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1 Point

2 Points

3 Points

Grammar Mechanics, Sentence Structure and overall quality


Sentences were Consistently grammatically incorrect and were not varied in type. Numerous errors are present and appears to have not been proofread. Paper incorporates content from 2 or less resources

Sentences were not always grammatically correct and were not varied in type. A few errors were present and needs further proofreading

Sentences were grammatically correct and were varied in type. Few, if any, errors are present and well proofread.

Paper incorporates content from a few sources (3-4)

Paper incorporates content from multiple sources (5-6).

Works Cited

Sources are not included; no works cited page

Sources are included but not in APA format

Sources are included and in correct APA format


No images are included

1-2 images are included; images are included but not relevant

3 or more related images are included


Rough draft is not included and peer review is missing

Rough draft is included but peer review is missing

Rough draft is included and peer review is present


Information is not accurate and no questions are answered. Information is missing about all or most topics.

Some information is accurate and partially explained. A few questions are answered, or information is missing about a topic.

Information is accurate and through. All questions are answered in article.

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