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Love 8|tes |s an extreme|y successfu| schoo|-based Domest|c and

Iam||y V|o|ence and Sexua| Assau|t prevent|on program for

students |n ears 9 and 10, aged between 1S and 17 years.
It cons|sts of two |nteract|ve educat|on workshops on Domest|c
and Iam||y V|o|ence and Sexua| Assau|t fo||owed by creat|ve
workshops and commun|ty campa|gn.
1he program |s de||vered by workers from |oca| commun|ty
agenc|es who have been tra|ned as Love 8|tes fac|||tators.
Who can run LCVL 8I1LS?
1he LCvL 8l1LS 8especLful
8elaLlonshlps program ls for any
professlonal who works ln Lhe
area of uomesLlc and lamlly
vlolence and Sexual AssaulL and
has an lnLeresL ln or a
responslblllLy for runnlng
vlolence agalnsL Women
revenLlon rograms. Love 8lLes
faclllLaLors lnclude Sexual AssaulL
Counsellors, School and lamlly
Counsellors, ollce Cfflcers,
Women's 8efuge Workers, School
Leachers and oLher professlonals.
What young peop|e have sa|d:
* l felL good LhaL we were able
Lo Lalk and noL be [udged."
* l really en[oyed Lhe program.
lL's lmporLanL Lo know whaL Lo do
lf you are ln one of Lhose
slLuaLlons and whaL Lo do Lo
prevenL and help Lhose who
* We knew abouL some of Lhese
lssues buL nobody really Lalks
abouL lL. 8y Lalklng abouL
domesLlc vlolence and sexual
assaulL we really dld learn
someLhlng new."
Iee for Serv|ce 1ra|n|ng

Love 8lLes Lralnlng lncludes:
2 days Lralnlng - worklng
Lhrough all Lhe acLlvlLles,
pracLlclng skllls and learnlng
how Lo handle challenges.
lnformaLlon on how Lo geL
laclllLaLor Skllls
AdolescenL uevelopmenL
8unnlng Love 8lLes ln a school.
A Love 8lLes manual (1 per
reparaLlon and llalson
uedlcaLed 4 hours follow up

lurLher enqulrles conLacL Maureen
or Ally on
(02) 9269 9200 or emall

In local school and out of school settings

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