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FEEBACK FROM ANCILLIARY (DRAFT) STUDENT 1. Interesting article - wants to see the actual documentary.

No image - confusion Likes the layout Smaller channel 4 sign Clear sight of time of the programme STUDENT 2. Channel 4 needs to be a bit smaller Clear structure - obvious it's a article More colours Image needed Friday the what? (no date) STUDENT 3. Would like to see the actual documentary Not too on the target audience - gender wise Less text Image needed EVALUATION. From mixed feedback we received, we decided to alter a few things. We decided our layout was good, but that we would change the right side from a black screen, to a picture with also featured in the TV advert. We have decided to change the text up slightly, also in-cooperating a quote from the TV advert. However, with deep thought, we decided to change our article to a review more than an actual article as it may attract more viewers. We will include screenshots from the actual footage, which are also shown in the 'Empire' double paged spread. We thought it would of been a good idea including the Channel 4 sign with the picture, but later realised if we promote the production in the review, this will not be needed, leaving this piece simple but informative.

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