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Over the past several years in our home we have dealt with death.

Particularly the death of pets has posed a challenge and a moment of teaching. This year on the death of our cat George we dealt death and the question of heaven. George had been a family member since North Dakota. He was a resident staple in our home and a great companion for a cat. He had survived a winter in North Dakota, sharing a small 400 square foot seminary apartment with our other cat Missy, and a chance encounter with a possum when we lived near Waverly. His death signified an end to many things. Both girls grieved his loss hard. Thanks to Dr. Hinders we had a nice family time with George, said our good byes to a dear family friend, and uplifted to God our hopes that in heaven he will be there waiting for us along with the millions of other cats. It made me think of the women at the tomb on Easter morning. They had said their good-byes to Jesus. The tomb was sealed. And now they were set to do the right thing according to what was custom. Prepare and send Jesus off. He was in the past. All their personal hopes, dreams, and thoughts of a Messiah were dashed. Could they have hope again? What now O Lord? But remember the words we heard on from Jesus himself concerning the death of Lazarus. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even though he may die, yet will he live. Whomever believes in me will never die. Jesus is the resurrection and the life a foreshadow of the new life that comes after death. Even though Jesus faced his own death the glory of Easter morning overshadowed the darkness of Good Friday. The devil would not be victorious. Jesus would conquer sin, death, and the devil once and for all. So indeed we may have disappointment, doubts, regrets, and even face many close encounters with the stench of death in our lives. We have to deal with these experiences but not as people without hope. We have hope in the resurrection, the new life that Jesus gives because of Easter morning. Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote a hymn that I a Gaither kid love. Growing up on their music I cherish these words because they are truth a truth I hold fast to in a world that is ever changing. Let the chorus of that song be our Easter proclamation! Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives! In Christ, Pastor Kris

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