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Faith and Healthcare

Implementing Whole Person Care into the Practice of Medicine: Casting a Vision for a Common Goal Rev. Kris Leland Snyder, Staff Chaplain - MMSC

What does whole person care look like?

We are Spiritual beings. Faith shapes our beliefs, practices, and views on all matters of life. Our emotions give us the ability to react to our experiences. Physical limitations, complications, and our physical nature itself shapes us Our environment shapes and helps to define our experiences as well.
Spiritual Emotional



Whole Person Care:

Research indicates that hospital consumers often require a more holistic and customized service than other customer services requiretailored not only to a patient s specific medical condition but also the patient s age, mental status, personality, preferences, education, family situation, and financial constraints. (from the Patient Experience, Orlando J. Perez)

Whole Person Care:

Spirituality and healthcare are natural partners in healthcare. A mission centered institution will focus its care on healing the human condition and experience back to the original purpose for which we are designed and created, the restoration of trust, the assurance of belonging, and the promise of hope. (from the Patient Experience, Orlando J. Perez)

Whole Person Care:

We are members of a care team. Each piece provides their perspective and skills to carefully and wonderfully advocate change in the patient s life. As members of a greater community we need and value the input and guidance of the patient s clergy, their family system, and support systems to bring healing to the whole person.

Casting a Vision: A Common Shared Goal

Gaining, discussing, and addressing a patient s spiritual history is an essential tool for the entire healthcare team. When permissible and appropriate prayer can be a powerful tool for both the patient, the family, and those directly working with the patient such as the doctor or surgeon. Chaplains and spiritual care providers in medical systems provide a great resource to engage belief systems and practices. Outreach and networking with community faith groups is an essential piece of whole person care an approach that is shaping modern medicine and its outcomes.

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