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Horse Chestnuts contain flavonoids, sterols, and tannins.

Studies have identified a saponin known as Aescin as the active constituent in horse chestnut extracts, which has been found effective in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins and edema, and can be applied topically or internally. Extracts of the seeds, leaves and bark of the horse chestnut tree ( aesculus hippocastanum) have been traditionally used in Europe for vascular degeneration, hemorrhoids, water retention, cough, rheumatism, phlebitis, skin problems and other ailments. People with kidney or liver conditions should avoid horse chestnuts or any horse chestnut extracts, as the aescin may worsen their functions. eactions such as nausea, stomach upsets, and itching are another possibility in people sensitive to horse chestnuts.

Titre du document / Document title !lavonoids in horse chestnut ("esculus hippocastanum) seeds and powdered waste water byproducts Auteur(s) / Author(s) #"P$S%" &reneus' (() ) *"+," -ogdan (() ) S."*/"* -arbara (() ) S%0123"4 "nna (() ) P&"1E+%E Sonia (5) ) P&.." 1osimo (5) ) ! "+1ES12& !ederico (6) ) ! "+. 1hlodwig (7) ) 04ES.E# /ieslaw (() ) Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (() ,epartment of -iochemistry, &nstitute of Soil Science and Plant 1ultivation, State esearch &nstitute, ul. 1'artoryskich 8, 579(:: Pulawy, P040;+E (5) ,ipartimento di Scien'e !armaceutiche, $niversit< degli Studi di Salerno, =ia Ponte ,on 3elillo, 87:87 !isciano, Salerno, &%"4&E (6) &ndena S.p."., =iale 0rtles, (5, 5:(6> 3ilan, &%"4&E (7) 4eiter des &nstituts f?r "ngewandte -otanik und Pharmakognosie, =eterin@rmedi'inische $niversit@t /ien, =eterin@rplat' (, (5(: /ien, "$% &12E Rsum / Abstract 2orse chestnut extracts are widely used in pharmacy and cosmetic industries. %he main active constituents are saponins of oleane type, but seeds of horse chestnut also contain flavonoids, being glycosides of Auercetin and kaempferol. %heir contribution to the overall activity of the extracts was not clear. &n the present work, the main flavonoids from horse chestnut seeds were isolated and their structures established with spectral methods. Seven glycosides were isolated, out of which six (5, 6, 7, B, ((, (6) were previously reported and one (>) was identified as a new tamarixetin 6909CD9,9glucopyranosyl((E6)F909D9,9 xylopyranosyl9((E5)909D9,9glucopyranoside. %he structures of three additional compounds (, (:, and (5, not previously reported, were deduced on the basis of their 419ES&G3SG3S fragmentation characteristics. " new ultraperformance liAuid chromatographic ($P41) method has been developed for profiling and Auantitation of horse chestnut flavonoids. %he method allowed good separation over 7.H min. %hirteen compounds could be identified in the profile, out of which di9 and triglycoisdes of Auercetin and kaempferol were the dominant forms and their acylated forms occurred in Iust trace amounts. %he total concentration of flavonoids in the powdered horse chestnut seed was :.88J of dry matter. %he alcohol extract contained 6.7KJ, and after purification on 1(8 solid phase, this concentration increased to >.7:J of dry matter. %he flavonoid profile and their content were also measured in the horse chestnut wastewater obtained as byproduct in industrial processing of horse chestnut seeds. %he total flavonoid concentration in the powder obtained after evaporation of water was 5.H8J, while after purification on solid phase, this increased to ((.56J dry matter. &t was concluded that flavonoids are present in a horse chestnut extract in a relatively high amount and have the potential to contribute to the overall activity of these extracts. &ndustrial horse chestnut wastewater can be used to obtain Auercetine and kaempferol glycosides for cosmetic, nutraceutical, and food supplement industries. Revue / Journal Title *ournal of agricultural and food chemistry ISS ::5(98HK( C!D" *"!1"$

Source / Source 5::B, vol. HH, no5(, pp. 878H987>: CK page(s) (article)F ((( ref.)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Horse chestnut is rich in saponins and flavones, while, horse chestnut seed extract contains beta-aescin and many flavonoids. In most products, the extracts are standardized to 20% or more aescin. escin, the ma!or active principle from esculus hippocastanum "Hippocastanaceae# the horse chestnut tree, has shown satisfactory evidence for a clinically si$nificant activity in chronic venous insufficiency "%&I#, haemorrhoids and post-operative oedema. '() escin*s therapeutic benefit is well supported by a number of experimental investi$ations in different animal models, indicative of anti-oedematous, anti-inflammatory and venotonic properties, mainly related to the molecular mechanism of the a$ent, allowin$ improved entry of ions into channels, thus raisin$ venous tension in both in vitro and in vivo conditions. +ther mechanisms, i.e. release of ,-."2# from veins, anta$onism to /-H0 and histamine, reduced catabolism of tissue mucopolysaccharides, further underline the wide ran$in$ mechanisms of the therapeutic activity of aescin. '()
REFERENCE '1) Horse-chestnut, &itamins 2ltimate .atburner +nline ,ublication, +ctober 11, 200/. '2) 3anebo testin$ chestnut polyphenol for $lucose lowerin$, 4utra In$redients +nline ,ublication, 056106200/ '7) bebe 8 Herbal medication9 potential for adverse interactions with anal$esic dru$s. : %lin ,harm 0her. 2002 ;ec<2=">#97?1-501. '5) ,ittler @H Horse chestnut seed extract for chronic venous insufficiency. %ochrane ;atabase Ayst Bev. 2005<"2# '/) Catex-fruit syndrome. %urr ller$y sthma Bep. 2007 :an<7"1#95=-/7. '>) BaaDe 8 and Einder @, 0reatment of superficial thrombophlebitis Hamostaseolo$ie. 2002 ;ec<22"5#915?-/7. '=) 8a$ner A, 0he latex-fruit syndrome. Eiochem Aoc 0rans. 2002 4ov<70",t >#9?7/-50. '() Airtori %B escin9 pharmacolo$y, pharmacoDinetics and therapeutic profile. ,harmacol Bes. 2001 Aep<55"7#91(7-?7. '?) r$ento et al +ral anticoa$ulants and medicinal plants. n emer$in$ interaction nn Ital @ed Int. 2000 pr-:un<1/"2#917?-57.)

-Escin, a natural triterpenoid saponin from Chinese horse chestnut seeds, depresses !"# human leu$aemia cell proliferation and induces apoptosis
Authors% 4iu, Fan$ ,.1< 8u, Ci @.2< :ian$, Fan C.2< 8an$, 8en G.7< Ci, Cian ;.2 Source% :ournal of ,harmacy and ,harmacolo$y, &olume >0, 4umber ?, Aeptember 200( , pp. 1217-1220"(# &u'lisher% ,harmaceutical ,ress A'stract%

-Hscin, a natural triterpenoid saponin isolated from the seed of the horse chestnut, is Dnown to $enerate a wide variety of biochemical and pharmacolo$ical effects. 0he purpose of the present study was to examine the apoptotic and antiproliferative activity of -escin in HC->0 human acute myeloid leuDaemia cells. ntiproliferative activity was

examined by soft a$ar colony assay and the trypan blue exclusion method. poptotic activity was evaluated by morpholo$ical analysis, annexin & analysis, ;4 fra$mentation analysis and flow cytometry cell cycle analysis. 0he results showed that -escin caused a si$nificant inhibition of HC->0 cell proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner. @orpholo$ical evidence of apoptosis, includin$ vacuolization, apoptotic nuclei fra$mentation and apoptotic body formation, was observed in cells treated with 70 $mCI1 of -escin for 25, 5( and =2 h. si$nificant increase in the population of annexin & J and ,II cells "early apoptotic# amon$ the total cells was observed in cells treated with -escin "70-/0 $mCI1# for 25 h "P K 0.001#. 0ypical ;4 ladders, ;4 with a unit len$th of about 1(0 bp, were detected in cells treated with -escin "70-/0 $mCI1# for 5( h by a$arose $el electrophoresis. .low cytometry cell cycle analysis revealed that escin "70-/0 $mCI1# induced -1-A arrest and led to a si$nificant accumulation of the sub--1 population in HC->0 cells "P K 0.0/#. 0aDen to$ether, the results demonstrate that -escin is a potent natural inhibitor of cell proliferation and inducer of apoptosis in HC->0 acute myeloid leuDaemia cells. 0he results indicate that -escin may be a useful candidate a$ent for explorin$ potential antileuDaemic dru$s.

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