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Chemotherapy : The use of drugs to treat a disease.

Selective toxicity: A drug that kills harmful microbes without damaging the host Antibiotic: Chemical produced by a microorganism that kills or inhibits the growth of another microorganism Antimicrobial agent: Chemical that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms Characteristics of Antibacterial Agents 1.Selective Toxicity Inhibit growth of bacteria without damage to host Due to differences between bacterial and human cells at four major sites: Cell wall Cell membrane Ribosomes Nucleic acids

2. Spectrum of Activity Broad Spectrum: Active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria e.g. tetracycline, quinolones. Narrow spectrum: Active against one or very few types of bacteria Vancomycinfor Staph. & Enterococci.Metronidazole- antiamoebic and antiprotozoal. Bactericidal Agents that kill bacteria Bacteristatic Agents that inhibit but do not kill bacteria Bacteria may grow again when drug is withdrawn Host defences are needed to kill bacteria In large doses may become bactericidal Are useful in life-threatening infections Also useful in patients with low WBC count

Groups of Antimicrobial Agents (Mechanisms of Action) Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis Inhibitors of cell membrane functions Inhibitors of protein synthesis Inhibitors of enzymatic activity

Inhibitors of nucleic acids synthesis

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