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Dubric: "THE FIFTH NEW SYSTEM MANAGERIAL ORDER" It is the ninth book of the Venezuelan writer and Advisory Management Enterprises themes, H. Dubric

It is a didactic, explanatory book, where the author gives answers to multiple questions in the light of the FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM proposed by him.

Surprising as H. Dubric approaches the Managerial topics, proving that does not only know the orthodoxy of training, but points in a timely and unambiguous errors that have fallen all these systems and methods, marking a big difference with his FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM which contributes forceful tools to cross out all CRISIS. The participatory systems lawsuit in all society sectors is increasingly calling the Vocational Training RENEWAL to be able to understand the patterns, practices and processes of the past in any of the areas in which the human being is unrolled (political, economic, social, etc.) are untimely, obsolete and do not work. The global environments is demanding loudly a STRATEGIC AUTHENTIC VISION and for the route majorities are passing in different classrooms, are far from obtaining it, and thus the Fifth Managerial System was born. "The FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM FREE INITIATIVE is very revolutionary is mathematical in its development and demanding in the experience." H. Dubric says: "The modern human being does not even known to pilot an airplane without a compass, having lost the coordinates of the Natural Law and it is clear that under these conditions the failure will continue surprising it."

This book consists of five chapters with multiple questions, where the author surprises with his answers, in part Managerial, Financial Economic, and explanations of the future, World Policy, Ecology Global Economy. Illustrating further on existing errors of many "scholars" who have been teaching LEADERSHIP courses, absolutely ignoring the importance of involving the human being from the point of view of the EGO ANNIHILATION (as he imparts in his Fifth System), that inside there is a REAL change, and different societies are formed, likely led people. That's the reason why H. Dubric without dread of being wrong, insists on his FIFTH SYSTEM is the NEW MANAGERIAL ORDER which is a system based on unpublished Venezuelan Experimental Psychology practice, capable of realizing a biological Insurrection, Causing major changes within each human nature.

H. Dubric began this task about New Executive Formation in the year of 1974, until his first qualified book in 1990 titled BIRTH OF A NEW EXECUTIVE (Nacimiento de un Nuevo Ejecutivo) which marked a real REVOLUTION, because its burst the bonds with his FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM which fully kept "asleep" and submitted to the Executive and Professional mass, providing the tools to cross out all CRISIS. His works are already in different National and International Libraries, fulfilling the goal set in NEW EXECUTIVE FORMATION of the century. Because of that, we can say FROM VENEZUELA TO THE WORLD, NEW MANAGERIAL ORDER. Antonio Moreno H. Dubric Press.

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