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Liv A.

EHC Box 667 Emory, VA 24327 (540) 761-0447

Bachelor of Arts and Mass Communication, Emory & Henry College, Emory, VA (Expected graduation date: May of 2017) Major: Mass Communications Overall GPA: 3.0 Major: Art

Communications Experience: Photographer

Valley Business Front

March 2013- August 2013

Covered stories by taking pictures Edit and finalize pictures for a monthly magazine

Public Relations Position

Emory and Henry Student Senate Make fliers and advertisements for upcoming events Put advertisements and updates on Facebook & Twitter

Volunteer Work: Blue Ridge Chapter JDRF

Help fundraise for type one diabetes Makes fliers and handouts for upcoming events Volunteer at every event in Roanoke, Va Created a group for diabetic kids to meet with every month Played harp every year for an event Attended the bike ride in Death Valley, CA to help fundraise Photographer for events Met with congressman to advocate for more research Youth Ambassador for my chapter

May 2006- Present

Extra-Curricular Activities Photography

Manages own business Donates a portion to JDRF each photo-shoot Uses photo-shop for editing pictures

May 2012- Present

Liv A. Kiser
EHC Box 667 Emory, VA 24327 (540) 761-0447

Manages and maintains own website (

Received Spot Light Award for being active and volunteering at Emory and Henry College (November 2013) Won first place in photography category ( June 2012)

Knows how to use Adobe Photoshop, uses Adobe Dreamweaver to maintain website, graphic design with Adobe InDesign software, uses all Microsoft Programs.

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