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Yang belum ada untuk trauma : 15. Tetanus-Bedah Saraf-Dr.Louis Kandouw 16.Status Epileptikus-Dr.Akbar,Sp.S 28.

Cholelitiasis dan Cholecystitis (Bedah Digestif) 30. Perdarahan Pada Kehamilan Muda 31. Kehamilan Ektopik 32. Plasenta Previa 33. Solusio Plasenta 34. Gawat Janin 38. Prolapsus Tali Pusat 39. Perdarahan Pasca Persalinan 44. Bedah Anak Invaginasi 45. Spinal Trauma Management (dr. Karya Triko,Sp.OT) 46. Fracture Capsula, Tendon, Ligament, Lesion of Wrist (dr. Jainal Arifin, Sp.O T) 47. Fracture and dislocation of the mandibula (dr. Jainal Arifin, S.OT) 48. Fracture of The sholder (dr.Muh. Sakti, Sp.OT) 49. Clavicle fracture (dr.Muh.Sakti, Sp.OT) 50. Fracture of the radius and ulna (dr. Muh. Sakti, Sp.OT)

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