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What should they do?

George has got a cold. What should he do?

A: He should take some cold medicine and get lots of sleep. B: He should go to the hospital C: He should eat a Hawaiian pizza.

Lucas has got a sore throat and a cough. What should he do?
A: He should ask a his mom for help. B: He should go to the pharmacy to buy cough syrup C: He shouldnt do anything. He should watch TV

Henry feels dizzy. What should he do?

A: He should lie down on the couch. B: He should play basketball. C: He should take a nap.

Polly has got a stomach ache. What should she do?

A: She should take some medicine. B: She should tell her stomach to stop hurting. C: She should eat some food.

Taylors back hurts. What should he do?

A: He should take some pain pills. B: He should go to the cinema. C: He should play with his dog.

Cillian Murphy is being chased by a zombie on fire. What should he do?

A: He should run away. B: He should kill himself. C: He should fight the fire zombie.

Jay-Z cant understand IKEA instructions. What should he do?

A: He should throw it in the rubbish bin. B: He should throw it at the zombie that is chasing Cillian Murphy. C: He should ask a friend for help

Freddy and Jason are not friends. What should they do?
A: They should kill each other. B: They should be friends and go for a coffee C: The townspeople should kill them.

Mozart and Skrillex are fighting. What should they do?

A: They should stop fighting a play a concert together. B: Skrillex should kill Mozart. Skrillex is better. C: Mozart should kill Skrillex. Mozart is better

A: He should eat the cookie. B: He should wait. C: He should give me the cookie.

Cookie Monster wants a cookie. What should he do?

Nicolas Cage is not happy and hes freaking out. What should he do?
A: He should go on a holiday. B: He should go to a mental hospital, hes crazy. C: He shouldnt do anything, its funny.

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