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Name:_____________________________________ Class#__________

Final Project:

Slingshot of Doom

The Project
Over the last few decades, thousands of people have been thrilled by the exciting sport of bungee jumping. The stresses placed on the bungee cord and the tower the person jumps from are of great concern to the people who design the equipment for this activity. If youve been to the Calgary Stampede or another amusement park in the past few years, you may have paid the big bucks for the Slingshot ride, where two people in a wire ball-cage are shot up in the air.

Your Task
Design, build and test a prototype for a Slingshot ride. Your team will compete against other teams in 2-4 people to build the safest and strongest ride for a traveling carnival. The team with the best prototype will be awarded the contract to build the ride (and a great mark for the project). Your design will be judged very strictly according to the specifications . The prototype must have a high margin of safety since human lives will depend upon it. You want the ride to be as exciting as possible, while keeping your passengers (the GOLF BALL!) completely safe from harm. Your structures final mass will also be considered in the competition . The mass will reflect how much it will cost for the carnival to move the ride from city to city.

Name:_____________________________________ Class#__________

The structure must be free standing. It cannot be attached to a desk or anything else. The structure must be at least 50cm in height at its highest point. A golf ball will represent a typical two passenger load. You should try to make your prototype as light-weight as possible, while maintaining its stability and safety. The load must be suspended at least 30cm above the test table or desk. The elastic attached to the load must be at least 10cm long You cant have a 10cm elastic that is attached far from its ends so only 5cm is really used The golf ball must remain in the basket/cage during testing. The golf ball cannot make contact with the structure during testing. All forms and types of building materials are allowed, except for materials from commercial construction kits (Lego, Mechano, etc.). You will receive higher marks for recycled or reused materials found around home that were not purchased specifically for this project!!! The structure must survive having the load pulled to the surface of the test table and released at least three times in a row. Marks will be lost for elastic band replacements during the testing.

Name:_____________________________________ Class#__________

The Plan
Below are the requirements, due dates, and marks allocated to each component of this final project. Feel free to submit parts ahead of time! Marks will be deducted for late submissions.
TASK INITIAL BLUEPRINT DUE DATE Wednesday April 2nd MARKS 1 REQUIREMENTS Submit a neat and detailed blueprint. Must be done before further work can be completed. Feel free to submit this information before this due date. Use bulleted/list format of the materials you plan to use. A photograph could also be included. Specify the amount and sizes/measurements where applicable. At this stage you should be about half way through building your project. To ensure all group members are actively participating, you will be given a Peer-Review sheet in class to give feedback on how group work is coming along. Show the changes you made from your original design/blue print. You may either mark up your original OR create a brand new blue print, highlighting where the changes took place. all parts and materials used in construction strong shapes integrated into the structures design areas of the structure placed under compression, tension, or bending during its operation the centre of gravity of your structure a description of the live and dead loads the prototype must carry measure and record your prototypes mass, total height, load height, and elastic length Demonstrate and test your reverse bungee projects to the class. ALL projects will be tested this day, regardless of missing group members, missing project, etc. Time will be provided to complete an in-class reflection to show your understanding of structure and forces content. Describe any changes you team made during the construction process; explain why the changes were made If you were to build the structure again, would you make any changes? Explain why or why not.


Wednesday April 2nd


Wednesday April 9th


Monday April 14th



Monday April 14th



Tuesday April 15th


___/ 35

Name:_____________________________________ Class#__________

Slingshot Rubric
Category Initial Blue Print & Materials/Tools List Progress Report Design Specifications Modified Blue Print(s) 4. WOW! 3. Nice
Neat, detailed plans received Received-been busy The project meets all of the design specifications Accurately, clearly and with detail shows each item from the checklist Great care was taken in the construction process Design materials were mostly recycled and were selected and used in a creative manner The project functions extraordinarily well, passing all 3 tests with precision Thoroughly addresses all items on checklist, Clearly shows critical thought Good plans received Received-some work done The project meets most of the design specifications Shows with some detail most items from the checklist Sloppy plans with missing info Received-barely started The project meets some of the design specifications Shows some items from the checklist Plans are barely legible and missing much info Not received or no work done The project meets few of the design specifications Many items from the checklist are missing, unclear

2. So-So

1. Yikes!



Construction was careful for the most part

Construction shows some thought

Construction appears careless or haphazard


Design materials contained some recycled items

Design materials had few recycled items

Design materials contained few to no recycled items


The project functions fairly well, passing all 3 tests Addresses all items on checklist, Shows some critical thought

The project functions okay, passing at least 2 of the tests Addresses some items on checklist, Shows little critical thought

The project fails to function, failing 2 or more of the tests Addresses few items on checklist, Shows minimal critical thought


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