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PhDCandidate Email

: :

Abdul Muaz Hapipi Bin Mohd Yusoff muaz88_kun@ ahoo!"om : $%aduate &"hool of En'i%onmental and (ife &"ien"e Di'ision of &ustainabilit of *esou%"es Development of Co-based Catalyst for The Improvement of Gasoline Production

#a"ult Ma)o% : P%oposed *esea%"h :

Proposed Study Plan

1st year semester 1 (April 2014 - August 2014)
+! (ite%atu%e *e'ie, -! Catal st P%epa%ation .! #/ & nthesis

1st year semester 2 (September 2014 March 201

+! (ite%atu%e *e'ie, -! #/ & nthesis

2nd year semester 1 (April 201

+! (ite%atu%e *e'ie, -! Catal st P%epa%ation .! #/ & nthesis

- August 201 )

2nd year semester 2 (September 201

+! (ite%atu%e *e'ie, -! #/ & nthesis

March 201!)

"nd year semester 1 (April 201!- August 201!)

+! (ite%atu%e *e'ie, -! Catal st P%epa%ation .! #/ & nthesis

"nd year semester 2 (September 201! - March 201#)

+! -! .! 0! (ite%atu%e *e'ie, Catal st P%epa%ation #/ & nthesis /hesis 1%itin2

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