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Net-Centric Networks

Lab #1

Guidelines and rules:

A group of 5 students should be organized in order to deliver assailments. Grading Policy : o Its a Group grade, if a member screwed up the whole team is affected each member should answer any question to make his group not to lose marks. o Copied sheets and Labs are graded 0 for the source and the copier. o TA said you should use Redhat Linux but, Dr. Mohamed said youre free to use any Linux distribution.

Do the following tasks and understand them correctly:
1. Kill the GUI completely and jump to the shell tty. 2. Lock screen and make it accept your input. Make a shortcut to exit the lock screen thus you see the output. o Example: The screen is locked you type ls. You see nothing at all. After you make a certain key pattern the lock is closed and youre seeing the output of your executed command 3. Create 3 Directories H1,H2,H3 H1 f1, f2, f3 H2 f4 f5 f6 H3 o Change permissions for all the files and folders inside H1 to r-x-w-rwx with only one command. o Put it in trash Dont delete, trash it without GUI. o Find a command to view permissions o Directory H3 : cut H1 and put it in H3, then rename to your username 4. Write a command to print this Hi (username) your date is (todays date)all the data are from the system no date shall be entered by hand. 5. Change Bash History size to 5000 6. Change the bash prompt looks like to this format [Username UserID Time] # 7. Command to show all files and folders including hidden ones. 8. Create variable seen by all users Global system variable 9. Create a new command that prints date time and ls. 10. Hadoop installation

Bonus problem:
11. Reset password of root using a command while booting.

This is Human work based on my notes at the lab, I double checked Using Mustafa AlArabies note, Use it at your own risk, and its not my issue if you lose marks this handout can burn your cat if used. Youre welcome to correct questions, as the TA didnt give the lab handouts.

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