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Collection Of Job Interview Questions And the Answers


Job interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be re ared. Take the ti!e to review the co!!on interview "uestions you will !ost likely be asked. Also review sa! le answers to the ty ical interview "uestions. It#s not enough just to have a erfect resu!e that co!!unicates who you are and

what kind of e! loyee you could be to a otential e! loyer. That#s just the beginning of the rocess. A great resu!e will set you a art fro! other candidates and get you selected for an o ortunity to interview for that osition. Once you receive that call as an invitation for the

interview$ the rest is u to you. %ecause interviewing is a skill$ you can only i! rove your style and acu!en with ractice. College and university career services offices ty ically offer !ock interviews and interview worksho s. %ut you can always revail u on fa!ily or friends to hel you re are. A&'((( Ask too for genuine feedback that will be hel ful in working out the kinks. )ractice is i! ortant too in assuaging fears and nervousness. *owever$ a degree of tension is beneficial toward !aintaining a level of alertness that causes you to sit u straight and forward in your seat$ leaning toward the interviewer. The ideal is to strike a balance between oise+cal! and energy+enthusias!. ,-)age

The interview is your o has read your a

ortunity to shine. .ever assu!e that the anel knows you or

lication. It really doesn#t take a lot of ti!e to re are for your ne/t job lace-so it

interview$ but it takes a lot of ti!e and effort to get an interview in the first

doesn#t !ake any sense to blow it by not being ready. Investing a little ti!e in the resent can ay off big for your job future.




PART ONE : Interview Questions: Work History PART TWO : Job Interview Questions About You PART THREE : Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company PART FOUR : Job Interview Questions About the Future PART FIVE : Questions by Career Fie ds and Industries

Interview Questions: E u!"tion "n Wor# Histor$


3hen asked about your rior work history$ give s ecific e/a! les or anecdotes of how your work had a ositive i! act or result for the co! any you worked for. 4o not lie about anything concerning your work history. 5any eo le before the interviewing anel are

te! ted to lie bout their work e/ erience. They do this to give an i! ression that they have the e/ erience re"uired for that articular job. 3ith that lie$ the hiring !angers are forced to ask "uestions to justify your e/ erience. It is better to tell the truth about your working e/ erience and let e! loyers decide whether to give you the job or not. The list of co!!on interview "uestions about education and work history 6

Question %& :
N"'e o( !o')"n$* )osition tit+e "n Answer 6
7ou#d be sur rised how !any job a licants fu!ble when asked about rior e! loy!ent. 4on#t be one of the!( 8efresh your !e!ory rior to the interview by reviewing your resu!e$ so you can s eak about your rior work history in detail and accurately.

es!ri)tion* "tes o( e')+o$'ent,

Question %- :
W."t E u!"tion Do /ou H"ve 0 Answer 6
9ducation and training co!e in !any for!s. In addition to colleges and universities$ vocational-technical institutions$ rivate career schools$ and !ilitary schools count heavily. And you can discuss other learning resources such as the following 6


Co! any training rogra!s you;ve artici ated in and what you learned in those training rogra!s.

Trade or rofessional journals that you read regularly$ online$ or in rint. )rofessional conferences$ se!inars$ and worksho s that you;ve attended recently <or lan to attend soon=$ es ecially those offering C9>s <continuing education units=.

3ebinars through which you find new infor!ation? !any are free.

If you !ust address your lack of re"uired education$ discuss your e/ erience and skills as education. & eak of e/ erience-based knowledge and skills$ for instance$ and redirect the conversation to your self-teaching efforts. Assure the interviewer that your degree-less state does not affect your ability to do the job well. >se s ecific e/a! les fro! your e/ erience to rove this oint

Question %1 :
W."t o $ou o to #ee) u)2to2 "te in $our 3ob0 How o $ou i')rove $our2 se+( )ro(ession"++$0 Answer 6
4escribe your artici ation in rofessional associations$ se!inars$ !eetings and activities$ and Internet rofessional discussion grou s. &ay you study rofessional websites and !aga@ines$ look for technical breakthroughs$ and seek certifications that docu!ent your continued skill building <describe certifications=.

Question %4 :
W."t +e $ou to !.oose $our (ie+ o( '"3or stu $0

Answer 6
&how how your !ajor is reflective of your natural abilities and assion. 9/a! le Answer 6 I started out on the business track and took Fundamentals of Accounting my resume year. I loved it. I love the analytical challenge, and I've always had a strong ability when working A-)age

with numbers. I decided to be abs accountant after that class and am a student member of the state CPA society.

Question %5 :
W."t i $ou +i#e or is+i#e "bout $our )revious 3ob0

Answer 6
3hen you#re asked what don#t like about your revious job$ don#t be too negative. &a! le Answer 6 I enjoyed the eo le I worked with. It was a friendly and fun atmos here and I actually enjoyed going into work each morning. I felt the leadershi team was great as well. !ne of the reasons I am leaving is that I felt I was not challenged enough at the job. As a fresh face in the working world, the com any offers a great o ortunity for a good entry level osition" however, after being there for so many years, I felt I was not able to reach my full otential because of the lack of challenge and there was no room for advancement in the com any. #hile I did enjoy working there and a are more recogni$ed and there is the o reciate the skills I develo ed while with the com any, I feel my skill set can be better utili$ed elsewhere, where my ca abilities ortunity for growth.

Question %6 :
W."t )rob+e's ."ve $ou en!ountere "t wor#0 "n .ow i $ou e"+ wit. t.e'0

Answer 6
3hen you res ond$ be sure to include a ositive outco!e to the roble!s you reference in your answer. &a! le answer 6


I feel that the best way to deal with any challenges is to meet them head on. #hen I found that one of my colleagues was saying things that weren't true behind my back, I went to him and talked it through. It turned out that he had misunderstood what I had said, and I was able to set the record straight with him, and my su ervisor.

Question %7 :
H"ve $ou ever ." i((i!u+t$ wor#in8 wit. " '"n"8er0

Answer 6
%e careful answering "uestions about revious !anagers. 7ou don#t want to co!e across as difficult$ and you want to cast any ast e/ eriences in the !ost ositive light ossible.

Question %9 :
W.$ Di /ou Resi8n Fro' /our Job0

Answer 6
9/a! le answers 6 I resigned because there were limited o further my career. I graduated from college and resigned in order to find a osition where I could use my education and related e% erience. &o be honest, the osition wasn't a fit and I decided it made sense to resign and to refocus my career ath. I resigned from my job because I am interested in a new challenge and an o ortunity ortunities for advancement and I wanted to

to use my skills and e% erience in a different ca acity than I have in the ast. 'y family relocated to this area and my revious em loyer doesn't have an office here.


Job Interview Questions About /ou

3hatD These are usually the o ening "uestions E but you can e/ ect Fyou based; "uestions to cro u throughout your interview$ es ecially if it;s a first interview.

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3hyD These "uestions are designed just to find out a bit !ore about you$ your ersonality$ your e/ erience$ your knowledge and$ of course$ your ersonality. After all$ nobody wants to work with so!eone who they won;t get on with. It;s as i! ortant as your e/ erience. 7ou !ust !arket yourself(

Question %: :
C"n $ou te++ 'e " +itt+e "bout $ourse+(0 Answer 6
Iirstly$ rela/( The interviewer just wants you to talk for just a cou le of !inutes about why you would be good at this job. It;s an all-ti!e favorite interview "uestion$ although !any eo le hate it$ and can be asked in various for!s. 3hen you do answer the "uestion$ re!e!ber to be natural and tell !e only the arts about yourself that aint a icture of so!eone who fits the job you;re interviewing for. 9/a! le answers 6 I'm a eo le erson. I really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different eo le. I'm a creative thinker. I like to e% lore alternative solutions to roblems and have an o en mind about what will work best. I'm efficient and highly organi$ed. &his enables me to be as roductive as ossible on the job. I enjoy solving roblems, troubleshooting issues, and coming u with solutions in a timely manner.

Question %&; :
W."t is /our <re"test Stren8t.0 Answer 6
3hen you are asked "uestions about your strengths$ it#s i! ortant to discuss attributes that will "ualify you for the job. &a! le answers 6

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#hen I'm working on a roject, I don't want just to meet deadlines. (ather, I refer to com lete the roject well ahead of schedule.

'y time management skills are e%cellent and I'm organi$ed, efficient, and take ride in e%celling at my work.

I ride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

Question %&& :
/ou see' over2=u"+i(ie (or 3ob* !"n $ou te++ 'e w.$ $ou "re intereste 0

Answer 6
The interviewer is challenging you( They want to see if you are 89AJJ7 interested in this osition and they want reassurance that you won;t get bored and leave. 7ou !ust show the! your interest in this job$ and your answer should show how your "ualifications and e/ erience bring value to the role. 4e!onstrate your enthusias! and lay down any idea of this job being a Fbackward ste ;.

Question %&- :
How Wou+ /ou Des!ribe /our Wor# St$+e0 Answer 6
3hen you are asked about how you work during an interview$ it#s i! ortant to i! ress the interviewer with your co! etency and accuracy$ rather than just your s eed. &a! le Answers I am very focused on my work, and conse)uently, am able to work )uickly. I kee a steady ace, and check my work as I go along, to revent mistakes from snowballing. *ecause I am very organi$ed, I am able to accom lish a lot in a limited amount of time.

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Question %&1 :
W."t is /our <re"test We"#ness0

Answer 6
3hen you#re asked what your greatest weakness is$ try to turn a negative into a ositive. &a! le answers 6 *eing organi$ed wasn't my strongest oint, but I im lemented a time management system that really hel ed my organi$ation skills. I like to make sure that my work is erfect, so I tend to erha s s end a little too much time checking it. +owever, I've come to a good balance by setting u a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time. I've learned to make my erfectionism work to my advantage at work. I am e%cellent at meeting deadlines, and with my attention to detail, I know my work is correct.

Question %&4 :
How o $ou ."n +e stress "n )ressure0

Answer 6
.ow days doing job is very hectic and the e! loyee or e/ecutive have to bear lots of stress and ressure. The erson who be able to handle this sort of ressure can survive the job successfully$ otherwise there is no lace for the!. &o this is a ty ical interview "uestion can be asked to get a sense of how you handle stress and ressure on the job. There are so!e e/a! les of good res onses include6 &his one could be the best answer that actually I work better under ressure and enjoy working in a challenging environment.

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I am be able to handle the stress and ressure because I know how to differentiate between the good stress and bad stress. I can make the correct balance between good stress and bad stress. ,o stress is very im ortant to me.

&o eradicate the stress I visit daily to the gym. *y doing some e%ercise I remove all my stress, because I think it is the best mean to handle the stress and ressure.

Question %&5 :
Des!ribe $our wor# et.i!0

Answer 6
#ork is worshi for me and my com any is my tem le. I do my work for the benefits to the organi$ation. I believe in hard working with e%cellent use of my talent, skills and e% erience. 'y dedication and commitment is towards my com any.

Question %&6 :
W."t is $our i e"+ 3ob0 Answer 6
%eware( This is a tra ing "uestion !ostly asks to the interviewee to !easure their oint in your careerD=. &o before answering you should analy@e career by ti!e scale <at what

your career on the ti!e scale !easured by you$ because you deter!ine what do you want to be in future. 7ou can count your strength before the! and according to it deliver your answer. A oor answer will trigger a robing follow u that uts ressure on the interviewer to justify a daft res onse while a good answer need nothing to robe and the interviewer can !ove on to other "uestion. A good answer !ay be like$ -I'd like to become an e% ert in my field .state function if relevant/, where I'm able to use my skills and abilities to make a real difference to the com any's erformance.0

Question %&7:
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W."t o $ou +oo# (or in " 3ob0

Answer 6
%est answer 6 KI want to be recogni$ed by my working dedication and talent.0 erformance, knowledge, skills,

Question %&9 :
W."t >otiv"tes /ou0

Answer 6
The interviewer is trying to understand the key to your being successful in the job he is interviewing for$ and wants to !ake sure it#s a good fit. 7our res onse will vary based on your background and e/ eriences$ but$ you will want to share your enthusias! and what you like<d= best about your job. 9/a! le answers 6 I have always wanted to ensure that my com any's clients get the best customer service I can rovide. I've always felt that it's im ortant, both to me ersonally, and for the com any and the clients, to rovide a ositive customer e% erience. I have s ent my career in sales, ty ically in commission1based ositions, and com ensation has always been a strong factor in motivating me to be the to sales erson at my rior em loyers.

Question %&: :
W."t "re $our s"+"r$ e?)e!t"tions0

Answer 6
%efore you start talking ay <and salary negotiations= with a ros ective e! loyer$ you need to find out how !uch the job <and you= are worth. 7ou will need to take the ti!e to research

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salaries. That way you will be re ared to get what you#re worth and to get a job offer that#s realistic and reasonable. Once you know what you should be earning$ how do you go about getting itD &tart by being very atient. 3hen interviewing for a new osition$ do your best not to bring u co! ensation until the e! loyer !akes you an offer. If you#re asked what your salary re"uire!ents are$ say that they are o en based u on the osition and the overall co! ensation ackage. Or tell the e! loyer you#d like to know !ore about the res onsibilities and the challenges of the job rior to discussing salary.

Question %-; :
W.$ s.ou+ $ou be .ire 0

Answer 6
3hen the interviewer asks LIf the eo le who know you were asked why you should be hired$ what would they sayDL he or she wants to know what your erce tion is of what others think about your "ualifications and abilities. &a! le Answer 6 I'm sure if you asked my friends that )uestion they would say you should hire me because I have the skills outlined in the job descri tion and I bring 234 years of e% ertise to this osition. #ords they've used to describe me are5 hard working, rofessional, trusted and a team layer.

Question %-& :
Do $ou )re(er to wor# in e)en ent+$ or on " te"'0

Answer 6
The interviewer wants to know if you#re a tea! layer or would rather work on your own. %est answer 6

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I am e)ually comfortable working as a member of a team and inde endently. In researching the 6'7 com any, your mission statement and the job descri tion, I could see similarities to my revious osition where there were some assignments that re)uired a great deal of inde endent work and research and others where the team effort was most effective. As I said, I'm comfortable with both.

Question %-- :
W."t t$)e o( wor# environ'ent o $ou )re(er0

Answer 6
3hen you are asked about work environ!ents$ your best bet is to say you#re fle/ible because$ at this stage in the interview rocess$ you don#t know what it will be like working for the co! any. &a! le answer 6 I can be fle%ible when it comes to my work environment. #hat is the environment in the 8ngineering de artment here at ((,, Inc9 .!nce they've described the work environment, include key hrases they've used when you describe your referred work environment/.

Question %-1 :
W.$ o $ou $ou wi++ be su!!ess(u+ "t 3ob0

Answer 6
The interviewer is concerned as to whether you see this as a career !ove$ or sto -ga e! loy!ent. &a! le answer 6 As my resume reflects, I have been successful at each of my revious laces of em loyment. 'y research of your com any, the job descri tion outlined, and the information we've e%changed today, lead me to believe I have the skills and e% erience for which you are looking" and I'm eager to be a contributing em loyee.

GA - ) a g e

Question %-4 :
Te++ 'e "bout " ti'e t."t $ou )"rti!i)"te in " te"'* w."t w"s $our ro+e0

Answer 6
Co! anies$ for the !ost art$ do not want LJone-8angersL - - they are looking for e! loyees who will ada t to the co! any culture and get along with others. &a! le answer 6 In high school, I enjoyed laying soccer and erforming with the marching band. 8ach re)uired a different kind of team lay, but the overall goal of learning to be a member of a grou was invaluable. I continued to grow as team member while on my sorority's debate team and through my advanced marketing class where we had numerous team assignments.

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Job Interview Questions About t.e New Job "n t.e Co')"n$

3hen you#re asked what interests you about the osition you are interviewing for$ the best way to res ond is to describe the "ualifications listed in the job osting$ then connect the! to your skills and e/ erience. That way$ the e! loyer will see that you know about the job you#re interviewing for <not everyone does= and that you have the "ualifications necessary to do the job.

Question %-5 :
W.$ Do /ou W"nt to Wor# Here0

Answer 6
The obvious answer that co!es to !ind is$ L%ecause you have an o ening$ and I need a job.L 3hile this !ay be true$ it won#t earn you any oints in a job interview. The interviewer is looking for an answer that indicates you#ve thought about where you want to work -- that you#re not just sending your resu!e to any co! any with a job o ening. 8esearching the co! any and industry before your interview will !ake you stand out as a !ore infor!ed and co! etent a licant. &a! le answer 6

*ased on the research I've done, this com any is an industry leader. #hen I visited your #eb site, I found some im ressive information about future rojects you have lanned. I was also im ressed with the founders' backgrounds and the current

GC - ) a g e

financial statements. &his is the com any I've been looking for, a

lace where my en.

background, e% erience and skills can be ut to use and make things ha

Question %-6 :
W."t C"n /ou Do (or Co')"n$0

Answer 6
Iirst of all$ be sure to have researched the co! any rior to the interview$ so you are fa!iliar with the co! any#s !ission. 8es ond by giving e/a! les why your education$ skills$ acco! lish!ents$ and e/ erience will !ake you an asset for the e! loyer.

Question %-7 :
W.$ S.ou+ We Hire /ou0

Answer 6
The best way to res ond is to give concrete e/a! les of why your skills and acco! lish!ents !ake you the best candidate for the job. Take a few !o!ents to co! are the job descri tion with your abilities$ as well as !entioning what you have acco! lished in your other ositions. %e ositive and reiterate your interest in the co! any and the osition.

Question %-9 :
W."t o $ou #now "bout !o')"n$0

Answer 6
)re are in advance$ and in a word$ research$ so$ you can rovide relevant and current infor!ation about your ros ective e! loyer to the interviewer. &tart by researching the

,H - ) a g e

co! any online. 8eview the LAbout >sL section of the co! any web site. Moogle the co! any$ read blogs that !ention it$ and check 4iscussion %oards and social networking sites. If you#re a college graduate check with the Career Office at your school to see if you can get a list of alu!ni who work for the co! any. That#s an ideal way to get an insider#s view of the e! loyer$ and to get infor!ation that !ight not be available elsewhere.

Question %-: :
W.$ o $ou w"nt to wor# .ere0

Answer 6
Co! are your goals with objectives of the co! any and the osition$ then reiterate why you would be an asset to the e! loyer. Jet the interviewer know what you can do for the co! any$ if you get a job offer. &a! le answers6 &his com any is internationally known for its .widgets/, and my e% erience in the .marketing: lanning: roduction:etc./ of .widgets/ has me intrigued by the o ortunity this osition resents.

&he businesses in this area are known for their commitment to the community, and I would like the o ortunity to artici ate in making this a better lace to live. ortunity to share my enthusiasm

I am a .widget/ connoisseur, and would love the o for .widgets/ with customers.

Question %1; :
W."t !."++en8es "re $ou +oo#in8 (or in " )osition0

Answer 6
The best way to answer "uestions about the challenges you are seeking is to discuss how you would like to be able to effectively utili@e your skills and e/ erience if you were hired for the

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job. 7ou can also !ention that you are !otivated by challenges$ have the ability to effectively !eet challenges$ and have the fle/ibility and skills necessary to handle a challenging job. 7ou can continue by describing s ecific e/a! les of challenges you have !et and goals you have achieved in the ast.

Question %1& :
W."t !"n $ou !ontribute to !o')"n$0

Answer 6
The best way to answer "uestions about your contributions to the co! any is to give e/a! les of what you have acco! lished in the ast$ and to relate the! to what you can achieve in the future. 4escribe s ecific e/a! les of how effective you have been in your other ositions$ change you have i! le!ented$ and goals you have achieved. Talk about the de th and breadth of related e/ erience that you have. 9/a! le answers 6 I'm a hard worker with the e% erience to get things done efficiently. I can contribute my organi$ational skills and my ability to work well in a grou . I have the e% erience, contacts, and knowledge to contribute to the ra id growth of this business. I am e% erienced in the areas this com any needs to grow, and my ability to lan ahead will hel facilitate that growth.

Question %1- :
Are $ou wi++in8 to tr"ve+0

Answer 6

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3hen you are asked about your willingness to travel during an interview$ be honest. There#s no oint in saying LyesL if you would refer to be ho!e five nights a week. It is erfectly acce table to ask how !uch travel is involved. That way$ you can weigh how !uch you would need to be on the road and !ake an educated decision as to whether the a!ount of travel re"uired fits in with your lifestyle.

Question %11 :
How +on8 o $ou e?)e!t to re'"in e')+o$e wit. !o')"n$0

Answer 6
3hen you res ond$ be sure to fra!e your res onse so that it#s ositive. I#ve heard a licants say that they only want the job for a short a!ount of ti!e or are lanning to relocate or go back to school. 8es onses like that aren#t going to i! ress the hiring !anager who is looking to hire a long-ter! e! loyee. 9/a! le answers 6 I believe that this com any has the ca acity to offer me a rich and satisfying career, and I would like to remain em loyed here for as long as I am having a ositive im act. I would like to ursue my career here for as long as I have the o ortunity to.

I would like to remain em loyed here for as long as my services are needed.

Question %14 :
Is t.ere "n$t.in8 I ."ven@t to+ $ou "bout t.e 3ob or !o')"n$ t."t $ou wou+ +i#e to #now0

Answer 6
It#s your turn( As the interview co!es to a close$ one of the final "uestions you !ay be asked is L3hat can I answer for youDL *ave interview "uestions of your own ready to ask. 7ou aren#t

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si! ly trying to get this job - you are also interviewing the e! loyer to assess whether this co! any and the osition are a good fit for you. *ere are "uestions to ask the interviewer so you can ensure the co! any is a good !atch for your "ualifications and interests6 +ow would you describe the res onsibilities of the osition9 +ow would you describe a ty ical week:day in this osition9 Is this a new osition9 If not, what did the revious em loyee go on to do9 #hat is the com any's management style9 #ho does this osition re ort to9 If I am offered the osition, can I meet him:her9 +ow many eo le work in this office:de artment9 +ow much travel is e% ected9 Is relocation a ossibility9 #hat is the ty ical work week9 Is overtime e% ected9 #hat are the ros ects for growth and advancement9 +ow does one advance in the com any9 Are there any e%am les9 #hat do you like about working here9 #hat don't you like about working here and what would you change9 #ould you like a list of references9 If I am e%tended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start9 #hat can I tell you about my )ualifications9 #hen can I e% ect to hear from you9 Are there any other )uestions I can answer for you

Questions .OT to Ask #hat does this com any do9 .;o your research ahead of time</

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If I get the job when can I take time off for vacation9 .#ait until you get the offer to mention rior commitments/ Can I change my schedule if I get the job9 .If you need to figure out the logistics of getting to work don't mention it now.../ ;id I get the job9 .;on't be im atient. &hey'll let you know./

Job Interview Questions About t.e Future


Question %15 :
W."t "re $our 8o"+s (or t.e ne?t (ive $e"rs A ten $e"rs0

Answer 6
The best way to res ond to the interview "uestion L3hat are your goals for the futureDL or L3here do you see yourself in five yearsDL is to refer to the osition and the co! any you are interviewing with. 4on#t discuss your goals for returning to school or having a fa!ily$ they are not relevant and could knock you out of contention for the job. 8ather$ you want to connect your answer to the job you are a lying for. 9/a! les of good res onses include6

'y long1term goals involve growing with a com any where I can continue to learn, take on additional res onsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.

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I see myself as a to

erforming em loyee in a well1established organi$ation, like

this one. I lan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in .related/ rofessional associations. !nce I gain additional e% erience, I would like to move on from a technical osition to management.

Question %16 :
How o $ou )+"n to "!.ieve t.ose 8o"+s0

Answer 6
As a follow-u to the interview "uestion L3hat are your goals for the futureDL the interviewer will often ask how you lan on achieving those goals. A good answer to this "uestion will s eak s ecifically about what you are going to acco! lish and how you are going to acco! lish it. 9/a! les of good res onses include6 I lan on gaining additional skills by taking related classes and continuing my involvement with a variety of rofessional associations. I noticed that =>? com any .the com any you are interviewing with/ rovides in1 house training for em loyees and I would certainly be interested in taking classes that would be relevant. I will continue my rofessional develo ment my artici ating in conferences, attending seminars, and continuing my education.

Question %17 :
W."t wi++ $ou o i( $ou on@t 8et )osition0

Answer 6

,: - ) a g e

3hen you#re interviewing for an internal osition within your co! any$ you !ay be asked what you will do if you don#t get the job. The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advance!ent o ortunity or the co! any. %est e/a! le answer 6

I am committed to this com any and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and su ort whoever might get selected. +owever, I do feel that my e% erience in the de artment and with the team would make me the best candidate.

Questions b$ C"reer Fie+ s "n In ustries


In addition to the general interview "uestions a

licants are ty ically asked at

job interviews there are also job s ecific interview "uestions that candidates will be e/ ected to answer. 8ather than asking about strengths and weaknesses$ leadershi and co!!unication skills$ and si!ilar ty es of "uestions focused on your ersonal attributes and abilities$ these ty es of "uestions are designed to discover whether you have the knowledge re"uired to do the job.

,A - ) a g e

3ith which accounting a lications are you !ost fa!iliarD In what as ects of hands-on accounting did you artici ateD Can you give !e e/a! les of the accounting re orts you have re aredD Can you describe any accounting rocess that you have develo ed or revisedD 3hat do you consider to be the biggest challenge facing the accounting rofession todayD 3hat cost-cutting !easures have you been res onsible for i! le!entingD Can you discuss your e/ erience in financial analysis of co! any+ad hoc rojectsD Can you describe the e/ ense forecasting for which you have been res onsibleD 3hat role did you lay in the audit rocessD 3hich !anage!ent re orts have you re aredD Can you discuss your e/ erience in ta/ lanning and re arationD *ow do you stay u dated on all the accounting rules and techni"uesD >sing the Internal 8evenue &ervice rules$ what criteria differentiate a consultant fro! an e! loyeeD *ave you e/ erienced handling an invoice discre ancyD If so$ how did you resolve the discre ancyD Can you tell the difference between billable and nonbillable e/ ensesD Can you e/ lain the relationshi between cost accounting$ financial accounting$ and !anagerial accountingD

*ow would you go about !aking a visitor feel welco!e to the co! anyD *ow would you handle answering a hone caller;s "uestion with five other lines ringingD

,B - ) a g e

*ow did our rece tionist greet youD 3ould you have done anything differentlyD Can you give an e/a! le of how you dealt with a difficult situation+callerD 3hy do you think enthusias! is an i! ortant re"uire!ent for being a rece tionistD 3hat is the !ost irritating as ect of a rece tionist;s jobD *ow would you res ond to the following6 > set callerD > set su > set e! loyeeD Mive us an e/a! le of a difficult situation and how you handled it. 3hat three things !ost likely would !ake you angry with a callerD *ow would you handle a erson who has to wait a long ti!e for a scheduled a oint!entD lierD

Above all else$ what character "uality do you think is the !ost i! ortant for a rece tionistD *ow would you handle an interru tion fro! a visitor with an urgent re"uestD *ow would you handle a caller while a visitor is standing before youD 3hat is !ore i! ortant to handle first N internal or e/ternal de!ands on your ti!eD *ow would you handle !ulti le de!ands fro! your !anagersD Can you tell us about a ti!e you found it necessary to be abru t with a erson to finish your taskD 3hat is the !ost stressful e/ erience you;ve had as a rece tionist$ and how have you handled itD If your boss was working in his office and had asked not to be disturbed$ what would you tell a caller asking for hi!D

,C - ) a g e

A 'inistr"tive "ssist"nts "n se!ret"ries

Are you co!fortable using a hone with !ulti le lines and handling a high volu!e of tele hone callsD *ow would you feel su ervising two or three other e! loyeesD 3hat do you e/ ect fro! a su ervisorD 3hat did you dislike the !ost about working in an office environ!entD This office has an official dress code. *ave you reviewed our code and are you co!fortable with itD 4o you have e/ erience !aking national and international travel arrange!entsD 3ere you involved in the budgeting and financial lanning of the rojects that you handledD *ave you handled rocure!ent or hiring of su liers or vendors in your revious jobsD

3hat rocess do you follow in receiving and filing inco!ing lettersD Can you give !e an instance of an assign!ent$ which you have recently worked on$ that involved the learning of a fresh technical develo !entD Could your work resentation be i! roved by incor orating new technological knowledge and develo !entsD 3hat is your e/ erience with software used in your jobD 3hat resources do you use when faced with a co! uter roble!D *ave you ever used software to !ake a work-associated resentationD Are you ac"uainted with 5icrosoft OutlookD 5& 3ordD 5& )ower)ointD 5& 9/celD 3hat is your ty ing s eedD 3hat is your knowledge with !eeting lanning and calendar !aintenanceD *ow do you organi@e and schedule a !eetingD If I asked you to lan a !eeting and cover all as ects of the !eeting$ what would you doD Can you na!e the factors to consider in deter!ining the suitable reservation eriod for recordsD

0H - ) a g e

3hat actions can you take to !ake the retrieval of records easyD Can you tell !e your e/ erience in !anaging an off-site records storeroo!D 3hat are the significant service re"uire!ents in using a contract facility for off-site records storageD Tell !e about the last job you did that concerned record kee ing or bookkee ingD *ow would you KfileO co! uter filesD Can you e/ lain your knowledge of the digital filing syste!D In what circu!stances have you used social !ediaD Moogle )lusD TwitterD 3hat is the reason for a records retention scheduleD 3hat ty es of records would be !easured as very i! ortant records for an organi@ationD 3hat are the res onsibilities of an e/ecutive secretary to a C9OD 4escribe a situation when you had to handle !ulti le interactions si!ultaneously. 3hat did you doD

Air!r"(t )i+ots
7ou find your ca tain drinking before a flight. *ow will you handle thisD 7ou are talking to the ca tain and you s!ell alcohol. Although you didn;t see hi! drinking$ what would you doD The aircraft is loaded well beyond gross weight$ but the ca tain tells you that he does this all the ti!e and the aircraft will fly. 3hat do you doD If you were a rofessional ilot and had an early !orning tri $ how would you re are yourself for itD 3hat are so!e of the li!itations of your aircraft and yourselfD 7ou s!ell s!oke in the cock it. 3hat initial action should you takeD *ow would you fly this air ort;s &I4D *ave you ever had an in-air e!ergency? if so how did you handle itD

0G - ) a g e

3hat is the i! ortance of roficiency in several languages for a ilotD Can you obtain ground reverse+braking thrust fro! ro ellersD 3hat is ro eller feathering$ and why is it usedD *ow would you overtake <in the air= another aircraft at the sa!e altitude and direction of flightD 3ho has the right of way on the groundD Can you e/ lain stress analysisD 3hat is the re"uire!ent to beco!e a rofessional engineer <)9= in the field of aeros aceD 3hat is your definition of C85 <crew resource !anage!ent=D 3hat is the attern altitude of jet aircraft and what is the !a/i!u! s eed at GH$HHH feetD Can you e/ lain the differences between aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineeringD 3hat is PG <takeoff decision s eed=D Can you define balanced field lengthD 3hat would you do if you saw a assenger being abusive to a !e!ber of the cabin crewD 3hat do you think oses the greatest threat to airline security todayD Can you discuss the !ost significant business issue currently affecting the airline industry and what !easures you think this airline is taking in res onse to its effectsD

3hat !otivated you to beco!e an educatorD *ow do you !otivate studentsD 3hat would you do if you reali@ed that your a wasn;t working or wasn;t as effective as you wanted it to beD 3hat have you found to be the toughest as ect of classroo! !anage!entD roach

0, - ) a g e

*ow do you develo curriculu!D 3hat would you do if you reali@ed that your curriculu! wasn;t effectiveD *ow do you evaluate a student;s erfor!anceD *ow can you tell if a student is KgettingO the !aterialD Or if not KgettingO the !aterial$ how would you deal with the latterD *ow do you individuali@e learning in a classroo! of students with different learning styles and needsD *ow do you handle students with consistent behavior roble!sD Can you describe a ti!e that you deviated fro! your lesson lan for a Kteachable !o!entOD 4o you believe that hu!or has value in the classroo!D Is so$ how do you use it to the advantage of your teaching !essageD *ow do you give your students recognitionD 4o you think a student can have too !uch recognitionD *ow do you encourage students to learnD *ow do you refer to use co! uters in the classroo!D If a student ca!e to you and said$ of the other students like !e$O what would you sayD *ow would you handle a child who see!s gifted but is a disci line roble!D *ow would you handle !aking a difficult hone call to a arentD *ow would you work with arents who disagree with your teaching style or assess!ent of their childD *ow do you involve arents in the learning rocessD 3hat is your view of the role of a rinci al <or other ad!inistrator=D

En8ineers "n en8ineerin8 te!.ni!i"ns

Can you describe the !ost significant written technical re ort or resentation you had to co! leteD

00 - ) a g e

Can you tell !e about your greatest success in using the rinci les of logic to solve an engineering roble! in your last jobD Can you give !e an e/a! le of a ti!e when you a techni"ues to define roble!s or design solutionsD lied your ability to use analytical

To what e/tent has your engineering background re"uired you to be skilled in the analysis of technical re orts or dataD Can you describe a ti!e when you used your engineering knowledge to solve a roble! for which there a eared to be no answerD I e/ ect the engineer who I hire for this osition to be recise N detail- oriented in everything he or she does. 3hat checks and balances do you use to avoid !istakesD &o!e of the best-engineered ideas are born of an individual;s ability to challenge conventional thinking. Can you tell !e about a ti!e when you were successful in doing thisD 4o you have any atentsD If so$ can you tell !e about the!D If not$ is it so!ething you see yourself ursuing$ and why or why notD 3hat factors would you consider in building an engineering de art!ent fro! scratchD To who! did you turn for hel the last ti!e that you ran into a !ajor technical wall$ and why did you choose that ersonD In the field of engineering$ riorities often change "uickly. Can you give !e an e/a! le of a ti!e when that ha enedD *ow did you handle itD 3hat software do you really$ really knowD Are you kee ing ace technically and technologicallyD *owD

Fin"n!i"+ "n"+$sts "n s"+es "8ents

3hat are the headlines in today;s 3all &treet JournalD 3hat do you read regularly on the industryD 3hat did the 4ow$ &Q)$ or .A&4AQ close at yesterdayD 3hat stocks do you follow and whyD <%e re ared to discuss each stock;s erfor!ance.=

01 - ) a g e

3hat are so!e differences a!ong financial consulting fir!s that are i! ortant to youD 3hat were the sales and rofitability of your last financial services e! loyerD Are you a financial generalist or s ecialistD 3here do you see yourself s eciali@ingD 3hat is an interest rate swa D 3hat is 4CID *ow do you calculate the discount rateD *ow do you deter!ine if a stock is undervaluedD *ow would you rice the stock for an I)OD 3hat is the yield on a @ero cou on bond trading at ar with ten years to !aturityD 3hat is working ca italD Quick ratioD Iree cash flowD 3hat do you want to do and why N 5QA$ ca ital !arkets$ or cor orate financeD 3hy ick cor orate finance as o osed to sales and tradingD

3hat !akes you think you can sell stocksD 3hy choose selling debt vs. selling e"uityD 3hat articular !arkets or instru!ents are you interested inD 3hyD 3hat rocesses did you use to evaluate financial riskD Our division is thinking of introducing a new roduct. *ow would you go about deter!ining whether this is a good ideaD *ow would you value our co! any for a otential sale$ s in-off$ or li"uidationD

Hote+ "n rest"ur"nt )ersonne+

If you needed to organi@e a arty or !eeting for custo!ers$ how would you go about itD *ow do you resolve conflict with custo!ers or staff !e!bersD *ave you ever stayed+dined hereD 3hat do you think about our services and staffD

02 - ) a g e

3hat do you know about our co! anyD 3hat does custo!er service !ean to youD 3hat do you understand about the ter! hos italityD If a guest were u set$ what would you do to regain the guest;s goodwillD *ow do you greet a high- rofile custo!er and escort the custo!er to his or her restaurant seatD *ow would you hel build re eat businessD 3hat ste s have you taken in your revious hotel+restaurant !anage!ent job for cost-cuttingD *ow !any languages do you s eakD

Coo#s "n (oo )re) wor#ers

*ow would you describe your style and values in cookingD 3hat trends+schools$ if any$ have influenced your develo !ent as a chefD 3hat$ if anything$ do you believe is uni"ue about your cookingD Tell !e about e/ erience<s= you have in designing your own dishes. *ow was it+were they received by dinersD *ow do you knowD 4escribe a situation in which you had a cooking disaster in a restaurant or other kitchen$ with hungry atrons waiting. 3hat did you do to co e+rectify itD Can you give !e so!e e/a! les of how you !anage costs in your kitchen without co! ro!ising "uality and freshnessD

So(tw"re en8ineers* )ro8r"''ers* "n IT s)e!i"+ists

3hat is your e/ erience with enter rise disaster recoveryD

0: - ) a g e

Can you describe the !aintenance and ad!inistration ractices that you utili@ed to ensure effective erfor!ance of the cor orate POI)+3A.+ITD *ave you been res onsible for the budget of co! any IT syste!sD Can you tell us how you !onitored costs$ business lan$ and cash flowD *ow do you kee yourself u dated with technologyD Can you tell us about your e/ erience in develo ing or !aintaining an Internet siteD *ow can our co! any effectively !anage our invest!ent in ersonal co! uters and !obile devicesD Tell us about a difficult or co! le/ rogra!!ing assign!ent you;ve had. 3hat ste s did you take and how successful were youD 3hat techni"ues and tools can you use to ensure that a new a friendly as ossibleD lication is as user

*ow would you co! are the use of a !ainfra!e syste! versus a ersonal co! uter syste!D 3hat are the factors to consider in establishing a web resenceD Can you tell !e about your e/ erience with network ad!inistrationD 3hat has been your e/ erience in develo ing a sD

3hat various tools and !easures can be i! le!ented to secure dataD 4oes a business analyst need do!ain e/ ertiseD Can you e/ lain the ter! syste! design docu!ent <&44=D Jet;s su ose that you work for *a y City and it has recently i! le!ented a website. Can you na!e so!e of the !eans by which a website !ay be used to i! rove co!!unication with the citi@ens and encourage co!!unity involve!entD *ave you had an e/ erience when you$ as a technical erson$ have had to work with nontechnical ty es to co! lete a rojectD 4id you find the situation frustratingD If so$ in what wayD *ow did you finally work togetherD 7ou have been given the assign!ent to develo a training rogra! for a new a lication. A ro/i!ately 0H staffers will re"uire training. 3hat ste s will you take in develo ing the trainingD

0A - ) a g e

7our assign!ent is to re are the s ecifications to urchase a new a will you doD

lication. 3hat

3hat are so!e of the hot to ics that technology rofessionals are talking aboutD 3e need to ublish a new brochure. *ow would you a *ow would you define &9O and &95D 3hat is your revious &9O history likeD Can you give e/a! les of rankings you;ve achievedD 3hich blogs and websites do you follow daily to kee u -to-date and whyD 4o you know who 5att Cutts isD 3hich Moogle roducts do you useD 3hich &9O tools do you referD 4o you use any ty e of web analyticsD 3hat is a )age8ankD 3hat is a .oIollow attributeD *ow do you rate your *T5J hand-coding skillsD 3hy is a site!a i! ortant and how would you !ake search engines find it "uicklyD 4o you know anything about robots.t/tD *ow would you track the nu!ber of a website;s outlinksD roach this taskD

Po+i!e o((i!ers
*ow do you feel about carrying a gun and ossibly having to take so!eone;s life in the line of dutyD 3hat are the sources of stress in your ersonal and rofessional lifeD *ow do you !anage this stressD As a olice officer$ su ose you catch your friend doing so!ething illegal. *ow would you handle the situationD

0B - ) a g e

3hat is the i! ortance of building relationshi s with colleagues in your rofessional lifeD *ow do you handle conflict situationsD Are your techni"ues successfulD

4o you think your law school grades are an accurate reflection of the kind of work you will do as an attorneyD 3hat ty es of cases do you usually take on$ and what ty es of cases do you feel !ost assionate aboutD *ow !uch re aration on files for trial do you doD If we take a l2-!inute break$ can you resent a closing argu!ent based on the following /-y-@ set of factsD In your last cor orate attorney leadershi role$ you had a large staff. Can you work without such a large staffD *ow would you react if a judge threatened you with conte! t of court$ but your infor!ation was vital to winning your caseD 3hat have revious e! loyers said about your legal-writing skillsD 3hat does negligence !eanD 3hy do you want to ractice at a big fir!D *ow versed are you in bankru tcy lawD 7ou;ve gone back and forth between laintiff work and insurance defense. 3hich is your real interestD 3hat section of the /$y$@ code would you change if you couldD 4o you watch lawyer shows on TPD If so$ other than entertain!ent value$ what do you think of their resentation of a lawyer;s work lifeD And which shows are your favoritesD 3hyD *ow would you have decided R caseD

0C - ) a g e

*ow would you lacate a business client who;s co! laining about the fir!;s erfor!ance issues and threatening to leaveD Can you bring new accounts to this fir!D *ow would you educate a client regarding the liabilities of e! loy!ent discri!inationD 3hat would you do if a client tells you he is going to lie during his trial testi!onyD *ow !any de ositions have you takenD *ow !any court a earances have you !adeD

3ho was the worst client you ever hadD 3hyD )artway through litigation$ your client decides to get another lawyer and de!ands you return all fees. 3hat is your res onseD

*ow good are your analytical and research skills in law and legal roceduresD *ow have revious e! loyers rated these skillsD Can you describe an instance when you interacted with a client while the law tea! was busy dealing with cases and you were re"uired to fill inD Although you are interviewing for your first aralegal job$ how has your aralegal training re ared you for itD Can you be s ecific$ !atching coursework with s ecific skill re"uire!ents outlined in our job ostD As a candidate for this banking aralegal osition$ can you describe a ty ical day in your revious ositionD Can you include co!!on banking ter!s and roceduresD 3hat area of law a eals to youD

*ow do you reinforce behavior you want re eatedD *ow do you develo unta
1H - ) a g e

ed otential in your staffD

*ow do you build and !aintain !orale with your staff in a non!onetary wayD *ow do you de!onstrate that you value eo le for who they are$ as well as for what they acco! lishD 3hat are the ri!ary !anage!ent stylesD 4escribe each. 3hich is your redo!inant styleD *ow have you a lied those characteristicsD 3hat successes and shortco!ings have you e/ erienced with your !anage!ent styleD

>"r#etin8 '"n"8ers
Can you give us an e/a! le of a !arketing brief you develo ed for a recent !arketing roject or rogra!D Can you give an e/a! le of how you have effectively used digital !arketing toolsD Can you give !e an e/a! le of a ca! aign that did not work out as you had lannedD 3hat factors do you consider the !ost i! ortant when atte! ting to influence consu!er behaviorD Are you fa!iliar with our target !arketD 3hat do you use to find out if your !arketing lan is workingD 3hat do you consider the five !ost i! ortant as ects of successful !arketingD *ow do you feel about ))C < ay er click= advertisingD 4o you subscribe to a articular !arketing belief or !ethodologyD Can you describe your !ost successful !arketing ca! aignD 3hat is the difference between !arketing of service and roductD 3hat is the i! ortant factor in service !arketingD

Can you tell !e about the last ti!e an u set fa!ily !e!ber irritated you and how you handled itD
1G - ) a g e

Can you describe what a good day of care for a hos ice atient would beD 3hat is it about this job that e/cites you$ and how do you relay that e/cite!ent to atients in your careD *ow do you res ond to crabby eo le in ainD A ro/i!ately how old were you when you decided to beco!e a nurseD

3ere there any defining !o!ents that hel ed you decide to beco!e a nurseD If you encountered a atient who was uncharacteristically u set and+or difficult$ what would you doD If a atient has just e/ ired and the fa!ily unknowingly has just arrived at the facility$ how would you handle the une/ ected dile!!aD 5rs. Jones is in the facility for a fractured hi . &he constantly seeks attention by utting on the call light$ retending to be in ain. 7ou ass by the roo! and hear her crying. 3hat is your res onseD *ow do you react to a sense of being overwhel!ed with unfinished work ten !inutes ast your shift deadline when you find a new atient in needD 3hat would you do if you saw another nurse stealing fro! a atientD *ow often do you think a charge nurse or director of nursing needs to be on the unitD After an e/tre!ely de!anding day with a atient who re"uired !uch attention$ a fa!ily !e!ber aggressively a roaches you and accuses you of negligence and calls you nasty na!es. *ow do you handle thisD *ow would you go about !aking a hos ital visitor feel welco!eD If needed$ would you like to work another osition$ or would you rather not be crosstrainedD *ow do you !ake sea!less transitions on shift changesD The schedule shows eight nurses assigned$ but only five show u . *ow does that !ake you feelD 3hat would you doD

1, - ) a g e

Ret"i+ s"+es)ersons* e)"rt'ent '"n"8ers* "n store '"n"8ers

3hat is good custo!er serviceD 3hy do custo!ers sho at this storeD A coworker is rude to custo!ers. 3hat would you doD A custo!er wants to ay for SG2 worth of !erchandise in "uarters. 4o you acce t itD A custo!er wants to return a ackage of food that is o en and half gone. 3hat would you doD *ow do you go about fa!iliari@ing yourself with the roducts you sellD *ow would you greet your custo!erD Can you give !e a sa! le greetingD *ow would you soothe an angry custo!erD &ell !e a roduct. *ow would you do itD *ow can you increase the sales of !y storeD Can you e/ lain the i! ortance of body language in a retail jobD I a! your custo!er and I a! asking for a roduct that is out of stock. Can you de!onstrate how you will convey this fact to !eD I a! your custo!er and I a! asking for a discount of GH ercent$ but you cannot grant !ore than B ercent. *ow will you e/ lain that to !eD *ow i! ortant is custo!er satisfaction to you in doing your jobD *ow will you re!e!ber the location of different !erchandise in the storeD Any ideasD Can you describe a ti!e when you had to handle a difficult custo!erD 3hat kind of training+induction+orientation were you given in your revious jobD 3hat was your sales targetD 3ere you able to achieve itD 3hat kind of custo!er co! laints have you ever receivedD *ow did you handle the!D If this osition re"uires you to handle !oney$ are you ready to acce t the res onsibilityD 3ill you sign a background screening check er!ission for!D

10 - ) a g e

*ow do you feel about the hiloso hy of the custo!er always being rightD *ow do you res ond if you know the custo!er is wrongD

Are you co!fortable lacing cold calls to leads and e/isting clientsD In what ways do you !aintain contacts and business relationshi s with clients and vendorsD Is "uota a bad word for youD 4oes this word irritate or scare youD *ow would you handle achieving a very high "uota the first CH daysD Can you describe your e/ erience with cor orate salesD This job covers a large territory. *ow !uch travel ti!e are you willing to co!!it to being a road warriorD In the ast$ how did you e/ and your custo!er baseD *ow well do you know your way around the western >nited &tatesD *ow would you sell to a doctor who you can;t !eet face to faceD 3hat have you done as a sales !anager to organi@e a new sales forceD

11 - ) a g e

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