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Muhammad Ainur Rofiq {7811040017} My friends had studied English lesson for 3 hours when the something exploded

in front of my cars. Immediately my friends raced out the study to looked at outside. But 1 hour after the something had exploded police nowhere to be seen yet. Despite the explosion happened very terrifying, my car paint color was still as when I first got it out of the savings that I had collected since the first work. I though my car has attacked already many times blasting and had entered insurance 2 times since the first bomb attacked. after the polices arrived, they immediately inspected the crime scene. In less than 12 hours, the polices havent known the motive for the attack and polices havent known the culprit too. Then I continued my studies with my friends that had lasted 3 hours and have delayed for few hours after unimportant things happened. When we continued our study, my mother has finished her cook already, so she called us to ate together with my family and we have delayed our study when we started eating. In the next two days polices came to my house with brought result investigation that have solved already. They told me that the explosion happened because of the small asteroid had fallen down after the big one crashed satellite in the space, but the polices havent found the asteroid until now. After the police went away, I got lought very much coz I had taken the asteroid already since a minute after the explosion happened but I havent told anyone yet until now.

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