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Reformation Situations: Lets look at three of the actual causes of the Reformation and make a comparison with hypothetical

(pretend) situations in our school. *. +ndulgences , -hen a person commits a sin! he or she can e.pect eternal punishment. The church was /selling0 indulgences1 in other words! they were allowing people to uy forgiveness of their sins (get out of hell free card)

TODAY: You and your friend steal a cookie at lunch and get caught. The school
rule is that you will have to pay for the cookie and will have to stay after school to wash the cafeteria floor for 3 weeks. Your mom calls in and is willing to make a ig contri ution to the school if you can have your punishment removed. The principal agrees! even though it goes against the esta lished rules. Your friend cannot afford to make a contri ution so he must stay after school for 3 weeks and clean the cafeteria. "ow are these two episodes similar#different$ React to this scenario elow.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ). Lifestyle , 2ope 3rancis (the current 2ope)! took his name from 4t. 3rancis of &ssisi! who elieved that all 5hurch clergy should live a life of poverty to imitate the life of 5hrist. +n his time! 4t. 3rancis narrowly avoided eing called a /heretic0 ecause he critici6ed other clergy (5hurch mem ers) who lived lu.urious lifestyles. This caused great internal conflict

TODAY: The principal elieves that every teacher needs to give homework
every night. "e is the oss and the ultimate authority in the school. & teacher! 'r. 'arino! elieves that homework is not appropriate every night and therefore does not follow the rule and encourages others to reak the rule as well. "e narrowly misses eing fired y the oard of education on a 3() vote. "ow are these two episodes similar#different$ React to this scenario.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3. The 2ope , The 2opes power had ecome e.treme y the time of the Reformation! and with power often comes serious corruption. 3or e.ample 2ope &le.ander from 4pain gave his 4panish relatives anything they asked for. "e even helped his illegitimate son (its more strange for a priest with a vow of celi acy to have one7) attempt to ecome ruler of the land.

TODAY: The superintendent of your school district has made his wife the

assistant superintendent. "e also has hired his son to teach and coach in one of his schools. &nd to top it off his relatives have now een put on the school oard even though they have criminal histories. "ow are these episodes similar#different$ React to this scenario.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8. 3ocus , 9ne of the increasing complaints of reformers was that 5hurch officials were ecoming much more concerned a out wealth! power! and themselves rather than the spiritual duties they had or the spiritual lives of their church mem ers.

TODAY: Your social studies teacher 'r. 'arino is planning a political career.
Rather than focusing on her duties as a teacher he instead spends all of her time raising money for her campaign and making speeches to try to get on television. 4oon a large portion of his students are failing her class! and parents start coming in very concerned and complaining. 'r. 'arino uses the e.ample of his students failing in her own speeches to prove the need for education reform. "ow are these episodes similar#different$ React to this scenario.

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