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CEN ISSS WS/BII Project Report Template WG4

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Project Report Template Report Annex to WG4 CWA (Pilot Report Template)

Version: 0.1 Released: 2009-06-26 Date of approval:

CEN ISSS WS/BII Project Report Template WG4

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This document p esents e!ui ements "o a P o#ect temp$ate and epo t temp$ate% The input "o the content o" this document is out$ined in the &2''()'*W+,)-epo t. document% The pu pose o" the epo t is to p esent e!ui ements "o the P o#ect Temp$ate and the P o#ect -epo t% To i$$ust ate possi/$e 0a1s to mani"est a p o#ect p$an2 an e3amp$e is p o4ided at the end o" this document% #ote$ It is impo tant that this document /e e4ie0ed continuous$1 to 5eep the in"o mation e$e4ant and up6to6date% This document is su/#ect to "u the e$a/o ation%

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PI78T (P-89ECT) -EP8-T TE:P7;TE

The pi$ot epo t temp$ate is /e used to p o4ide a summa 1 o" the cu ent status o" an1 pi$ot unning% The pi$ot epo t is in essence a pro%re&& report that summa i<e ho0 the pi$ot p og esses% The main "ocus is to high$ight an1 a ea issue a ea so that the pi$ot management might act on the issues% Content:

PI78T I=
>P o4ide the speci"ics "o the p o#ect2 such as o o o =ate P o#ect manage ?e sion @A

+ENE-;7 C8::ENTS (B-EE B8-:)

>P o4ide a te3tua$ o4e 4ie0 $e4e$ desc iption o" the situation conside ing 1 C p og ess made since the $ast epo t2 2 C ne0 cha$$enges and * C an1 especia$$1 noticea/$e e4entsA


>Summa i<e2 using a ta/$e2 @ o" issues in the a eas desc i/ed /e$o0A


>7ist an1 change e!uests p oposed du ing the pi$ot (so "a ) and the co esponding acti4ities that an1 change e!uests has initiatedA

HE;7ITF 7E?E7 SE::;-F @ 8B =EBECTS

>Ente the @ o" de"ects 5no0n as a esu$t o" the test e""o ts conductedA

>Ente the @ o" de"ects mitigated (hand$ed) as a esu$t o" the test e""o ts conductedA

-ISI SE::;-F
>Ente a$$ is5s2 sepa ating those ente ed /e"o e the pi$ot sta ted and those identi"ied du ing the e3ecution o" the pi$otA%

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:ITI+;TI8N SE::;-F
>Bo each $isted is52 desc i/e ho0 the identi"ied is5 has /een mitigated% To p o4ide an eas1 to "o$$o0 o4e 4ie02 conside using a ta/$e 0he e the is5 and co esponding acti4ities initiated to mitigate the is5 a e $istedA


>P esent the tas5s that ha4e /een co4e ed and the outstanding tas5s2 sepa ated and in e$ation to the time ta/$eA

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Be$o0 is an e3amp$e o" a p o#ect p$an temp$ate used "o t aditiona$ so"t0a e p o#ects% The intention is N8T to p opose that pi$ot p$an temp$ate p esent a/o4e shou$d /e ep$aced2 /ut to i$$ust ate ho0 a p o#ect p$an temp$ate a$te nati4e$1 cou$d /e mani"ested% 7oo5 as this a$te nati4e e3amp$e as &inspi ationa$.% Comments ha4e /een inse ted to p o4ide "u the c$a i"ication 0he e the heading / content is not se$" e3p$icato 1% The p o#ect p$an e3amp$e is not to /e 4ie0ed as a p oposa$2 /ut athe as an e3amp$e% Conside ing the PEPP87 pi$ot scope and content the e a e sections omitted in the /e$o0 e3amp$e2 as 0e$$ as sections that eithe a e inc$uded in othe documents o a$$ togethe unnecessa 1 / out o" scope% Gope"u$$12 though2 the e3amp$e 0i$$ aid in "inding out the an1 missing e$ements 0hen composing p o#ect temp$ate and a p o#ect epo t%

Project Plan "xample

'er&ion ()(

Edition 1

oc*ment I $

>document name goes he eA


>autho A

Re,ie-e. /0$

> e4ised /1A


>date goes he eA

Comment: To ha4e the p o#ect p$an e4ised is ecommended (i" not e!ui ed)%

Re,i&ion Hi&tor0

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Rea&on Initia$ document co$$ation Con"o mance to St1$e Speci"ication

'er&ion '%1d '%*d

1999%',%'L ?a ious sections com/ined (;I) 1999%',%'( =ocument contents "o matted (;I)

Ta/le O1 Content
2) S0&tem e,elopment Plan 1%1 :a#o :i$estones 1%2 +antt Cha t 1%* P ocedu es 1.3.1 Requirements Analysis 1.3.2 Verification 1.3.3 Requirements Document Development 1.3.4 Validation 1.3.5 Solution Analysis 1.3.6 roduct Specification and Desi!n 1.3." roduct #mplementation () Con1i%*ration !ana%ement Plan 3 Proce.*re&

5) 6*alit0 A&&*rance Proce&& Plan 7) oc*mentation Plan

K%1 =ocument Comp$etion P ocedu e K%2 T ans"e P ocedu e K%* Beed/ac5 8) eli,er0 Plan L%1 P o#ect =e$i4e a/$es 9) i&tri/*tion Proce.*re (%1 =e$i4e a/$e =ist i/ution P ocedu e :) !ar;etin% Plan

4) e,elopment S*pport "n,ironment 4) 'eri1ication 3 'ali.ation

,%1 Testing P$an Int oduction 4.1.1 $estin! lan urpose ,%2 Testing P$an Scope ,%* 7i"ec1c$e Phase Independent ;cti4ities 4.3.1 %ritical Analysis and Ris& Assessment 4.3.2 Document Revie' ,%, 7i"ec1c$e Phase =ependent ;cti4ities 4.4.1 Analysis (valuation 4.4.2 Desi!n (valuation

9%1 So$ution ;d4e tisement

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4.4.3 Soft'are Development (valuation 4.4.4 $est (valuation

2) S0&tem e,elopment Plan

1.1 Major Milestones
The mi$estones ha4e p e4ious$1 /een de"ined in the >mi$estone de"initionA document% The "o$$o0ing ta/$e $ists the mile&tone& in e$ati4e ch ono$ogica$ o de a$ong 0ith thei dependent ta&;&2 the num/e o" peop$e 0o 5ing on them2 and the date the1 a e due% Comment: The actua$ :i$estones as 0e$$ as num/e o" esou ces and due dates a e on$1 p o4ided as e3amp$es%


!ile&tone .e&cription

epen.enc Re&o*rce 0 &

*e ate *' 8cto/e 2''( ongoing ongoing *' No4em/e 2''(

-e!ui ements ;na$1sis


2 *

?e i"ication ?a$idation -e!ui ements So$ution Statement -e!ui ements -e"inement So$ution ;na$1sis Pi$ot Speci"ication M =esign Pi$ot

1 1

, ,



*' 9anua 1 2''9 TB=

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Imp$ementation *' ;p i$ 2''9

Pi$ot Testing


Ta/le 2)2 < 2$ :a#o :i$estones

1.2 Gantt Chart

The schedu$e as out$ined /e$o0 on$1 de"ines the "i st "i4e tas5s /e comp$eted% Bo each tas52 the e is one o t1pica$$1 mo e 0o 5 items de"ined% Note that the 4e i"ication and 4a$idation tas5s he e on$1 indicate the p ocesses in ega d to the "unctiona$ p otot1pe2 not the "ina$ pi$ot% This is 0h1 in the a/o4e mi$estones cha t the1 a e $isted as ongoing (open ended) and he e 0e state thei sta t and end dates% >+antt cha t goes he eA =i%*re 2)( < 2$ +antt Cha t In the a/o4e cha t2 co$o coded /a s might indicate the p$anned sta t2 du ation and end dates 0hi$e anothe co$o ep esented /a might ep esent the Ns$ac5N time in 0hich 0e can "inish the tas5 0ithout ad4e se$1 a""ecting the time speci"ied "o $ate tas5s% This might p o4ide /ette e3posu e to tas5 that ha4e $a ge ad4e se impact on the p o#ect%

1.3 Procedures
2)4)2 Re>*irement& Anal0&i&
In o de to /ui$d the correct pi$ot the gi4en e!ui ements need to /e ana$1<ed in detai$% The /usiness e!ui ements statement t1pica$$1 on$1 speci"ies the / oad idea ega ding 0hat "unctiona$it1 the s1stem needs to p o4ide% B om this 0e need to "$ush out 0hat is needed and 0hat is not on a mo e speci"ic $e4e$% In o de to do this e""ecti4e$1 a 1*nctional protot0pe 0i$$ /e imp$emented% The p otot1pe 0i$$ assist in 4e i"1ing that the thus "a de"ined e!ui ements a e co ect2 comp ehensi4e and speci"ied at the necessa 1 $e4e$ o" detai$% The p otot1pe 0i$$ a$so p o4ide insight into the !ua$ities o" the p oposed in" ast uctu e and the techno$ogies e!ui ed to imp$ement the e!ui ements% The p otot1pe 0i$$ a$so p o4ide an oppo tunit1 to esta/$ish de4e$opment and !ua$it1 assu ance p ocesses%

2)4)( 'eri1ication
?e i"ication is the p ocess o" dete mining 0hethe the ight so$ution is /eing de4e$oped% 8nce a p otot1pe is comp$ete the esu$t o" the p otot1pe 0i$$ /e ana$1<ed 0ith the main o/#ecti4e to 4e i"1 that the e!ui ements ha4e /een satis"ied in the p otot1pe% This 0i$$ in4o$4e an ite ati4e t0o step p ocess:

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1 =ete mine 0hatOs missing o not e!ui ed 2 I" updates sti$$ e!ui ed 2%1 Epdate the p otot1pe 2%1%1 -etu n to step 1 2%2 8the 0ise stop 4e i"ication

It &+o*l. /e note. t+at ,eri1ication i& an on%oin% proce&&% ;t the each comp$etion o" each mi$estone2 0e 0i$$ need to pe "o m a 4e i"ication ana$1sis to ma5e su e 0e a e sti$$ on t ac5% Simi$a to the a/o4e p ocess2 this 0i$$ /e in con#unction 0ith the e"e ence g oup% Bo$$o0ing the comp$etion o" this 4e i"ication phase2 it shou$d /e possi/$e to /egin de"ining the pi$ot 0e intend to /ui$d mo e p ecise$1% This 0i$$ /e in the "o m o" the Re>*irement& Sol*tion Statement%

2)4)4 Re>*irement&



The e!ui ements so$ution statement is an a/st act de"inition o" the 1*nctional and non<1*nctional e!ui ements o" the s1stem as inte p eted% It 0i$$ se 4e as the cont act /et0een the pi$ot >supp$ie A and the >commissioning /od1A /1 de"ining e3act$1 0hat to de4e$op and on 0hat /asis (standa ds2 p o"i$es2 "unctiona$ and non6"unctiona$ e!ui ements)% The e!ui ements document a$so se 4es as a /asis "o H; to de4e$op testing p ocedu es "o the de4e$opment/testing phase o" the p o#ect% Comment: the &-e!ui ements document. is the co$$ecti4e name "o 0hat in e""ect 4e 1 0e$$ cou$d /e an agg egate document2 e"e ing to se4e a$ a ti"acts / documents% #ote: each ma#o tas5 / phase o" the p o#ect 0i$$ e!ui e a 4e i"ication p ocess2 simi$a to that o" the p otot1pe 4e i"ication% The pu pose2 to secu e the esu$t and $e4e$ o" !ua$it12 is /asica$$1 the same2 independent on t1pe o" tas5 / acti4it1%

2)4)4 'ali.ation
?a$idation is the p ocess o" ma5ing su e that the so$ution is const ucted co ect$1 and acco ding to the e!ui ements speci"ication (inc$uding $ega$ and non6"unctiona$ speci"ications)% Th oughout de4e$opment o" the pi$ot2 0ee5$1 /ui$ds o" the so$ution 0i$$ /e dec$a ed and handed to the 6*alit0 A&&*rance (H;) team% H; 0i$$ then pe "o m 4a ious testing p ocedu es on the p oduct and p esent the de"ects to the de4e$opment supp$ie (s) to mend% 8nce a$$ the de"ects "ound /1 H; ha4e /een "i3ed2 anothe /ui$d is dec$a ed and the p ocess epeats itse$"% The actua$ testing p ocess is de"ined mo e p ecise$1 in the > Implemente. Te&t G*i.eline& .oc*mentA%

2)4)5 Sol*tion Anal0&i&

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8nce 0e ha4e ou "ina$ so$ution statement2 0e need to design the "ina$ so$ution% +i4en that 0e ha4e a$ ead1 /ui$t the "unctiona$ p otot1pe /1 this stage2 0e shou$d ha4e a good idea as to ho0 to go a/out /ui$ding the s1stem% ;s a esu$t o" /ui$ding and ana$1<ing the p otot1pe it shou$d /e possi/$e to dete mine: 0hat 0o 5ed 0e$$ 0hat needs to /e edesigned 0hat needs to /e th o0n a0a1 a$togethe 0hat needs to /e added%

This 0i$$ "o m the /asis o" the So$ution speci"ication and design%

#ote: In o de to a4oid con"usion2 it shou$d /e pointed out that the te m &pilot.2 a/o4e2 and &&ol*tion. " om this section and /e1ond might 4e 1 0e$$ /e inte changed2 as the &pi$ot. (in the case o" PEPP87) is in "act the &so$ution.2 that is the "ina$ esu$t C the so$ution/p oduct%

2)4)7 Sol*tion Speci1ication an. e&i%n

The So$ution Speci"ication and =esign 0i$$ /e /ased on the so$ution statement and so$ution ana$1sis% It 0i$$ inc$ude imp$ementation speci"ic in"o mation such as c$ass diag ams2 o/#ect mode$s and so "o th% ;t this stage the speci"ication and design p ocess is e$ati4e$1 unde"ined% ;s the p o#ect de4e$ops mo e in"o mation 0i$$ /ecome a4ai$a/$e%

2)4)8 Sol*tion Implementation

;s a/o4e2 the p ocess o" imp$ementation 0i$$ /ecome c$ea e as it comes c$ose and 0i$$ /e de"ined at a mo e app op iate time% #ote: The "o$$o0ing section assumes that the PEPP87 pi$ot 0i$$ /e /ui$d in a &t aditiona$. and so$ution o iented "ashion% This might 4e 1 0e$$ N8T /e the case% The PEPP87 pi$ot might in "act /e /ased on and assem/$ed /1 4a ious entities and /ui$ding /$oc5s2 /oth t aditiona$ p oducts (so"t0a e) and se 4ices2 a4ai$a/$e in the c$oud and/o th ough on6site secu e channe$s accessi/$e at the the appointed supp$ie sP and/o c$ientsP especti4e en4i onment% The need2 ho0e4e 2 "o C: and de"ined p ocedu es is assumed to /e una$te ed%

() Con1i%*ration !ana%ement Plan 3 Proce.*re&

B om the point 0he e the e is a "unctiona$ use inte "ace s5e$eton2 /ui$ds 0i$$ /e made at inte 4a$s set /1 the Application "n%ineer (o simi$a o$e)% Each /ui$d 0i$$ /e a tagged 4e sion2 named se!uentia$$1 /ui$d612 /ui$d622 etc% These /ui$ds a e sent to the Hua$it1 ;ssu ance team (H;) and i" the1 a e deemed suita/$e to /e e$eased as 4e sions2 the1 a e e$eased as inte na$ 4e sions% The c ite ia used /1 H; to dete mine 0hat !ua$i"ies as a 4e sion is speci"ied in this document unde the H; and Test P$an sections (a$te nati4e$1 e"e enced C 0ith e"e ence to the e3te na$ Test p$an)%

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When /ne0/ 4e sions a e to /e const ucted2 the1 0i$$ /e named se!uentia$$1 4e sion612 4e sion62% These /ui$ds and 4e sions 0i$$ /e pe "o med /1 the Con1i%*ration !ana%er% ;n1 p o/$ems shou$d /e epo ted to the ;pp$ication Enginee (autho ) and the Con"igu ation :anage % Inst uctions on chec5ing out /ui$ds and 4e sions 0i$$ /e pu/$ished 0hen the "i st /ui$d is c eated% The /ui$d and 4e sion num/e s a e "o inte na$ use on$1 and do not e$ate to the pu/$ic e$eases% These 0i$$ /e made at the disc etion o" the ;pp$ication Enginee and su/#ect to !ua$it1 assu ance app o4ing a /ui$d% These 0i$$ /e gi4en names such as OCohesionO and OInS1ncO P o#ected e$ease dates 0i$$ /e pu/$ished /1 the ;pp$ication Enginee 0hen the1 /ecome a4ai$a/$e%

4) e,elopment S*pport "n,ironment

The so"t0a e de4e$opment en4i onment is a suit o" app$ications 0hich a$$o0 !ua$it1 so"t0a e to /e 0 itten in a "$e3i/$e 0a1% ;$$ o" the de4e$opment so"t0a e is a4ai$a/$e at the >de4e$opment site/sitesA% The "o$$o0ing so"t0a e is suppo ted: >7ist o" so"t0a e used "o de4e$opmentA E3amp$e (note$ partiall0 1ictional): o o o o o o o o Windo0s ?ista SESE 7inu3 4e sion *%' o highe 9a4a K 9=I " om Sun :ic os1stems2 Inc% 9-E *%'" om Sun :ic os1stems2 Inc% Notepad S1mantec ?isua$ Ca"e K%' 9Bui$de J%' ?isua$ Studio Team Suite 2%'

=e4e$ope s a e " ee to use othe de4e$opment too$s% Be"o e an1 code is chec5ed in to the eposito 12 it must compi$e using the suppo ted too$s% =e4e$ope s ma1 not ecei4e suppo t "o p o/$ems caused /1 using unsuppo ted too$s% ;s ne0 too$s /ecome a4ai$a/$e and a e tested2 the1 ma1 /e added to the $ist o" suppo ted so"t0a e% The so"t0a e $isted a/o4e e!ui es "o "o$$o0ing minimum s1stem ha d0a e speci"ication to un:

>The minimum Ga d0a e speci"ication goes he eA

;n1 s1stem not meeting this e!ui ement 0i$$ not /e a/$e to insta$$ and/o un the e!ui ed so"t0a e% =e4e$opment unde othe ope ating en4i onments and o ope ating s1stems is not suppo ted% It ma1 /e possi/$e to de4e$op and /ui$d unde the So$a is 8S2 o on p i4ate 7inu3 insta$$ations2 /ut this is not suppo ted and an1 p o/$ems must /e so$4ed /1 the indi4idua$ de4e$ope s% ;$$ code de4e$oped unde these en4i onments must /e tested unde the suppo ted en4i onment /e"o e /eing chec5ed in to the

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eposito 1%

4) 'eri1ication 3 'ali.ation
4.1 Testing Plan Introduction
4)2)2 Te&tin% Plan P*rpo&e
The pu pose o" this Verification and Validation lan "o the pilot2 is to document the p$anned steps ta5en /1 >the p o#ect g oupA to ensu e that the so$ution de4e$oped is o" high !ua$it1 in e$ation to 0hat the >commissione A has e!uested% In othe 0o ds2 it assu es that 0e ta5e steps so that: We /ui$d the ight so$ution% We /ui$d the so$ution ight%

4.2 Testing Plan Scope

P$ease see Report 2? re>*irement& 1or Te&t G*i.eline& "o "u the in"o mation%

4.3 Lifec cle Phase Independent !cti"ities

7i"ec1c$e Phase Independent ;cti4ities might /e outside o" the scope "o the PEPP87 pi$ot% It is2 ho0e4e 2 ecommended that the so$ution is /ui$t in such a 0a1 that $i"ec1c$e speci"ic conside ations a e at $east conside ed and i" possi/$e /ui$t into the so$ution% This might inc$ude (/ut not /e $imited to): Bui$t6in status chec5 epo ting Bui$t6in monito ing and a$e t hand$ing Bui$t in nea 6 ea$6time ana$1sis and epo ting Bui$t in change management

4)4)2 Critical Anal0&i& an. Ri&; A&&e&&ment

;na$1sis and mitigation o" is5 is an integ a$ and c itica$ pa t o" the p o#ect epo ting% The p o#ect manage (o 2 i" the necessa 12 the is5 manage o$e) is esponsi/$e "o maintaining the is5 $ist as 0e$$ as secu ing that a$$ c itica$ is5s a e high$ighted and that acti4ities to mitigate is5 a e p$anned and e3ecuted%


oc*ment Re,ie-

=ocumentation e4ie0s a e conducted to o/se 4e measu a/$e p og ess in the so"t0a e comp$etion p ocess /1 e4ie0ing and ana$1<ing de$i4e ed so$ution design and de4e$opment documentation% The e a e th ee 5inds o" document e4ie0s conducted /1 the p o#ect team2 name$1:

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=ocument e4isions ecei4ed 4ia the Custome as a Con"igu ation Change -e!uest (CC-)% The p o#ect teamPs esponses might /e su/mitted in the "o m o" Impact Anal0&i& Report&% ;n e3amp$e ma1 /e a CC- p oposing changes to 7e4e$ * e!ui ements that cou$d p esent a potentia$ impact to the detai$ed design% Chec5ing "o missing documents% This occu s 0hen e3t a e!ui ements o e3t a 0anted "unctiona$it1 is ecei4ed " om the Custome % The goa$ is to secu e that a$$ Change -e!uests a e "u$$1 ana$1<ed and that no acti4ities a e initiated 0ithout a c$ea de"inition o" 0hat is to /e done (I e a "unctiona$ and/o non6"unctiona$ e!ui ement speci"ication)% Chec5ing "o edundant documents o document sections% This occu s 0hen e!ui ements o "unctiona$it1 0anted is emo4ed /1 the Custome %

#ote: &Custome . in this conte3t cou$d /e ep$aced "o &stee ing committee. o &commissioning pa t1. (o e!ui4a$ent)2

4.4 Lifec cle Phase #ependent !cti"ities

I" app$ica/$e (see the comment a/o4e)2 "u the 7i"ec1c$e speci"ic acti4ities might need to /e p$anned and e3ecuted2 such as: ;na$1sis E4a$uation (P otot1ping) =esign E4a$uation So"t0a e =e4e$opment E4a$uation Test E4a$uation

4)4)2 Anal0&i& ",al*ation ;na$1sis e4a$uation consists o" e3amining /oth the p ocess used 0hen the p o#ect team pe "o med the ana$1sis "o the so$ution and the actua$ e!ui ements gene ated /1 the e""o t% Then2 these e!ui ements a e compa ed to the 5no0n e!ui ements ecei4ed " om the Custome 2 and the "unctiona$it1 e!ui ed /1 the Custome %


e&i%n ",al*ation

=esign E4a$uation consists o" e3amining /oth the p ocess in 0hich >the de4e$opment teamA p oduced the design "o so$ution and the actua$ de$i4e a/$es gene ated /1 the e""o t% Bo$$o06on design ana$1sis 0i$$ "ocus on e4ie0ing the p og ess o" so"t0a e de4e$opment p ocesses and changes2 and enhancements to design the so$ution (and 0hate4e entities that togethe "o m the so$ution)%

4)4)4 So1t-are

e,elopment ",al*ation

So"t0a e =e4e$opment E4a$uation consists o" ana$1<ing so"t0a e code and e$ated documents to assess 0hethe the imp$ementation is t acea/$e to the design and o" high !ua$it1% The so$ution 0i$$ a$so /e chec5ed "o & compliance2 internal co.e con&i&tenc02 appropriate 1*nctionalit02 and suppo t o" desi ed *&er interaction2 as app op iate% The So$ution =e4e$opment E4a$uation is p ima i$1 so$ution o iented (I e "ocus is e3amination o" so"t0a e code)Q ho0e4e 2 the imp$ementation o" so"t0a e de4e$opment p ocesses (e g% adhe ence to an1 de4e$opment standa ds used) 0i$$ /e e3amined a$so%

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4)4)4 Te&t ",al*ation

Test E4a$uation consists o" the 0itnessing and independent$1 ana$1<ing esu$ts o" s1stem tests pe "o med /1 the H; Team% The "o$$o0ing p ocess in pe "o ming test e4a$uation cou$d /e used: 8/tain s1stem test and 4e i"ication p$ans2 and test schedu$es% -e4ie0 p$ans "o su""icienc1 and comp$eteness o" test co4e age and e!ui ements t acea/i$it1% Identi"1 tests to 0itness2 c itica$ e!ui ements% Witness tests% ;na$1<e test esu$ts p o4ided /1 the H; Team to assess test conduct comp$iance to p$ans and p ocedu es2 and to 4e i"1 that the esu$ts accu ate$1 and comp$ete$1 e"$ect the outcome o" the tests%

The Test P ocess E4a$uation "ocuses on ho0 the H; Team test p ocess is imp$emented% The e4a$uation e3amines the test p$ans "o the s1stem as 0e$$ as the 4e i"ication p$an2 and the s1stem integ ation and test p$ans to assess the $i5e$ihood that the p ocess 0i$$ (continue to) 1ie$d the e!ui ed imp$ementation end so$ution%

5) 6*alit0 A&&*rance Proce&& Plan

This document desc i/es the "o$$o0ing: The st uctu e the >team goes he eA 0i$$ 0o 5 in% The p ocedu es and p otoco$ the >team goes he eA 0i$$ "o$$o0% ;ssumptions and e3pected standa ds " om othe >team goes he eA% ;ctions ta5en "o possi/$e issues o scena ios that ma1 a ise%

$.1 %! Tea&
>=esc iption o" one team C cou$d /e app$ied on an1 team pa t o" the Pi$ot p o#ectA

5)2)2 Team Str*ct*re



T0pe o1 -or; a&&i%ne. @Bi&t o1 re&pon&i/ilit0 an. -or; item&A

@#ame %oe& +ereA

@S;ill &etA

#ote: u$timate$1 gene ated " om the p o#ect epo t too$ and/o s1nch oni<ed 0ith the de4e$opment and C: too$ used%

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Ta/le 7)2)2 < 2$ H; Team and -esponsi/i$ities

5)2)( Team !eetin%&

The >team nameA 0i$$ /e meeting 0ee5$1 at 1K%*' on :onda1 to discuss ongoing 0o 5 and p o/$ems that ma1 a ise% These meetings a e compu$so 1 "o a$$ H; team mem/e s% Con"e ence ca$$s a e schedu$ed "o each B ida1 at1'%''%

$.2 #ocu&entation
Bo ma$ de$i4e a/$e documents 0 itten /1 the p o#ect team 0i$$ /e e4ie0ed /1 a H; team mem/e "o content co ectness and comp$eteness acco ding to: The use e!ui ements and de"ined goa$s% The ana$1sis and design outcome% ;n e3pe t pee e4ie0e Ps opinion (ma1 /e a mem/e outside the H; team2 i" the e3pe t 5no0$edge is $ac5ing 0ithin the H; team ega ding the document su/#ect)%

Non6content e$ated issues2 such as the spe$$ing2 g amma and st1$e o" document2 a e to /e chec5ed /1 the %%>i" app$ica/$eA%

$.3 Internet Site

The p o#ect Site set up "o the PEPP87 pi$ot 0i$$ /e e4ie0ed /1 one o mo e H; team mem/e s "o content co ectness and comp$eteness acco ding to: The use e!ui ements% GT:7 St1$e +uide% ;n e3pe t pee e4ie0e Ps opinion (ma1 /e a mem/e outside the H; team2 i" the e3pe t 5no0$edge is $ac5ing 0ithin the H; team ega ding the document su/#ect)%

Non6content e$ated issues2 such as the spe$$ing2 g amma and st1$e o" 0e/site2 a e to /e chec5ed /1 the >i" app$ica/$eA% Bo the "unctiona$ aspects o" the p o#ect Inte net Site2 so"t0a e testing p ocedu es 0i$$ /e "o$$o0ed acco ding to the p ocedu es and issues detai$ed in >$ist o" p ocedu es goes he e / is e"e enced he eA%

$.4 %! 'elease Soft(are

The "o$$o0ing section out$ines the p ocedu e "o and the standa ds e3pected "o the e$ease o" so"t0a e to /e tested%

5)4)2 Proce.*re 1or Relea&in% So1t-are to 6A

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>7ist o" p ocedu es goes he eA

7)4)( o1 6A Relea&e Co.e ;n1 code that is e$eased to H; must adhe e to the "o$$o0ing standa ds: >7ist o" e$ease code standa ds goes he e2 i" app$ica/$eA

$.$ Testing Process

This section desc i/es the p ocedu es H; 0i$$ "o$$o0 in o de to assu e a comp$ete and un/iased testing o" the so$ution% Plea&e re1erence t+e Report 2 re>*irement& 1or Te&t G*i.eline& 1or 1*rt+er in1ormation%

5)5)2 Proce.*re 1or Te&tin%

Bo each section o" the so$ution to /e tested2 the "o$$o0ing steps 0i$$ occu : >P ocedu e $ist goes he eA

5)5)( I&&*e& Relatin% to t+e Te&tin% Proce.*re The "o$$o0ing a e issues e$ating to the p ocess o" the H; Team: >P ocedu es "o the H; teamA

$.) *ug +otification

The >/ug epo t s1stemA t ac5ing s1stem 0i$$ /e used "o $ogging2 4ie0ing and editing /ugs% The in"o mation on each /ug $ogged 0i$$ /e as "o$$o0s:

=ate and time "ound% The component name (I e the C$ient C$ass)% The so"t0a e 4e sion% Concise desc iption o" the p o/$em% T1pe o" /ug (I e Inte "ace)% Se4e it1 o" /ug using sca$e o" 1 6 J R1: Bata$ e o Q *: Non6"ata$ "unctiona$ e o Q J: Cosmetic e o s (ie% No on6$ine he$p content)S% 7ong desc iption o" test step2 /eha4io and esu$t% Cu ent state: Not "i3ed2 8pen (I e /eing "i3ed)2 Bi3ed%

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$., Test C cle Co&pletion and Iteration

Each test c1c$e 0i$$ /e ite ati4e% To mo4e on to the ne3t test c1c$e2 eithe no /ugs o on$1 /ugs o" se4e it1 J must /e p esent% The e must /e no /ugs $ogged in the Inte net Site /ug t ac5ing s1stem /e"o e an1 st ess o pe "o mance testing can /e commenced%

$.- Code Inspections

;$$ code inspections 0i$$ /e pe "o med acco ding to the So"t0a e Inspection P ocess document o/taina/$e " om the H; Team 7eade %

7) oc*mentation Plan
).1 #ocu&ent Co&pletion Procedure
The 4a ious steps to /e "o$$o0ed "o a gi4en document to /e comp$eted a e as "o$$o0s: The content o" a document shou$d /e supp$ied to the p o#ect manage >o appointed esponsi/$e manage A /1 the g oup that is esponsi/$e "o the document% ; d a"t is 0 itten o" the document and is chec5ed and 4e i"ied "o comp$iance 0ith the Document Style Standards de"ined in the p o#ect documentation p$an% ;t this stage the document shou$d a$so /e gi4en a ?e sion num/e and a document I=% #ote$ The d a"t shou$d use the gene ic document temp$ate% This temp$ate contains the p ope "o matting and st1$e acco ding to the =ocument St1$e Standa ds% The document is then passed " om the > esponsi/$e o$eA to the Hua$it1 ;ssu ance Team% The Hua$it1 ;ssu ance Team chec5s and 4e i"ies the documents "o comp$iance 0ith thei standa ds% The document is etu ned to eithe the > esponsi/$e o$eA o the g oup that initiated the document ("o content e$ated issues)% Beed/ac5 on co ections o imp o4ements to /e made /e"o e the "ina$ d a"t shou$d /e supp$ied% -epeat steps * to K unti$ no "u the co ections/imp o4ements a e e!ui ed "o the de$i4e a/$e%

).2 Transfer Procedure

To ensu e that a document has /een t ans"e ed " om one su/6g oup 0ithin the p o#ect to anothe and that each g oup is a0a e o" the t ans"e the "o$$o0ing steps must /e adhe ed to: ; cop1 o" the document2 in GT:7 "o mat2 is p$aced in the OdocsO modu$e o" the p o#ect inte net site2 documents "o$de and su/ "o$de 2 acco ding to topic / acti4it1%

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;n emai$ is gene ated to the enti e p o#ect g oup (to in"o m them o" the comp$etion and hando4e o" the document)2 the enti e Hua$it1 ;ssu ance Team (0hose mem/e s 0i$$ /e de$egated the tas5 o" chec5ing the document /1 the Hua$it1 ;ssu ance Gead)% The emai$ 0i$$ contain the "o$$o0ing in"o mation: o o o o o o =ocument I= ;utho Bi$ename ?e sion num/e Co ections/imp o4ements made (on$1 e$e4ant i" Hua$it1 ;ssu ance has a$ ead1 seen the document and had sent it /ac5 "o co ections) ;n1 necessa 1 comments%

Bina$$1 the mi$estone2 de$i4e a/$e2 tas5 o 0o 5 item associated 0ith the document shou$d /e t ans"e ed /et0een the app op iate g oups in the >p o#ect epo t s1stemA (i" a4ai$a/$e)%

).3 .eed/ac0
8nce the Hua$it1 ;ssu ance Team has chec5ed and 4e i"ied the document "o comp$iance 0ith thei standa ds2 the changes a e egiste ed in the p o#ect $og /oo5%

8) eli,er0 Plan
,.1 Project #eli"era/les
Bo a de$i4e a/$e to /e ead1 "o su/mission2 it must ha4e "i st "o$$o0ed the p ocedu es out$ined in the =ocumentation P$an% This p ocess 4e i"ies that the de$i4e a/$e has met the Hua$it1 ;ssu ance p$an (0hich inc$uded /eing su/#ected to the necessa 1 test steps)% Bina$$12 the de$i4e a/$e is pu/$ished on the p o#ect 0e/ site and an emai$ is sent to the assesso %




Criticalit0 >Impact 4a$ueA

>=e$i4e a/$e goes he eA

>=ate goes he eA

Ta/le 8)2 < 2$ :a#o =e$i4e a/$es

9) i&tri/*tion Proce.*re

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-.1 #eli"era/le #istri/ution Procedure

When a gi4en de$i4e a/$e is ead1 to /e e$eased2 the "o$$o0ing steps a e to /e ta5en: >=esc iption o" the e$ease p$anA

:) !ar;etin% Plan
1.1 Solution !d"ertise&ent
>I" app$ica/$e2 desc i/e ho0 the pi$ot is to /e ad4e tised2 inc$uding an1 ma 5eting e""o tsA%

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