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Method 1 of 3: Cleaning Your Skillet the Traditional Way Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step 1 Version 3.

jpg 1 inse the skillet out !ith hot !ater after "ooking. inse it out on"e to re#o$e #any of the large pie"es of food. Then fill it again so that the !ater "o$ers any area that !as used during the "ooking pro"ess Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step % Version 3.jpg % &ring the !ater to 'oil. Carefully pla"e the "ast iron skillet 'a"k on the 'urner and heat the !ater up until it rea"hes a 'oiling point. &oil the !ater for se$eral #inutes to help dissol$e food s"raps. Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step 3 Version 3.jpg 3 With a !ide spatula( lightly s"rape the 'otto# and sides of the pan to dislodge any re#aining food s"raps. )o this !hile the !ater is still 'oiling( 'ut only 'riefly. Too #u"h "onta"t !ith #etal o'je"ts risks stripping the pan*s seasoning.+1, Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step - Version 3.jpg - )u#p the dirty !ater in the sink. 'urner off. eturn the "ast iron skillet to the 'urner and turn the

.se "aution !hen transporting the skillet 'a"k and forth 'et!een the range and the sink. &e"ause "ast iron is an e/"ellent "ondu"tor of heat( the handle( as !ell as all other portions of the skillet( !ill 'e e/tre#ely hot. .se a "loth or o$en #itts to transport the skillet. Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step 0 Version 3.jpg 0 Wet a "ouple paper to!els and 1ui"kly !ipe the surfa"e of the skillet. If done "orre"tly( the 'otto# of your paper to!el should "ontain a dark layer of residue. Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step 2 Version %.jpg 2 3pply a thin "oating of fat( su"h as $egeta'le oil or shortening( to the surfa"e of the skillet. Vegeta'le sprays !ork espe"ially !ell for this purpose. 3pply or spray a da' of fat into the 'otto# of the pan4 !ith a paper to!el( !ipe the fat into the 'otto# and the sides of the pan. This pro"ess should turn the pan*s surfa"e into a s#ooth( glossy finish. Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Step 5 Version %.jpg 5 Store in a "ool( dry pla"e and "o$er !ith a paper to!el instead of a lid to pre$ent #oisture fro# 'uilding up inside the pan.

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