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Morning THoughtz

1. Pride : conquering Pride is the first an foremost step to living my SPiritual life. To really connect with God like I need to, I want to and it will serve the world the most, I must get rid of pride in my life completely. I must rebuke it in the name of Jesus and replace that with LOVE! I have made strides, but I will revisit the bases of my Spiritual journeys beginnings when Joell sent me an email about pride and it's true definition. I will revisit this and make sure I have truly purged myself from these prideful things that I've gone thru. Some verses to refer to : Proverbs 18 TAKING POINTS ABOUT MY FAITH: 1. WHATEVER GOOD WORK GOD BEGINS IN US, HE SHALL FINISH 2. WE ARE FORGIVEN AND OUR PAST SINS ARE FORGOTTEN BY GOD WHEN WE REPENT 3. GOD SHOWS MERCY ON US LIKE A FATHER DOES TO THEIR CHILD 4. GOD IS FAITHFUL, HE WILL NEVER GIVE UP 5. MY EXAMPLE FOR FAITHFULNESS IS GOD!

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