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Man of Steel 2 Fan Fic Part One By Lee Thomson

Superman Created by Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster. A fictional sequel to the 2013 movie: Man of Steel

EXT.SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN -- DAY SUB: SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN OPEN OCEAN. The ROAR of an ENGINE draws our attention toA MASSIVE OIL TANKER slowing fighting through rough seas. As it passes- BOOM!- An EXPLOSION blows a hole in the side of the boat. INT. OIL TANKER -- CONTINUOUS CHAOS. KLAXONS sound, crew are frantically running in all directions. Various EXPLOSIONS can be heard in all directions. One CREWMAN- freaked- shuts a bulk head door behind him. He slowly... steps... back. His eyes dont come off the door. All the noise and chaos seems to vanish, as his focus remains 100% on the door. BANG!- WHAT THE FUCK- BANG!- Something- or someone begins pounding the door. FIST MARKS appear in the thick steel. Suddenly, the door is just RIPPED AWAY. The Crewman reaches for a gun- opens fire- on the MYSTERIOUS FIGURE silhouetted by intense fire. Bullets appear to do nothing. The Mysterious Figure pushes forward. The Crewman terrified- CLICK- OUT OF AMMO. Desperate he throws the gun- A HAND SNATCHES IN FROM THE AIR- CRUSHES IT. Could this Mysterious Man be...Superman? The Crewman makes a run for it- hes grabbed by the necklifted- choked- then tossed to the floor. EXT.SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN -- DAY The Tanker groans as it breaks up... begins to sink.


INT. ENGINE ROOM, OIL TANKER -- MOMENTS LATER SEVERAL CREWMAN, each holding weapons- A mix of small guns, to larger rocket launchers- stood around the tankers NUCLEAR REACTOR CORE. This is a typical tanker. They appear nervous, like they knew they have no chance. The last stand of the brave. Quiet. Maybe they got away with it, maybe theyre safeSMASH- The Mysterious Figure, still burning, burst through the wall- the "TROOPS" open fire. No Effect. The Figure doesnt people like rag-dolls. Two Crewman try to load their Rocket Launcher, clearly not prepared for this- Its snatched from their grip. They stare up at the figureA Man- HALF HIS FACE COVERED IN CYBERNETIC IMPLANTS. He appears to scan the Rocket Launcher. A Crewman takes his chance- runs- but like a boss, this Metal Man doesnt even look as he swipes the Crewman away with INCREDIBLE FORCE. Suddenly, the Bazooka begins to break down, and disintegrate in his hands, but- NO WAY- ITS REFORMING AS A SHOULDER MOUNTED ROCKET LAUNCHER. Scary, but pretty badass. The Shoulder Launcher aims down at the Last Crewman. METAL MAN Leave. No need for a second invitation, the Final Crewman is outta there. INT. BRIDGE, OIL TANKER -- SAME TIME THE CAPTAIN, who stands straight like a military man, is on a SAT-PHONE. CAPTAIN Sir, we have a potential leak. Core compromised. We dont hear the orders, but they hit the Captain like a brick to the face. CAPTAIN Yes, sir, no trace.




The Captain puts down the phone. Flicks open a control panel. He takes a moment to look at his crew. They know. A deep breath...contemplating- Flicks the switch in an instant, like when you remove a plaster quickly to avoid the pain. CLOSE ON: DISPLAY SHOWING A COUNTDOWN 1:00...0:59...0:58 The Captain looks upThe BOAT STARTS TO TIP FORWARD. EXT.SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN -- DAY The TANKER IS SINKING at an incredible rate. INT. ENGINE ROOM, OIL TANKER -- SAME TIME The Metal Man steps forward. Places an affectionate hand on the CoreKLAXONS SOUND- The Core seals itself off in an instant. METAL MAN No. The Metal Man tries to tear off the Sealing Chamber. However, it is at least five times as thick as anything else on the boat. PUNCHES IT, not even a dent. Concentrates. The Tentacles try to break down the steel, like they did the Rocket Launcher. Suddenly- a severe headache takes hold. The Metal Man falls to the ground. Water begins gushing into the engine room. The Metal Man looks up. A look of desperate realization takes hold. BACK ON THE BRIDGE The WINDOWS GIVE WAY- Water rushing in- running over the bridge crew.

4. EXT. UNDER THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN -- DAY The BOAT falls to the bottom of the ocean. INT. BRIDGE, OIL TANKER -- SAME TIME CLOSE ON: COUNTER AS IT REACHES THE END OF ITS COUNTDOWN...5...4...3 INT. ENGINE ROOM, OIL TANKER -- SAME TIME Metal Man floats in the water. No air bubbles appear from his mouth- but his eyes stare at the engine as it reaches critical levels. EXT. UNDER THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN -- DAY A moment- then the SHIP COLLAPSES IN ON ITSELF. Then unleashes all the built up energy in a MASSIVE BLASTOCEAN SURFACE BOOM!- DEBRIS SCATTERS INTO THE AIR AS THE BLAST BURSTS THROUGH THE OCEANS SURFACE. FOCUS ON: FLOATING METAL HANDBACK UNDER THE OCEAN The ground begins to TREMOR. BUBBLES AND SAND begin to float upwards as they are shaken free. They start to cover our view...until we are engulfed in darknessFADE TO: EXT. METROPOLIS -- DAY DUST. TICKING of cooling metal. An image starts to emergeMetropolis. Broken. Destroyed. A COLD WIND blows dust off a Buildings skeletal remains. An UPBEAT MALE VOICE, with an infomercial tone starts talking over the horrific scenes of devastation. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) Dreams. Various shots of people stumbling from wreckage, most of them visibly injured. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) When did our greatest city stop dreaming? INT. METROPOLIS GRAND STATION -- DAY Footage looks to be taken from a mobile phone. It is struggling to find a shot. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) Was it when we learned the truth?


Finally it lands a killer shot- SUPERMAN, HANDS AROUND ZODS NECK- this is the final moments of their epic showdown. The Family are out of shot. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) That the monsters in our worst nightmaresSUPERMAN SNAPS ZODS NECK- Image freezes on an unflatteringaggressive- looking Superman... UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) -Were real. BACK TO CITY LEXCORP MEDICAL STAFF run to the injured. Wrap cloths around them. Carry CHILDREN. All care, all smiles...All propaganda. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) Well, LexCorp never stopped dreaming. Voice becomes more upbeat- if thats possible. HIGH ABOVE THE DEVASTATED CITY Looking down on all the devastation- suddenly the images speed up to an insane rate- construction crews moving in and out, clearing the debris- the frames of new buildings erect in record time. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) In just over three years, LexCorp has invested more money than any other American company. Still at high speed- The FAMOUS DAILY PLANET GLOBE is being lowered into place, the beginning of an iconic Metropolis landscape. (CONTINUED)



UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) Thats 3 times more than the Wayne Foundation- Over 10 times more that Queen Consolidated. INT. MEDICAL FACILITY -- DAY CLOSE ON: ADVANCED PROSTHETIC LEGS RUNNING ON A TREAD MILL. CHEESY MUSIC KICKS IN. Pull back to reveal- A high-tech recovery room. Doctors monitor patience- all with a high-tech limb- One Guy crushes a STEEL PIPE with his BIONIC ARM. BIONIC ARM GUYS DOCTOR Easy, Tim. BIONIC ARM GUY Sorry, Doc- this is still new to me. BIONIC ARM GUYS DOCTOR Thats OK, Tim, together well get there. Its enough to make you want to throw-up. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) But, were not just rebuilding a city. A couple of doctors are gathered around a BED RIDDEN PATIENT. Monitor above the bed: AN X-RAY OF THE PATIENTS CHEST. All seems normal. DOCTOR ONE hits a button on his TABLET. The organs on the X-RAY spring into life. Then it hits us- HOLY SHIT- THE RIBCAGE, LUNGS, AND HEARTtheyre all ARTIFICIAL. UPBEAT MALE (V.O.) We are also rebuilding lives. The guy on the treadmill stops running. Tired.




TREADMILL GUYS DOCTOR Good work. How do you feel? Image pulls back, discover we are watching video on a wall mounted TV. ON MONITORCLOSE ON: Treadmill Guys face, pulls a rehearsed smile. TREADMILL GUY (thumb up) Great. Thanks LexCScreen goes black. WOMANS VOICE (O.S.) What a load of crap. A woman lowers the REMOTE CONTROL revealing a sassy, tailored redhead- THE ONE AND ONLY LOIS LANE. LOIS LANE Were meant to buy that? (recreates the thumb up shot from the video) "Great. Thanks LexCorp" Heads to her desk, discover we are in theINT. BULLPIT, DAILY PLANET -- DAY The office is awash with activity. Everybody seems to have somewhere to go, or a deadline to meet. CLOCKS OF DIFFERENT TIME ZONES ON THE WALL. TV MONITORS wallpaper one wall, each one displaying world news- Superman related events are on several of the displays: - Display One: Superman saves villagers. - Display Two: Superman stops landslide. Another Monitors news is not so supportive. - Display Three: Locals claim seeing alien before new flu virus outbreak. This monitor also turns out to be LexCorp News.




PAN OVER MONITORS and see more Radical claims of Superman being responsible for viruses, disasters...all unsupported, but damaging nonetheless. Hang over the last monitor: - Monitor Four: Shows a graphic displaying the epicenter of an Earthquake- AT THE SAME LOCATION AS OUR SUNKEN BOAT. STEVE LOMBARD, 40s, rests against a filling cabinet. STEVE LOMBARD Lois, I get that this guy is know. Boy. Lois gives him the "What the fuck you just say look". STEVE LOMBARD (trying to be more tactful) You know what I mean. Youre close. So I get why youd be pissed if someone was not on the same page as you. Steve turns the monitor back on. Just to catch the end of the video- Which turns out to be a Presidential Campaign video for Lex Luthor. STEVE LOMBARD However, you cant knock what hes done for the city. For those effected. Lois ignores him. He was right, she is pissed. Lois finally finds what she has been looking for: Two Sheets of paper. She holds them up triumphantly. LOIS LANE I doubt any of these people will be thanking Lex. Two claims against LexCorp both claiming medical procedures were done against their will, and each of them suffered severe neurological damageSteve is not impressed. Takes a deep sigh. STEVE LOMBARD And they both couldnt prove any connection to LexCorp. Nor could any INDEPENDENT experts prove they were subjected to anything other than standard medical attention(MORE) (CONTINUED)



STEVE LOMBARD (contd) sorry Lois your Evidence is just a couple of guys looking to sue their way to the American dream. Lois shrugs. Steve is now intrigued, Lois should be pissed for being shot down. STEVE LOMBARD Youve printed the story havent you? You know Perry gets annoyed when you do this kinda thingLOIS LANE Well the last time I did this kinda thing didnt I break a small little story about a man who might not be around here. Lois has got Steve there. Lois is quite chuffed with himself. LOIS LANE So, I think Perry has learned to cut me a little slackPERRY WHITE (O.S.) (shouting, furious tone) LOIS, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE. Now Steve is looking smug. PERRY WHITE (O.S.) What the HELL is this? INT. PERRY WHITES OFFICE, DAILY PLANET -- DAY PERRY WHITE, 60s, holds up a piece of paper- LOISS ARTICLE. LOIS LANE Its the truth. Perry slams the paper on to his ebony deskPERRY WHITE BASED ON WHAT LOIS? Perry walks around his desk with purpose. OLD DAILY PLANET NEWSPAPERS are mounted on the wall. The whole office has a classic feel to it.




LOIS LANE I have credible claimsPERRY WHITE CREDIBLE CLAIMS! Lois if your claims were remotely credible I would not have spent the last hour talk to Lexs many, very expensive lawyers about how many words it is going to take in your retraction tomorrow to stop him from suing us back into the stone age. LOIS LANE Retraction- Perry, Listen. If you just let me run with this I know I can get something, the only reason he is threatening legal action must be because I have him rattled. PERRY WHITE No, Lois. Until you have proof you cant keep going behind my back like thisLOIS LANE Seemed to turn out alright the last time. Perry doesnt take kindly to anybody, even Lois Lane, trying to one-up him. PERRY WHITE Youre right. Last time you printed an article without concrete proof, you got lucky. Lois feels she has won a minor victoryPERRY WHITE But, let me remind you how that panned out: The reason you were not laughed out this office- HELL OUT THIS INDUSTRY- is because he brought a full scale invasion to our planet thatLOIS LANE (jumping in to defend her man) Perry, thats a little unfair-




PERRY WHITE -THAT!.. We were not ready for. Lois hates it, but she is starting to see his point. LOIS LANE Sounds like your saying we shouldnt print the truth, Perry. PERRY WHITE You still dont get it do you? When they arrived, threatening our world. Where do you think people went for information? Hmm? LOIS LANE My articlPERRY WHITE Damn right your article, your leaked article. How hot can his... (gesturing) eyes beams go? LOIS LANE (under breath) I dont know. PERRY WHITE Exactly how strong is he, how fast can he fly? LOIS LANE I dont know. PERRY WHITE Is he indestructible, or does he have a weakness? LOIS LANE (had enough) I DONT KNOW. PERRY WHITE (calmer, point made) Exactly. If you cant answer questions raised in your an article, how do you think people who are scared, frightened will react when they have those same questions, but lack the facts necessary to answer them? They will make up their own theories, ideas, (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: PERRY WHITE (contd) theyll search the internet and believe any whack-job who puts shaky cam footage of a Frisbee claiming to be alien contact, and theyll stop trusting us, Lois. Perry gestures. Lois can leavePERRY WHITE Oh, before you go. Where is Kent, the guy has worked here 3 years and I feel like I have barely seen his face around here. Lois turns. LOIS LANE Ive had him chasing up Superman sightings, doing follow stories of places hes been... so, my guess: He is probably on his way to Peru. PERRY WHITE Peru? LOIS LANE News came in about 20 minutes ago. Earthquake in the region, 8.3. So, my other guess is... EXT. SKIES OVER PERU -- DAY Clouds above city LOIS LANE (O.S.) ...the Man of Steel will be there too. SUPERMAN flies past at tremendous speedCITY OF CALLAO, PERU


CACOPHONY OF DESPERATE PEOPLE, CRUMBLING BUILDINGS, AND EMERGENCY SERVICES SIRENS. A city in mass panic- everyone trying to escape- victims covered in blood- children covered in soot of collapsed buildings. A historical fortress- Castillo de Real Felipe- falls into the harbor below. People scream as an icon of the city crumbles(CONTINUED)



MAIN SQUARE Superman lands like a champ- time slows. Superman appears normal speed as the world around him is in slow motion. Assessing the situation. [NOTES THE BELOW WILL BE ONE LONG SHOT, AS IF FLOATING AROUND THE SCENE] - A couple desperately hang out of a window, the building engulfed in flames. - A truck flipping over as it jack-knifes, heading for a small family. - Large cracks crawl up the building, its structural integrity about to give way. Here... we...go... BACK TO REAL TIMEAt lighting speed- Superman places himself in front of the truck- just in time- WHAM!- the metal and steel crush around him- the stand to see- Superman not wasting a momentFlies up to the couple- grabbing them- placing them on the groundSUPERMAN Get to high ground- Quickly. COUPLE (running away) Thank you. Supermans attention is brought back to the building by aCRUMBING SOUND- CRACKS HAVE DONE THEIR WORK- The building starts to fallSuperman plants to firm hands- foot crushes into the ground under the buildings weight. More STEEL BEAMS start to give way- Superman scans the building- So many people yet to make it- if those beams go, the building goes no matter what Superman goesSuddenly, the moment is broken by the sound of- RUMBLING THUNDER. A desperate look appears- Superman knows what is comingHARBORS EDGE (CONTINUED)



A SMALL NAVAL SHIP begins to be pulled out towards the Ocean. Only the boats anchor stopping it going further. The Ship begins to sink- but not sink- the water is receding. In the distant we see the cause of the RUMBLING THUNDER- Shit has just hit the fan- A TSUNAMI IS INBOUND. BACK UNDER THE BUILDING Superman- panicked- decision time. The beams wont last another couple of minutes- he needs to go if he has any chance of stopping that waveSuperman closes his eyes weighing up the god like decision of choosing who lives or who dies. EXT. KENT FARM -- DAY FLASHBACK: Jonathan Kent, 50s, working on his prized truck. Dam thing wont start again. A 16 year old Clark Kent wonders over carrying a football and a cheeky grin. YOUNG CLARK You know, I could take up football. Money Id get, we could buy you a new truck everyday of the week. JONATHAN KENT I think we both know your father put you on this planet to do more than play football. Clark looks down at the ball, frustrated. Another reminder he isnt normal. Jonathan puts down the rags. JONATHAN KENT Son, I know this isnt easy for ya. Life rarely is. Now, I know you want to fit in, be like your friends, but youre see, you have a destiny, Clark. Your path will take you beyond the simply choices people like me make like: Should I be a lawyer or a doctor, who should I invite to the prom... (CONTINUED)



(takes the ball) ...should I be a quarterback or a receiver. Clark glances up at his dad, who is looking out into the world, as if picturing the great man he will become. JONATHAN KENT When the world sees you for how special you are...Son, youll be faced with lifes toughest choices, and you may not always be right, at times youll doubt your resolve...but if always do what is best...if you show the people that youre willing to face insurmountable odds to do whats right, then youll give the people something much more than money...or catching a football ever could. Clark appears lost in the words YOUNG CLARK Whats that? JONATHAN KENT Hope, Clark...hope. CUT TO: EXT. CALLAO, PERU -- DAY Superman opens his eyes- more determined than ever- the final group are heading down, but still a few floors upSHIT- The support beams about to giveSLOW SPEEDSuperman flies up through the concrete ceiling and floors. The building in slow collapse. Sees the group at the end of the corridor- FUCK IT- Superman flies at a crazy speed- right past the GROUP OF THREE- so fast- the speed lifts them off their feet- at last second Superman turns- his back facing the wall- ready for impactSMASH!OUTSIDE THE BUILDING Superman breaks through- leaving a massive hole is his wake(CONTINUED)



BACK TO NORMAL SPEED The group- caught in Supermans slipstream fly out the building- caught one by one- and lowered to the ground. Without hesitation Superman is back in the airEXT. CALLAO, PERU -- DAY Superman flies to the Tsunami, mother natures might dwarfing his own- their is no way to stop the wave. Superman starts to deep Until he sucks in a huge amount of air- his chest expandingthen compressing, along with all that air- then FUCKING UNLEASHES- Slowing one section of the wave- slowly turns to ice- but the rest just arcs around. Superman runs out of breath- faint- takes a second to regroup. Ok. Plan B. Closes his eyes. They glow. Brighter. Superman cliches his fists as if this is even a heat causing him great pain. OPENS- The most intense beams of heat burst out- Superman screams in agony- the beams smash into the wave- instantly creating steam- as water evaporates- the wave shrinks as it spreads itself thinnerBACK AT THE PORT People scramble as they make their way for higher groundSuperman can be seen unleashing another HEAT VISION BURSTAT THE WAVE Superman has to stop- beams weaker, not as intenseexhausted- smoke emitting from his eyes- he cant stop the wave, although its power is greatly reduced. Superman flies back towards theCOASTLINE Floats above as the wave begins it attack on the port. He can see floating bodies. He may have saved hundreds off lives, but the ones he lost still hurts like Hell.




Something shining in the water grabs his attention- it is different from the other debris. Floats down picks up the object- ITS METAL MANS METALLIC SPINE AND HEAD. The skin is missing. The robotic eye seems to stare up at Superman. He gently feels the metal, studies the tech...its Kryptonian, at least in inspiration. Superman looks up- someone has been grave robbing. PISSEDSuperman rockets into the sky.

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