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When people get most diseases, sometimes it can be traced back to an individuals lifestyle.

If you have high blood pressure, or heart problems, most times it is attributed to ones lifestyle. The diet ones on, the stress that is involved in someone's life, smoking...these and dozens of others factors can be found when one is diagnosed with high blood pressure, or heart condition. Cancer is the same way. Just about everything now a days can be attributed to or thought to cause cancer. From smoking to agent orange, to fibers in the air we breathe, to coal dust. But with dementia none of this is the case. I didn't get dementia cause I smoke, or cause I had a few beers in my day. Nor did I get dementia cause of the food I eat. It's a disease. A disease of the brain and for what ever reason I and over 5 million people have it, and someone else is diagnosed every 12 seconds. This fact alone makes us want to blame someone. You can't blame the tobacco companies for dementia. or the auto makers for all the emissions that are in the air from vehicles. We can't blame any one thing on dementia. And that is what we all want. Someone, something to blame. It's in our DNA to want to blame. I never once blamed anyone or anything from being diagnosed. I am sure there are people around me, my family who do though. I was just glad to get answers to why I was dealing with what I was for some five years before being diagnosed. I understand wanting to blame someone for taking your loved who is only 55 years old, or 45,'s just not fair. And it is not fair. But you have to deal with things in life that simply aren't fair. The day I buried my daughter I knew God had forsaken me. What kind of God would allow a 22 year old woman to die, bleed to death in a hospital no less??? It took me years to understand it was not God who did this. But I needed someone to blame. God gave me Jodi for 22 wonderful years. Her time here on earth was through. What happen was a terrible number of events that lead to her death. Not what God had done. I will always be grateful for finally understanding this. It allowed me to see that God wasn't the problem, He was and always is the answer. That of course is a personal feeling I have with God.

God has nothing to do with dementia. God has nothing to do with the horrible things that happen in life. You can thank Lucifer for that, and every evil and disastrous thing that happens on earth. We want someone to blame. God seems to be the easiest candidate. But He's not. I remember when my daughter passed away. I blamed God and everyone for her passing. When bad things happen, horrible accidents, tragedies, death, and disease we don't understand why, and we as humans want someone to blame. It's natural. I was diagnosed at the age of 57. I too know the things my wife and have lost on account of this disease, But I also know how thankful I am that I can merely type this comment here today. One day I will not be able to do that. One day I will forget how to swallow, how to walk, how to talk. This is all because of a disease I have. A disease of the brain. To blame God, I would have to blame Him every time I got a cold, or every time I had a headache. Every time my truck wouldn't start, or the times like now, when there isn't enough money to pay the bills. I thank God everyday for allowing me to do the things I can. I could have Cancer, and have dead in a matter of months. I could have been born a paraplegic and not known what it is like to do the things I have done my entire life. There are many evil things in the world. There are tens of thousands of diseases. So, disease exists for the same reason that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil existed in the garden of Eden, for the same reason that the cross stood on Calvarys hill. It is the reason for imperfection in the midst of our yearning for perfection. We as human beings simply cannot understand why bad things happen to good people. But we must understand that bad things happen to bad people as well. There is evil in this world. And there is disease, starvation, and countless atrocities that are carried out everyday. We need to understand that God does not do these things. "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you." Jesus died for us, God gave his only Son so that we could be forgiven of our sins.

Not to get to religious here, but remember, Jesus asked that he not have to go through what he did. God turned his back on him, and gave His only Son, so you and I could be forgiven. I have had a great, wonderful life. God allowed that. God will not forsaken me. He is there, always. Evil is what I and every patient deal with now. Evil. Plain and simple Ever wonder why the sun comes up in the mornings. Or the birds sing, the change of seasons, or why we have the freedom we enjoy? There are so many things we take for granted. When disease comes into our lives such as cancer, diabetes, chronic heart problems, and dementia we tend to wonder why me? No one has the answer to this. Why does someone die so young, or why do some people seem to have everything while others struggle to just survive? I know this is hard to believe but I truly am thankful for the things I have, and I would not change one thing. Bad things happen. Horrible things that there is simply no answer to. Do I wish I was never diagnosed with this disease? Of course. But I am thankful that I have been able to do as well as I have for the past several years. This will all come to an end one day. I really am lucky in a sense. I know my time here on earth is coming to an end. I have had time to think about that, and do things that will prepare not only my family but myself for this. Some are not so lucky. Some left for work yesterday and never returned.Any one of us could be gone in the blink of an eye. I have had time to stop and enjoy things that a few years ago I never even knew existed. I took many things for granted. Not anymore. Everyday is a blessing. Even on the days I struggle so much with this disease, I realize there are millions who are so much worse off than I. I am lucky. I am blessed. And I am so, so thankful for this...

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