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CITIZENS ARREST WARRANT TO: Hon. Bill Kolender San Diego County Sheriff P.O. Box 429000 San Diego 92 42 C!"#$O%&#!' (S! Paul !ndre* )it+hell' B.!.' ).S. Pri,ate !ttorney -eneral' . (.S.C. 3uly 4' 2004 A.D. +ri4inal +ondu+t 5y Ste6hen S. Trott a7 do+u4ented in 82%#$#2D C%#)#&!" CO)P"!#&T7 filed in Su6erior Court of California' Cler9:7 do+9et nu45er ;-#C.0<0=< 9/40a1

$%O): D!T2: S(B32CT:

#' Paul !ndre* )it+hell' Sui Juris' Citi>en of California State' $ederal ?itne77 and Pri,ate !ttorney -eneral' on )y honor and under 6enalty of 6er@ury' under the la*7 of the (nited State7 of !4eri+a' *ithout the A(nited State7B 0federal go,ern4ent1' here5y *arrant that 6ro5a5le +au7e exi7t7 to @u7tify the i44ediate arre7t and arraign4ent of Ste6hen S. Trott on for4al +harge7 a7 do+u4ented in the a5o,e 7tated 82%#$#2D C%#)#&!" CO)P"!#&T7 and 7u66orting e,identiary do+u4ent7. Pur7uant to the holding of the (.S. Su6re4e Court in the +a7e of )iranda ,. !ri>ona' Ste6hen S. Trott ha7 6re,iou7ly 5een infor4ed' in *riting tran74itted ,ia fir7t +la77 (.S. )ail' that he ha7 the %ight to re4ain 7ilentC that he ha7 the %ight to effe+ti,e a77i7tan+e of Coun7elC and that anything *hi+h he 4ay 7ay' or do' fro4 that 6oint for*ard' +an and *ill 5e held again7t hi4 in a +ourt of "a*. # here5y ,erify al7o' under 6enalty of 6er@ury' under the la*7 of the (nited State7 of !4eri+a' *ithout the A(nited State7B 0federal go,ern4ent1' that # a4 the ,i+ti4 of' and al7o an eye*itne77 to' the +ri4inal ,iolation7 enu4erated in 7aid 82%#$#2D C%#)#&!" CO)P"!#&T7. Plea7e 4a9e all ne+e77ary arrange4ent7 to exe+ute the arre7t of Ste6hen S. Trott' andDor to 7+hedule onE7ite a77i7tan+e to the ,i+ti4 for 6ur6o7e7 of exe+uting a 6ro6er Citi>en:7 !rre7t' at a ti4e and 6la+e +on,enient to the ,i+ti4 and to your offi+e. Than9 you' in ad,an+e' for your i44ediate +oo6eration in thi7 4atter. Sin+erely your7' D7D Paul !ndre* )it+hell Paul !ndre* )it+hell Pri,ate !ttorney -eneral' Su6erior Court ;-#C.0<0=<

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