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BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE! Read this and then reread it. Especially the last part...

I walked int the !r cery st re n t partic"larly interested in #"yin! !r ceries. I wasn$t h"n!ry. The pain % l sin! &y h"s#and % '( years was still t raw. And this !r cery st re held s &any sweet &e& ries. He %ten ca&e with &e and al& st e)ery ti&e he$d pretend t ! %% and l k % r s &ethin! special. I knew what he was "p t . I$d always sp t hi& walkin! d wn the aisle with the three yell w r ses in his hands. He knew I l )ed yell w r ses. With a

heart %illed with !rie%* I nly wanted t #"y &y %ew ite&s and lea)e* #"t e)en !r cery sh ppin! was di%%erent since he had passed n. +h ppin! % r ne t k ti&e* a little & re th "!ht than it had % r tw . +tandin! #y the &eat* I searched % r the per%ect s&all steak and re&e&#ered h w he had l )ed his steak. +"ddenly a w &an ca&e #eside &e. +he was #l nde* sli& and l )ely in a s %t !reen pants"it. I watched as she picked "p a lar!e packa!e % T,# nes* dr pped the& in her #asket.. Hesitated* and then p"t the& #ack.

+he t"rned t ! and nce a!ain reached % r the pack % steaks. +he saw &e watchin! her and she s&iled. $-y h"s#and l )es T,# nes* #"t h nestly* at these prices* I d n$t kn w.$ I swall wed the e& ti n d wn &y thr at and &et her pale #l"e eyes. $-y h"s#and passed away ei!ht days a! *$ I t ld her. .lancin! at the packa!e in her hands* I % "!ht t c ntr l the tre&#le in &y ) ice. $B"y hi& the steaks. And cherish e)ery & &ent y " ha)e t !ether.$ +he sh k her head and I saw the

e& ti n in her eyes as she placed the packa!e in her #asket and wheeled away. I t"rned and p"shed &y cart acr ss the len!th % the st re t the dairy pr d"cts. There I st d* tryin! t decide which si/e &ilk I sh "ld #"y. A 0"art* I %inally decide ed and & )ed n t the ice crea&. I% n thin! else* I c "ld always %i1 &ysel% an ice crea& c ne. I placed the ice crea& in &y cart and l ked d wn the aisle t ward the %r nt. I saw %irst the !reen s"it* then rec !ni/ed the pretty lady c &in! t wards &e. In her ar&s she carried a packa!e. On her %ace was the

#ri!htest s&ile! I had e)er seen. I w "ld swear a s %t hal encircled her #l nde hair as she kept walkin! t ward &e* her eyes h ldin! &ine. As she ca&e cl ser* I saw what she held and tears #e!an &istin! in &y eyes. $These are % r y "*$ she said and placed three #ea"ti%"l l n! ste&&ed yell w r ses in &y ar&s. $When y " ! thr "!h the line* they will kn w these are paid % r.$ +he leaned )er and placed a !entle kiss n &y cheek* then s&iled a!ain. I wanted t tell her what she$d d ne* what the r ses &eant* #"t still "na#le t speak* I watched as she walked away as tears cl "ded &y )isi n.

I l ked d wn at the #ea"ti%"l r ses nestled in the !reen tiss"e wra ppin! and % "nd it al& st "nreal. H w did she kn w2 +"ddenly the answer see& ed s clear. I wasn$t al ne. Oh* y " ha)en$t % r! tten &e* ha)e y "2 I whispered* with tears in &y eyes. He was still with &e* and she was his an!el. E)ery day #e thank%"l % r what y " ha)e and wh y " are. 3Please read all % this* it is really nice4 This is a si&ple re5"est. I% y " appreciate li%e* send this t y "r %riends* incl"din! the pers n that sent

it t y ". E)en th "!h I cl"tch &y #lanket and !r wl when the alar& rin!s. Thank y "* 6 rd* that I can hear. There are &any wh are dea%. E)en th "!h I keep &y eyes cl sed a!ainst the & rnin! li!ht as l n! as p ssi#le. Thank y "* 6 rd * that I can see. -any are #lind. E)en th "!h I h"ddle in &y #ed and p"t %% risin!. Thank y "* 6 rd* that I ha)e the stren!th t rise. There are &any wh are #edridden. E)en th "!h the %irst h "r % &y day is hectic* when s cks are l st* t ast is

#"rned* te&pers are sh rt* and &y children are s l "d. Thank y "* 6 rd* % r &y %a&ily. There are &any wh are l nely. E)en th "!h "r #reak%ast ta#le ne)er l ks like the pict"re in &a!a/ines and the &en" is at ti&es "n#alanced. Thank y "* 6 rd* % r the % d we ha)e. There are &any wh are h"n!ry. E)en th "!h the r "tine % &y 7 # %ten is & n t n "s. Thank y "* 6 rd* % r the pp rt"nity t w rk. There are &any wh ha)e n 7 #. E)en th "!h I !r"&#le and #e& an &y

%ate %r & day t day and wish &y circ"&stances were n t s & dest. Thank y "* 6 rd* % r li%e. Pass this n t the %riends y " kn w. It &i!ht help a #it t &ake this w rld a #etter place t li)e* ri!ht2 A %riend is s &e ne we t"rn t when "r spirits need a li%t. A %riend is s &e ne t treas"re. 8 r %riendship is a !i%t. A %riend is s &e ne wh %ills "r li)es with Bea"ty* 9 y and .race and &akes the w rld we li)e in a #etter and happier place.

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