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The World of Technology

Technological innovations
Here are some inventions that have changed our world. Who invented them? Match the two columns.
1. Telephone 2. Car 3. Radio 4. Television 5. Jet engine 6. Helicopter 7. Microwave 8. Cinema 9. Walkman a. Guglielmo Marconi, 1901 b. John Logie Baird, 1925 c. Akio Morito, 1979 d. Karl Benz, 1885 e. Percy Spencer, 1946 f. Alexander G. Bell, 1876 g. Igor Sigorsky, 1939 h. Frank Whittle, 1930 i. August and Louis Lumire,1895

1. Describe and analyse each picture in detail. 2.In what ways has technology influenced our lives and our lifestyles? 3. Comment on the following statements: a. Computer science is having the most profound impact on the world today. b. Technology will eventually make us lazy and impatient.

Look at the picture and follow the instructions.

Look at the picture and follow the instructions.

How will technology change our lives?

Will our machines be smarter than us? Will we still drive our cars or will our cars drive us? Will everything be digital? What will replace television? Will robots rise up and demand their rights? Will our heads be filled with mind-bending chips? Will we opt for the book or the screen?

Can you remember any science fiction films that have intelligent robots? What can robots do? Choose from the list.
Play football Play chess Control cars Control planes Work in factories Defuse bombs Help with the housework Speak foreign languages Have feelings Keep us company Work under the sea .. Will robots be the slaves of the 21st century?

Artificial Intelligence is a movie directed by Steven Spielberg. Lets have a look at some images!

Artificial Intelligence poses some difficult questions.

Will A.I. have emotions? Will A.I. robots get smarter than humans?

. Will we be controlled by intelligent machines ?

. Will A.I. make the world a better place?

Discuss these points and share your ideas with the whole class.

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