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Rachael Brooks


Rachael Brooks 509.572.7515 151 Viking Drive, Rexburg ID 83440

Table of Context
Event Ad Brochure Montage Web Page Business Card Letterhead Logo Flier Imaging Additional Projects

Event Ad
A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.



Visual media Julie Petersen


Microsoft Word Epson Scanner (PDF converter)


Comprehend image sizing and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design. Learn to use only Word design features without using any Adobe programs, including Photoshop.


I scanned the bear image from a magazine, and then used a Word image effect to crop off the bottom of the image with the unwanted advertisement. Then I added boxes in shades of green and brown for repetition, organization and gestalt. I choose two fonts, one for the headings and the other for the body copy, I chose contrasting fonts for simplicity. I left a section of the print without text or boxes to provide adequate white space. I enjoyed learning how to use Word to design and was impressed with all the options the program has for designing.

A two sided (duplex) folding brochure. 3/29/2014

COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop



Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Learn how to wrap text around an image. Use paragraph styles in InDesign.


I set up the gateway fold in Adobe InDesign. I split my layout into different sections to show the fold line and what items would show of the front page. I used the hot pink colors, black and white throughout the design. I used a variety of flower images to create unity throughout the design. For the image of the single hot pink gerber daisy I used the quick selection tool in Adobe Photoshop to remove the background of the image. I then placed the flower into InDesign where I used the text wrap option to wrap my text around the alpha channel of the image. I created the two logos in Illustrator using the pen tool and then I placed it into InDesign.

A layered montage featuring multiple images blended together and text.



COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen

Adobe Photoshop


Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant message Learn to blend images together gradually, using masks. (Two or more images) Demonstrate more advanced Photoshop skills for layout with multiple elements.


I decided on my text first. Once I decided what I wanted the poster to say, I started to develop the concept of my montage poster. Using Google Images, I found a base image, used my personal image and an accent image and then I used a sharpening filter layer for the rocks on the beach. On Adobe Photoshop, I used layers, masks, layer types, and brushes to create my image.

Web Page
A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.



COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen

Programs(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Adobe Photoshop and Notepad ++ Identify hex colors for web design. (Find and use hex colors in Photoshop to match your logo) Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file. Open your HTML page in a web browser, and capture a quality screen shot with .5 inch margins for printing.


I created this web page using only Notepad++. I had never seen or written any HTML/CSS. It was difficult but also rewarding to learn how to work the programs and create my own personal web page. It was also interesting to see the HTML validator and it was great to have it validate my codes to make sure I didnt have any serious mistakes. After I marked up all my content and inserted my image, I attached a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors from my logo as the colors for my web page. I found these colors by opening Photoshop and using the eyedropper tool. I then changed the fonts to Georgia, and Arial. I used font families from W3 Schools as backup fonts just in case the viewers browser didnt have the fonts. I experimented with different padding around the logo, headings and text.

Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.



COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen

Programs(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space. Applying contact information: Include name, address, phone, and email on each piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone #; No parentheses/ hyphens.


I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the type on a path to write the company motto. I grouped the image and then copied it into InDesign. My logo is design after the idea of three individuals holding onto each other and looking like three blue ribbons hanging on a banner. I positioned the placed logo in the top right corner of my letterhead. I made sure to keep it at least .5 away from the edges. I then typed my contact information into a text box and positioned it on the right hand side of the letterhead. I made the company name 12pt font to contrast with the 8pt contact information. I added in a dotted line to unify the information and to get some repetition and unification to match with the logo. I also added a large version of the logo in the center of the page as a watermark. I kept the opacity to about 2%.

Business Card
Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.



COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen

Programs(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs.


I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the type on a path to write the company motto. I grouped the image and then copied it into InDesign. My logo is design after the idea of three individuals holding onto each other and looking like three blue ribbons hanging on a banner. I used the rectangle tool to create the front and back outline of my business card. I then copied/pasted the logo and contact information onto this page. I kept the logo and contact information about the same size as the information on the letterhead. I made sure that no important information came any closer than 1/8 from the edges. I also brought the dotted line into the business card to help unify the stationery pieces

Description: Three logo variations for the same company. Date: 2/22/2014 Course/Instructor:
COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen Adobe Illustrator

Programs(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company or personal image that will appeal to the audience. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. Gather opinions from at least ten outside sources about which logo appeals most to them.


Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo. I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the type on a path to write the company motto. I grouped the image and then copied it into InDesign. My logo is design after the idea of three individuals holding onto each other and looking like three blue ribbons hanging on a banner. I used the rectangle tool to create the front and back outline of my business card. I then copied/pasted the logo and contact information onto this page. I kept the logo and contact information about the same size as the information on the letterhead. I made sure that no important information came any closer than 1/8 from the edges. I also brought the dotted line into the business card to help unify the stationery pieces

Black and White promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.



COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen Adobe Illustrator

Programs(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.


I first created some sketches of my layout. Then I used my sketch as a guide to create this layout in Adobe InDesign. I used the box tool to create the title. I used varies sizes of font in the title to emphasis the word leadership, this created a good focal point. I left white space throughout the design the make it more visual dynamic. I tried to create flow throughout the design so the viewers eyes flow through the design. I kept my body copy small and left white space. I was given the image, logo and content for this flier.

A personally taken photograph that has been edited/ formatted using Photoshop.



COMM 130 Section 8 Julie Petersen


Cannon PowerShot Camera Adobe Photoshop


Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.511 page layout. Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop Print with full-bleed margins. Trim only 1/8 (0.125) from all four sides.


I first formulated my plan by choosing a color scheme from the Visual FOCUS book for my layout, I decided on a Complementary color scheme with brick and teal. I went and capture a quality photo with good light, sharp focus, and nice composition. I used my roommates T3i Rebel Cannon camera. I then brought the photo into Photoshop and used these specific editing techniques: levels, sharpness, saturation, and color balance. Then I design an 8.511 layout that including my photo, text, and repeating design elements. I incorporate my color scheme title, color swatches, and color names into my design.

Additional Project
Personalized Logo where I am branding myself as a Public Relations Specialist.

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