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Fieldwork I Service Learning Fieldsite Project November 29, 2013 reasa Porter I made an !

""er e#tremit$ active range o% motion &ome e#ercise "rogram %or m$ %ieldwork service learning "roject at 'ta& (alle$ S"ecialt$ )os"ital* +$ ,I asked me to make a &ome e#ercise "rogram %or t&e "atients at '(S)* I s"ent a""ro#imatel$ two and a &al% &o!rs researc&ing di%%erent &ome e#ercise "rograms, and a%ter t&e "roject was com"leted, I s"ent total o% abo!t %ive and a &al% &o!rs working on it* &is "roject cost ver$ little, j!st "a"er and ink I alread$ &ad at m$ &ome, b!t it will be a great val!e to t&e ,- . and "atients at ' S)* /!ring m$ %ieldwork I observed several "atients do an '0 )0P wit& &era1band %or resistance* For some "atience t&is was too e#&a!sting, and t&e$ did not &ave t&e strengt& to com"lete t&e &era1band e#ercises* /!ring m$ researc& I %o!nd several di%%erent )0Ps graded to di%%erent degrees o% di%%ic!lt$ and di%%erent coordination and strengt& b!ilding levels* I %elt like t&e greatest need %or t&is "atient "o"!lation was an active range o% motion, wit& no resistance )0P* &e %acilit$

was alread$ !sing a good )0P wit& &era1band, b!t not&ing wit&o!t resistance* I %elt t&is wo!ld be a good )0P in addition to t&e ones t&e ,- . was alread$ !sing* .%ter talking to m$ ,I abo!t w&at I %o!nd in m$ researc&, s&e agreed t&at an .2-+ wit& no resistance wo!ld be t&e most &el"%!l to t&e "atients at '(S)* .n )0P is !sed b$ to most "atients at t&is %acilit$ w&ile t&e$ are in t&e &os"ital, and one is sent &ome wit& t&em at disc&arge* +$ )0P will be a good o"tion %or t&e ,- . to !se wit& "atients t&at are not read$ %or &era1band )0Ps, or anot&er o"tion %or an$ "atient*

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