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#include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <util/delay.

h> #define SETBIT(ADDRESS,BIT) (ADDRESS |= (1<<BIT)) #define CLEARBIT(ADDRESS,BIT) (ADDRESS &= ~(1<<BIT)) #define FLIPBIT(ADDRESS,BIT) (ADDRESS ^= (1<<BIT)) #define CHECKBIT(ADDRESS,BIT) (ADDRESS & (1<<BIT)) #define WRITEBIT(RADDRESS,RBIT,WADDRESS,WBIT) (CHECKBIT(RADDRESS,RBIT) ? SETBIT( WADDRESS,WBIT) : CLEARBIT(WADDRESS,WBIT)) volatile uint8_t my_flag; volatile uint8_t my_flagSC; void usart_init(void); void usart_init(void) { UCSRB = (1 << RXEN) | (1 << TXEN) | (1 << RXCIE) ; //ENABLE RECEIVER,TRANSM ITTER AND RECEIVE INTERRUPT UCSRC = (1 << UCSZ1) | (1 << UCSZ0) | (1 << URSEL); //USE 8 BIT DATA TRANSFE R AND ONE START ONE STOP BITS WITH 9600 BAUDRATE UBRRL = 0x33; } int main(void) { DDRA = 0xFF; usart_init(); B^2 MCUCSR = (0 << ISC2); //whenever the interrupt 2 is high to low(negative edg e triggered) MCUCR=0x02;//MAKE INT0 FALLING EDGE TRIGGERED sei(); while(1) //continue the following process { if(my_flag == 1) // check if flag is 1 and execute the following code for running diverter motor after rs232 interrupt { my_flag = 0; // reset the flag SETBIT(PORTA, 0); // set bit0 of PORTA to 1 _delay_ms(5000); // delay 1000ms or as much as you want CLEARBIT(PORTA, 0); // set bit0 of PORTA to 0 } } } ISR(INT2_vect) { my_flagSC=1; usart_send('C'); //JUMP TO VOID USART_SEND TO SEND THE ASCII CHRACTER C to matlab from 15th pin of UC FOR CAPTURING FRAME FROM CAMERA } void usart_send(unsigned char g) { //PORT A IS OUTPUT //flag created to draw diverter //flag created to stop conveyor


UDR = g; //PUT CHRACTER B IN USART DATA REGISTER TO TRANSMITT if(my_flagSC==1) { my_flagSC=0; SETBIT(PORTA,4);// set bit4 of PORTA to 1 _delay_ms(5000); // delay 10000ms or as much as you want to stop conveyor CLEARBIT(PORTA, 4); // set bit0 of PORTA to 0 } } ISR(USART_RXC_vect) //RECEIVE INTERRUPT { unsigned int d; d = UDR; my_flag=1; // set the flag when the interrupt occurs } ISR(INT0_vect) { usart_send('D'); //JUMP TO VOID USART_SEND TO SEND THE ASCII CHRACTER B to matlab from 15th pin of UC }

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