainig teachinghow is that going im not texting back again beverage desvelo bring forth endeavors alrevez one who <<<<<el que im done waiting hopefully aid dar forma<<<< shape match<<<<emparejar lending the more you have sex the longer youll live narrowband streams of charged likewise dingy polls gaze that makes no sense realice nighmare besides boundary spoiled hopefully slave kind of<<<<<asi como

El JUST sirve para decir que acabas de hacer algo. Va entre la forma correspondiente de HAVE y el participio pasado. ejemplo: acabo de desayunar = i have just had breakfast

Tambin significa "simplemente, solamente, sencillamente". ejemplo: solo estaba bromeando = I was JUST kidding, o ms coloquial, JUST kidding! Espero haberte ayudado.

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