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Group 2


Day 1 after birth till 1 year old are considered foal


1. The dam dies after parturition 2. Foal is rejected by the dam due
First parturition experience mare Irritation due to frequent attempt of nursing by foal

3. Illness of mare

2 alternatives to provide care 1. Hand rearing 2. Nurse mare

Can be given through stomach tube/bottle Should receive 250-300ml of colostrum every one to two hours for the first 6 hours after birth. Can be collected from mare post foaling 200-500ml per mare If mare is dying, harvest before she dies. if no colostrum available, a purified, freeze-dried immunoglobulin can be given. Lyophilized colostrum can be given orally/IV. If no sufficient colostrum within first 24hours can give 2-4L of blood plasma IV

Replacement milk
Powdered mares milk, cows milk, goats milk or replacer can be used. Goat milk is more palatable compare to cows milk and may reduce intestinal upset. 8x (50ml/1 time) per hour on the first month of life, can consume up to 25% of body weight per day.

Example of formulated milk replacer

Formula: 24 oz cows milk 12 oz saturated lime water 4tsp dextrose

Controlling diarhea
1. Amount of milk fed per day 2. Dilution rate of mixture 3. No. of feeding offered per day

After a month, hay and grain can be introduced every two hours first few days + reduce the amount of milk.

Purpose of reducing milk: to reduce colic and diarrhea problem. Assist in feeding so that foal manage to obtain enough nutrient for growth.

Research found that foal may consume mares feces which 1. establish microflora of gut to act as protective substances that enhance ability of gut to fight off infection 2. contain deoxycholic acid which is essential for myelin development of nervous system

General care
Observe for ability to stand, walk and suckling reflex and nurse a bottle within 2-3hours after birth Proper care of navel to prevent navel ill. Provide dry, clean and warm bedding and environment Rear the orphan with another orphan, pony, goat, or horse to reduce behaviour problem (to promote socialization) Routine vaccination and deworming Check for health status blood profile and serum biochemistry especially in IgG level.

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