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Unit 5 Lesson 1

Energy and Power

Name ___________________________________
Date ___________________________________

Class 1A 3A 5B 6B 7B
1. Unit Big Idea
2. Lesson Big Idea
3. The first law of Thermodynamics is the energy cannot be ___________________ or
______________________________ it can be __________________________ from one form to
another. EXAMPLE, the gasoline (_________________________) is a car is converted to heat
(________________________________) and movement (____________________________)
4. The major forms of energy are:

5. Thermal Energy
6. Radiant Energy (light)
7. Electrical Energy
8. Mechanical Energy

Unit 5 Lesson 1
Energy and Power
9. Chemical Energy
10. Nuclear Energy
11. ______________________________ generate _____________________________ from various
energy resources.
12. List renewable energy resources:

13. List Not Renewable energy resources:

14. Non renewable resources include fossil fuels such as _________________, __________________,
and ________________________.
15. Fossil fuels provide around ______________ of the worlds electrical power and meet _________
of the worlds total energy demand.
16. Oil and coal power plants produce ________________________________________________.
This is considered TRADE OFF.
17. Nuclear power is a ___________________________ resource.
18. Nuclear power is generated using _________________________ and produces _________ of the
worlds energy needs.
19. The heat required to produce steam which turns the turbine is created using a process called
__________________________. This is when atoms split and release energy in the form of heat.

Coal is
transported into
the plant, where
it is burned.

The heat created causes

water from the condenser
to form steam .
2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association,
STEM Center for Teaching and Learning
Foundations of Technology

The steam turns

the blades of the
turbine, which is
attached to the

The generator
converts the
m echanical energy
to electrical energy.

Unit 5 Lesson 1
Energy and Power
20. _______________________________ power plants take advantage of the downward flow of
water to turn the blades of a turbine. Wind works similarly, the wind blows and turns the blades
of a turbine.
21. Solar power plants generate electricity by converting radiant energy from
________________________________ to electricity using specific materials within
22. Power systems must have _________________________, __________________________, and
23. The flow of energy within any system can be documented using

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