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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 47-8-2. Purpose. The purpose of the Uniform Owner Resident Act is to simplif !

cl"rif ! moderni#e "nd re$ise the l"w %o$ernin% the rent"l of dwellin% units "nd the ri%hts "nd o&li%"tions of owner "nd resident ! "nd to encour"%e the owners "nd the residents to m"int"in "nd impro$e the 'u"lit of housin% in New Me(ico) 47-8-3. Definitions. As used in the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act+ A) ,"&"ndonment, me"ns "&sence of the resident from the dwellin%! without notice to the owner! in e(cess of se$en continuous d" s- pro$idin% such "&sence occurs onl "fter rent for the dwellin% unit is delin'uent.) ,"ction, includes recoupment! countercl"im! set*off! suit in e'uit "nd "n other proceedin% in which ri%hts "re determined! includin% "n "ction for possessionC) ,"menit , me"ns " f"cilit "ppurten"nce or "re" supplied & the owner "nd the "&sence of which would not m"teri"ll "ffect the he"lth "nd s"fet of the resident or the h"&it"&ilit of the dwellin% unitD) ,codes, includes &uildin% codes! housin% codes! he"lth "nd s"fet codes! s"nit"tion codes "nd "n l"w! ordin"nce or %o$ernment"l re%ul"tion concernin% fitness for h"&it"tion or the construction! m"inten"nce! oper"tion! occup"nc or use of " dwellin% unitE) ,deposit, me"ns "n "mount of currenc or instrument deli$ered to the owner & the resident "s " pled%e to "&ide & terms "nd conditions of the rent"l "%reementF) ,dwellin% unit, me"ns " structure! mo&ile home or the p"rt of " structure! includin% " hotel or motel! th"t is used "s " home! residence or sleepin% pl"ce & one person who m"int"ins " household or & two or more persons who m"int"in " common household "nd includes " p"rcel of l"nd le"sed & its owner for use "s " site for the p"r/in% of " mo&ile home0) ,e$iction, me"ns "n "ction initi"ted & the owner to re%"in possession of " dwellin% unit "nd use of the premises under terms of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act1) ,f"ir rent"l $"lue, is th"t $"lue th"t is comp"r"&le to the $"lue est"&lished in the m"r/et pl"ceI) ,%ood f"ith, me"ns honest in f"ct in the conduct of the tr"ns"ction concerned "s e$idenced & "ll surroundin% circumst"nces2) ,norm"l we"r "nd te"r, me"ns deterior"tion th"t occurs &"sed upon the use for which the rent"l unit is intended! without ne%li%ence! c"relessness! "ccident! "&use or intention"l d"m"%e of the premises! e'uipment or ch"ttels of the owner & the residents or & "n other person in the dwellin% unit or on the premises with the resident3s consenthowe$er! uncle"nliness does not constitute norm"l we"r "nd te"r4) ,or%"ni#"tion, includes " corpor"tion! %o$ernment! %o$ernment"l su&di$ision or "%enc thereof! &usiness trust! est"te! trust! p"rtnership or "ssoci"tion! two or more persons h"$in% " 5oint or common interest or "n other le%"l or commerci"l entit 6) ,owner, me"ns one or more persons! 5ointl or se$er"ll ! in whom is $ested+ 789 "ll or p"rt of the le%"l title to propert ! &ut sh"ll not include the limited p"rtner in "n "ssoci"tion re%ul"ted under the Uniform 6imited :"rtnership Act ;<=*>*8 NMSA 8?@AB- or

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 7>9 "ll or p"rt of the &enefici"l ownership "nd " ri%ht to present use "nd en5o ment of the premises "nd "%ents thereof "nd includes " mort%"%ee in possession "nd the lessors! &ut sh"ll not include " person or persons! 5ointl or se$er"ll ! who "s owner le"ses the entire premises to " lessee of $"c"nt l"nd for "p"rtment useM) ,person, includes "n indi$idu"l! corpor"tion! entit or or%"ni#"tionN) ,premises, me"ns f"cilities! f"cilities "nd "ppurten"nces! "re"s "nd other f"cilities held out for use of the resident or whose use is promised to the resident coincident"l with occup"nc of " dwellin% unitO) ,rent, me"ns p" ments in currenc or in*/ind under terms "nd conditions of the rent"l "%reement for use of " dwellin% unit or premises! to &e m"de to the owner & the resident! &ut does not include deposits:) ,rent"l "%reement, me"ns "ll "%reements &etween "n owner "nd resident "nd $"lid rules "nd re%ul"tions "dopted under Section =@*A*>C NMSA 8?@A em&od in% the terms "nd conditions concernin% the use "nd occup"nc of " dwellin% unit or premisesD) ,resident, me"ns " person entitled under " rent"l "%reement to occup " dwellin% unit in pe"ceful possession to the e(clusion of others "nd includes the owner of " mo&ile home rentin% premises! other th"n " lot or p"rcel in " mo&ile home p"r/! for use "s " site for the loc"tion of the mo&ile homeR) ,roomer, me"ns " person occup in% " dwellin% unit th"t l"c/s " m"5or &"throom or /itchen f"cilit in " structure where one or more m"5or f"cilities "re used in common & occup"nts of the dwellin% units) As referred to in this su&section! ,m"5or f"cilit ,! in the c"se of " &"throom! me"ns toilet "nd either " &"th or shower "nd! in the c"se of " /itchen! me"ns refri%er"tor! sto$e or sin/S) ,sin%le f"mil residence, me"ns " structure m"int"ined "nd used "s " sin%le dwellin% unit) Notwithst"ndin% th"t " dwellin% unit sh"res one or more w"lls with "nother dwellin% unit! it is " sin%le f"mil residence if it h"s direct "ccess to " street or thorou%hf"re "nd sh"res neither he"tin% f"cilities! hot w"ter e'uipment nor "n other essenti"l f"cilit or ser$ice with "n other dwellin% unitT) ,su&st"nti"l $iol"tion, me"ns " $iol"tion of the rent"l "%reement or rules "nd re%ul"tions & the resident or occurrin% with the resident3s consent th"t occurs in the dwellin% unit! on the premises or within three hundred feet of the premises "nd th"t includes the followin% conduct! which sh"ll &e the sole %rounds for " su&st"nti"l $iol"tion+ 789 possession! use! s"le! distri&ution or m"nuf"cture of " controlled su&st"nce! e(cludin% misdeme"nor possession "nd use7>9 unl"wful use of " de"dl we"pon7C9 unl"wful "ction c"usin% serious ph sic"l h"rm to "nother person7=9 se(u"l "ss"ult or se(u"l molest"tion of "nother person7<9 entr into the dwellin% unit or $ehicle of "nother person without th"t person3s permission "nd with intent to commit theft or "ss"ult7E9 theft or "ttempted theft of the propert of "nother person & use or thre"tened use of force- or 7@9 intention"l or rec/less d"m"%e to propert in e(cess of one thous"nd doll"rs 7F8!GGG9U) ,term, is the period of occup"nc specified in the rent"l "%reement- "nd

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT H) ,tr"nsient occup"nc , me"ns occup"nc of " dwellin% unit for which rent is p"id on less th"n " wee/l &"sis or where the resident h"s not m"nifested "n intent to m"/e the dwellin% unit " residence or household) 47-8-4. Principles of law and equity. Unless displ"ced & the pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! the principles of l"w "nd e'uit ! includin% the l"w rel"tin% to c"p"cit to contr"ct! mutu"lit of o&li%"tions! e'uit"&le "&"tement! princip"l "nd "%ent! re"l propert ! pu&lic he"lth! s"fet "nd fire pre$ention! estoppel! fr"ud! misrepresent"tion! duress! coercion! mist"/e! &"n/ruptc or other $"lid"tin% or in$"lid"tin% c"use supplement its pro$isions) 47-8-5. General act. The Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act &ein% " %ener"l "ct is intended "s " unified co$er"%e of its su&5ect m"tter! "nd no p"rt of it is to &e construed "s impliedl repe"led & su&se'uent le%isl"tion if th"t construction c"n re"son"&l &e "$oided) 47-8-6. Reco ery of da!a"es. A) The remedies pro$ided & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act sh"ll &e so "dministered th"t the "%%rie$ed p"rt m" reco$er d"m"%es "s pro$ided in the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) The "%%rie$ed p"rt h"s " dut to miti%"te d"m"%es) . An ri%ht or o&li%"tion decl"red & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act is enforce"&le & "ction unless the pro$ision decl"rin% it specifies " different "nd limited effect) 47-8-7. Pro ision for a"ree!ent. A cl"im or ri%ht "risin% under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act or on " rent"l "%reement m" &e settled & "%reement) 47-8-8. Ri"#ts$ o%li"ations and re!edies. The Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "pplies to! re%ul"tes "nd determines ri%hts! o&li%"tions "nd remedies under " rent"l "%reement! where$er m"de! for " dwellin% unit loc"ted within this st"te) 47-8-&. '(e!ptions. Unless cre"ted to "$oid the "pplic"tion of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! the followin% "rr"n%ements "re e(empted & th"t "ct+ A) residence "t "n institution! pu&lic or pri$"te! if incident"l to detention or the pro$ision of medic"l! %eri"tric! counselin%! reli%ious! educ"tion"l when room "nd &o"rd "re "n entit or simil"r ser$ice.) occup"nc under " contr"ct of s"le of " dwellin% unit or the propert of which it is p"rt! if the occup"nt is the purch"ser or " person who succeeds to his interestC) occup"nc & " mem&er of " fr"tern"l or soci"l or%"ni#"tion in the portion of " structure oper"ted for the &enefit of the or%"ni#"tionD) tr"nsient occup"nc in " hotel or motel-

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT E) occup"nc & "n emplo ee of "n owner pursu"nt to " written rent"l or emplo ment "%reement th"t specifies the emplo ee3s ri%ht to occup"nc is condition"l upon emplo ment in "nd "&out the premises- "nd F) occup"nc under " rent"l "%reement co$erin% premises used & the occup"nt prim"ril for "%ricultur"l purposes) 47-8-)*. +udicial ,urisdiction. A) The district or m"%istr"te court of this st"te m" e(ercise 5urisdiction o$er "n person with respect to "n conduct in this st"te %o$erned & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act or with respect to "n cl"im "risin% from " tr"ns"ction su&5ect to this "ct for " dwellin% unit loc"ted within its 5urisdiction"l &ound"ries) In "ddition to "n other method pro$ided & rule or & st"tute! person"l 5urisdiction o$er " person m" &e "c'uired in " ci$il "ction or proceedin% instituted in the district or m"%istr"te court & the ser$ice of process in the m"nner pro$ided & this section) .) If " person is not " resident of this st"te or is " corpor"tion not "uthori#ed to do &usiness in this st"te "nd en%"%es in "n conduct in this st"te %o$erned & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! or en%"%es in " tr"ns"ction su&5ect to this "ct! he m" desi%n"te "n "%ent upon whom ser$ice of process m" &e m"de in this st"te) The "%ent sh"ll &e " resident of this st"te or " corpor"tion "uthori#ed to do &usiness in this st"te) The desi%n"tion sh"ll &e in writin% "nd sh"ll &e filed with the secret"r of st"te) If no desi%n"tion is m"de "nd filed or if process c"nnot &e ser$ed in this st"te upon the desi%n"ted "%ent! process m" &e ser$ed upon the secret"r of st"te! &ut ser$ice upon him is not effecti$e unless the pl"intiff or petitioner immedi"tel m"ils " cop of the process "nd ple"din% & re%istered or certified m"il to the defend"nt or respondent "t his l"st re"son"&l "scert"in"&le "ddress) An "ffid"$it of compli"nce with this section sh"ll &e filed with the cler/ of the court on or &efore the return d" of the process! if "n ! or within "n further time the court "llows) 47-8-)). -%li"ation of "ood fait#. E$er dut under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "nd e$er "ct which must &e performed "s " condition precedent to the e(ercise of " ri%ht or remed under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act imposes "n o&li%"tion of %ood f"ith in its perform"nce or enforcement) 47-8-)2. .nequita%le a"ree!ent pro ision. A) If the court! "s " m"tter of l"w! finds th"t "n pro$ision of " rent"l "%reement w"s ine'uit"&le when m"de! the court m" limit the "pplic"tion of such ine'uit"&le pro$isions to "$oid "n ine'uit"&le result) .) If ine'uit"&ilit is put into issue & " p"rt to the rent"l "%reement! the p"rties to the rent"l "%reement sh"ll &e "fforded " re"son"&le opportunit to present e$idence "s to the settin%! purpose "nd effect of the rent"l "%reement! or settlement! to "id the court in m"/in% determin"tion) 47-8-)3. /er ice of notice. A) A person h"s notice of " f"ct if+ 789 he h"s "ctu"l /nowled%e of it-

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 7>9 he h"s recei$ed " notice or notific"tion of it- or 7C9 from "ll f"cts "nd circumst"nces /nown to him "t the time in 'uestion he h"s re"son to /now th"t it e(ists) .) A person notifies or %i$es " notice or notific"tion to "nother & t"/in% steps re"son"&l c"lcul"ted to inform the other in ordin"r course! whether or not the other "ctu"ll comes to /now of it) C) A person recei$es " notice or notific"tion+ 789 when it comes to his "ttention7>9 where written notice to the owner is re'uired! when it is m"iled or otherwise deli$ered "t the pl"ce of &usiness of the owner throu%h which the rent"l "%reement w"s m"de or "t "n pl"ce held out & him "s the pl"ce for receipt of the communic"tion- or 7C9 if written notice to the resident is re'uired! when it is deli$ered in h"nd to the resident or m"iled to him "t the pl"ce held out & him "s the pl"ce for receipt of the communic"tion! or in the "&sence of such desi%n"tion! to his l"st /nown pl"ce of residence) D) Notwithst"ndin% "n other pro$isions of this section! notice to " resident for nonp" ment of rent sh"ll &e effecti$e onl when h"nd deli$ered or m"iled to the resident or posted on "n e(terior door of the dwellin% unit) In "ll other c"ses where written notice to the resident is re'uired! e$en if there is " notice & postin%! there must "lso &e " m"ilin% of the notice & first cl"ss m"il or h"nd deli$er of the notice to the resident) The d"te of " postin% sh"ll &e included in "n notice posted! m"iled or h"nd deli$ered! "nd sh"ll constitute the effecti$e d"te of the notice) A posted notice sh"ll &e "ffi(ed to " door & t"pin% "ll sides or pl"ced in " fi(ture or recept"cle desi%ned for notices or m"il) E) Notice! /nowled%e or " notice or notific"tion recei$ed & the resident or person is effecti$e for " p"rticul"r tr"ns"ction from the time it is &rou%ht to the "ttention of the resident or person conductin% th"t tr"ns"ction! "nd in "n e$ent from the time it would h"$e &een &rou%ht to the resident3s or person3s "ttention if the resident or person h"d e(ercised re"son"&le dili%ence) F) Where ser$ice of notice is re'uired under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! "nd the item is m"iled &ut returned "s undeli$er"&le! or where the l"st /nown "ddress is the $"c"ted dwellin% unit! the owner sh"ll ser$e "t le"st one "ddition"l notice if "n "ltern"ti$e "ddress h"s &een pro$ided to the owner & the resident) =@*A*8=) Terms "nd conditions of "%reement) The owner "nd resident m" include in " rent"l "%reement terms "nd conditions not prohi&ited & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act or other rule of l"w includin% rent! term of the "%reement or other pro$isions %o$ernin% the ri%hts "nd o&li%"tions of the p"rties) =@*A*8< Pay!ent of rent. A) The resident sh"ll p" rent in "ccord"nce with the rent"l "%reement) In the "&sence of "n "%reement! the resident sh"ll p" "s rent the f"ir rent"l $"lue for the use of the premises "nd occup"nc of the dwellin% unit) .) Rent is p" "&le without dem"nd or notice "t the time "nd pl"ce "%reed upon & the p"rties) Unless otherwise "%reed! rent is p" "&le "t the dwellin% unit) Unless otherwise "%reed! periodic rent is p" "&le "t the &e%innin% of "n term of one month or

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT less "nd otherwise in e'u"l monthl inst"llments "t the &e%innin% of e"ch monthl period) The d"te of one month to the s"me d"te of the followin% month sh"ll constitute " term of one month) C) Unless the rent"l "%reement fi(es " definite term! the residenc is wee/*to*wee/ in the c"se of " person who p" s wee/l rent "nd in "ll other c"ses month*to*month) D) If the rent"l "%reement pro$ides for the ch"r%in% of " l"te fee! "nd if the resident does not p" rent in "ccord"nce with the rent"l "%reement! the owner m" ch"r%e the resident " l"te fee in "n "mount not to e(ceed ten percent of the tot"l rent p" ment for e"ch rent"l period th"t the resident is in def"ult) To "ssess " l"te fee! the owner sh"ll pro$ide notice of the l"te fee ch"r%ed no l"ter th"n the l"st d" of the ne(t rent"l period immedi"tel followin% the period in which the def"ult occurred) E) An owner m" not "ssess " fee from the resident for occup"nc of the dwellin% unit & " re"son"&le num&er of %uests for " re"son"&le len%th of time) This sh"ll not preclude ch"r%es for use of premises or f"cilities other th"n the dwellin% unit & %uests) F) An owner m" incre"se the rent p" "&le & the resident in " month*to*month residenc & pro$idin% written notice to the resident of the proposed incre"se "t le"st thirt d" s prior to the periodic rent"l d"te specified in the rent"l "%reement or! in the c"se of " fi(ed term residenc ! "t le"st thirt d" s prior to the end of the term) In the c"se of " periodic residenc of less th"n one month! written notice sh"ll &e pro$ided "t le"st one rent"l period in "d$"nce of the first rent"l p" ment to &e incre"sed) 0) Unless "%reed upon in writin% & the owner "nd the resident! " resident3s p" ment of rent m" not &e "lloc"ted to "n deposits or d"m"%es) 47-8-)6. 0ai er of ri"#ts pro#i%ited. No rent"l "%reement m" pro$ide th"t the resident or owner "%rees to w"i$e or to fore%o ri%hts or remedies under the l"w) 47-8-)7. 1nlawful a"ree!ent pro ision. If "n owner deli&er"tel uses " rent"l "%reement cont"inin% pro$isions /nown & him to &e prohi&ited & l"w! the resident m" reco$er d"m"%es sust"ined & him resultin% from "pplic"tion of the ille%"l pro$ision "nd re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees) 47-8-)8. Deposits. A) An owner is permitted to dem"nd from the resident " re"son"&le deposit to &e "pplied & the owner to reco$er d"m"%es! if "n ! c"used to the premises & the resident durin% his term of residenc ) 789 Under the terms of "n "nnu"l rent"l "%reement! if the owner dem"nds or recei$es of the resident such " deposit in "n "mount %re"ter th"n one month3s rent! the owner sh"ll &e re'uired to p" to the resident "nnu"ll "n interest e'u"l to the p"ss&oo/ interest permitted to s"$in%s "nd lo"n "ssoci"tions in this st"te & the feder"l home lo"n &"n/ &o"rd on such deposit) 7>9 Under the terms of " rent"l "%reement of " dur"tion less th"n one e"r! "n owner sh"ll not dem"nd or recei$e from the resident such " deposit in "n "mount in e(cess of one month3s rent) .) It is not the intention of this section to include the l"st month3s prep"id rent! which m" &e re'uired & the rent"l "%reement "s " deposit "s defined in Su&section D

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT ;EB of Section =@*A*C NMSA 8?@A) An deposit "s defined in :"r"%r"ph 789 of Su&section A of this section sh"ll not &e construed "s prep"id rent) C) Upon termin"tion of the residenc ! propert or mone held & the owner "s deposits m" &e "pplied & the owner to the p" ment of rent "nd the "mount of d"m"%es which the owner h"s suffered & re"son of the resident3s noncompli"nce with the rent"l "%reement or Section =@*A*>> NMSA 8?@A) No deposit sh"ll &e ret"ined to co$er norm"l we"r "nd te"r) In the e$ent "ctu"l c"use e(ists for ret"inin% "n portion of the deposit! the owner sh"ll pro$ide the resident with "n itemi#ed written list of the deductions from the deposit "nd the &"l"nce of the deposit! if "n ! within thirt d" s of the d"te of termin"tion of the rent"l "%reement or resident dep"rture! whiche$er is l"ter) The owner is deemed to h"$e complied with this section & m"ilin% the st"tement "nd "n p" ment re'uired to the l"st /nown "ddress of the resident) Nothin% in this section sh"ll preclude the owner from ret"inin% portions of the deposit for nonp" ment of rent or utilities! rep"ir wor/ or other le%itim"te d"m"%es) D) If the owner f"ils to pro$ide the resident with " written st"tement of deductions from the deposit "nd the &"l"nce shown & the st"tement to &e due! within thirt d" s of the termin"tion of the ten"nc ! the owner+ 789 sh"ll forfeit the ri%ht to withhold "n portion of the deposit7>9 sh"ll forfeit the ri%ht to "ssert "n countercl"im in "n "ction &rou%ht to reco$er th"t deposit7C9 sh"ll &e li"&le to the resident for court costs "nd re"son"&le "ttorne s3 fees"nd 7=9 sh"ll forfeit the ri%ht to "ssert "n independent "ction "%"inst the resident for d"m"%es to the rent"l propert ) E) An owner who in &"d f"ith ret"ins " deposit in $iol"tion of this section is li"&le for " ci$il pen"lt in the "mount of two hundred fift doll"rs 7F><G9 p" "&le to the resident) 47-8-)&. -wner disclosure. A) The owner or "n person "uthori#ed to enter into " rent"l "%reement on his &eh"lf sh"ll disclose to the resident in writin% "t or &efore the commencement of the residenc the n"me! "ddress "nd telephone num&er of+ 789 the person "uthori#ed to m"n"%e the premises- "nd 7>9 "n owner of the premises or " person "uthori#ed to "ct for "nd on &eh"lf of the owner for the purpose of ser$ice of process "nd for the purpose of recei$in% "nd receiptin% for notices "nd dem"nds) .) The inform"tion re'uired to &e furnished & this section sh"ll &e /ept current! "nd this section e(tends to "nd is enforce"&le "%"inst "n successor! owner or m"n"%er) C) A person desi%n"ted under :"r"%r"ph 7>9 of Su&section A of this section &ecomes "n "%ent of e"ch person who is "n owner for the purpose of ser$ice of process "nd recei$in% "nd receiptin% for notices "nd dem"nds) A person desi%n"ted under :"r"%r"ph 789 of Su&section A of this section &ecomes "n "%ent of e"ch person who is "n owner for the purpose of performin% the o&li%"tions of the owner under the Uniform Owner* Resident Rel"tions Act "nd under the rent"l "%reement)

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT D) F"ilure of the owner to compl with this section sh"ll relie$e the resident from the o&li%"tion to pro$ide notice to the owner "s re'uired & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) 47-8-2*. -%li"ations of owner. A) The owner sh"ll+ 789 su&st"nti"ll compl with re'uirements of the "pplic"&le minimum housin% codes m"teri"ll "ffectin% he"lth "nd s"fet 7>9 m"/e rep"irs "nd do wh"te$er is necess"r to put "nd /eep the premises in " s"fe condition "s pro$ided & "pplic"&le l"w "nd rules "nd re%ul"tions "s pro$ided in Section =@*A*>C NMSA 8?@A7C9 /eep common "re"s of the premises in " s"fe condition7=9 m"int"in in %ood "nd s"fe wor/in% order "nd condition electric"l! plum&in%! s"nit"r ! he"tin%! $entil"tin%! "ir conditionin% "nd other f"cilities "nd "ppli"nces! includin% ele$"tors! if "n ! supplied or re'uired to &e supplied & him7<9 pro$ide "nd m"int"in "ppropri"te recept"cles "nd con$eniences for the remo$"l of "shes! %"r&"%e! ru&&ish "nd other w"ste incident"l to the occup"nc of the dwellin% unit "nd "rr"n%e for their remo$"l from the "ppropri"te recept"cle- "nd 7E9 suppl runnin% w"ter "nd " re"son"&le "mount of hot w"ter "t "ll times "nd re"son"&le he"t! e(cept where the &uildin% th"t includes the dwellin% unit is not re'uired & l"w to &e e'uipped for th"t purpose or the dwellin% unit is so constructed th"t he"t or hot w"ter is %ener"ted & "n inst"ll"tion within the e(clusi$e control of the resident "nd supplied & " direct pu&lic utilit connection) .) If there e(ists " minimum housin% code "pplic"&le to the premises! the owner3s m"(imum dut under this section sh"ll &e determined & :"r"%r"ph 789 of Su&section A of this section) The o&li%"tions imposed & this section "re not intended to ch"n%e e(istin% tort l"w in the st"te) C) The owner "nd resident of " sin%le f"mil residence m" "%ree th"t the resident perform the owner3s duties specified in :"r"%r"phs 7<9 "nd 7E9 of Su&section A of this section "nd "lso specified rep"irs! m"inten"nce t"s/s! "lter"tions "nd remodelin%! &ut onl if the tr"ns"ction is in writin%! for consider"tion! entered into in %ood f"ith "nd not for the purpose of e$"din% the o&li%"tions of the owner) D) The owner "nd resident of " dwellin% unit other th"n " sin%le f"mil residence m" "%ree th"t the resident is to perform specified rep"irs! m"inten"nce t"s/s! "lter"tions or remodelin% onl if+ 789 the "%reement of the p"rties is entered into in %ood f"ith "nd not for the purpose of e$"din% the o&li%"tions of the owner "nd is set forth in " sep"r"te writin% si%ned & the p"rties "nd supported & consider"tion- "nd 7>9 the "%reement does not diminish or "ffect the o&li%"tion of the owner to other residents in the premises) E) Notwithst"ndin% "n pro$ision of this section! "n owner m" "rr"n%e with " resident to perform the o&li%"tions of the owner) An such "rr"n%ement &etween the owner "nd the resident will not ser$e to diminish the owner3s o&li%"tions "s set forth in this section! nor sh"ll the f"ilure of the resident to perform the o&li%"tions of the owner ser$e "s " &"sis for e$iction or in "n w" &e considered " m"teri"l &re"ch & the resident

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT of his o&li%"tions under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act or the rent"l "%reement) F) In multi*unit housin%! if there is sep"r"te utilit meterin% for e"ch unit! the resident sh"ll recei$e " cop of the utilit &ill for his unit upon re'uest m"de to the owner or his "%ent) If the unit is su&metered! the resident sh"ll then &e entitled to recei$e " cop of the "p"rtment3s utilit &ill) When utilit &ills for common "re"s "re sep"r"tel "pportioned &etween units "nd the costs "re p"ssed on to the residents of e"ch unit! e"ch resident m" ! upon re'uest! recei$e " cop of "ll utilit &ills &ein% "pportioned) The c"lcul"tions used "s the &"sis for "pportionin% the cost of utilities for common "re"s "nd su&metered "p"rtments sh"ll &e m"de "$"il"&le to "n resident upon re'uest) The portion of the common "re" cost th"t would &e "lloc"ted to "n empt unit if it were occupied sh"ll not &e "lloc"ted to the rem"inin% residents) It is solel the owner3s responsi&ilit to suppl the items "nd inform"tion in this su&section to the resident upon re'uest) The owner m" ch"r%e "n "dministr"ti$e fee not to e(ceed fi$e doll"rs 7F<)GG9 for e"ch monthl re'uest of the items in this su&section) 0) The owner sh"ll pro$ide " written rent"l "%reement to e"ch resident prior to the &e%innin% of occup"nc ) 47-8-2). Relief of owner lia%ility. A) Unless otherwise "%reed! upon termin"tion of the owner3s interest in the dwellin% unit! includin% &ut not limited to termin"tions of interest & s"le! "ssi%nment! de"th! &"n/ruptc ! "ppointment of recei$er or otherwise! the owner is relie$ed of "ll li"&ilit under the rent"l "%reement "nd of "ll o&li%"tions under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "s to e$ents occurrin% su&se'uent to written notice to the resident of the termin"tion of the owner3s interest) The successor in interest to the owner sh"ll &e li"&le for "ll o&li%"tions under the rent"l "%reement or under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) Upon receipt & the resident of written notice of the termin"tion of the owner3s interest in the dwellin% unit! the resident sh"ll p" "ll future rent"l p" ments! when due! to the successor in interest to the owner) .) Unless otherwise "%reed! " m"n"%er of premises th"t include " dwellin% unit is relie$ed of li"&ilit under the rent"l "%reement "nd the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "s to e$ents occurrin% "fter written notice to the resident of the termin"tion of his m"n"%ement) 47-8-22. -%li"ations of resident. The resident sh"ll+ A) compl with o&li%"tions imposed upon residents & "pplic"&le minimum st"nd"rds of housin% codes m"teri"ll "ffectin% he"lth or s"fet .) /eep th"t p"rt of the premises th"t he occupies "nd uses "s cle"n "nd s"fe "s the condition of the premises permit! "nd! upon termin"tion of the residenc ! pl"ce the dwellin% unit in "s cle"n condition! e(ceptin% ordin"r we"r "nd te"r! "s when residenc commencedC) dispose from his dwellin% unit "ll "shes! ru&&ish! %"r&"%e "nd other w"ste in " cle"n "nd s"fe m"nnerD) /eep "ll plum&in% fi(tures in the dwellin% unit or used & the resident "s cle"n "s their condition permits-

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT E) use in " re"son"&le m"nner "ll electric"l! plum&in%! s"nit"r ! he"tin%! $entil"tion! "ir conditionin% "nd other f"cilities "nd "ppli"nces includin% ele$"tors! if "n ! in the premisesF) not deli&er"tel or ne%li%entl destro ! def"ce! d"m"%e! imp"ir or remo$e "n p"rt of the premises or /nowin%l permit "n person to do so0) conduct himself "nd re'uire other persons on the premises with his consent to conduct themsel$es in " m"nner th"t will not distur& his nei%h&ors3 pe"ceful en5o ment of the premises1) "&ide & "ll & l"ws! co$en"nts! rules or re%ul"tions of "n "pplic"&le condominium re%ime! cooper"ti$e housin% "%reement or nei%h&orhood "ssoci"tion not inconsistent with owner3s ri%hts or duties- "nd I) not /nowin%l commit or consent to "n other person /nowin%l committin% " su&st"nti"l $iol"tion) 47-8-23. 2pplication of rules or re"ulations. An owner! from time to time! m" "dopt rules or re%ul"tions! howe$er descri&ed! concernin% the resident3s use "nd occup"nc of the premises) The "re enforce"&le "s pro$ided in Section =@*A*CC NMSA 8?@A "%"inst the resident onl if+ A) their purpose is to promote the "ppe"r"nce! con$enience! s"fet or welf"re of the residents in the premises! preser$e the owner3s propert from "&usi$e use or m"/e " f"ir distri&ution of ser$ices "nd f"cilities held out for the residents %ener"ll .) the "re re"son"&l rel"ted to the purpose for which the "re "doptedC) the "ppl to "ll residents in the premises in " f"ir m"nnerD) the "re sufficientl e(plicit in their prohi&ition! direction or limit"tion of the resident3s conduct to f"irl inform him of wh"t he must or must not do to compl E) the "re not for the purpose of e$"din% the o&li%"tions of the owner- "nd F) the resident is presented with copies of e(istin% rules "nd re%ul"tions "t the time he enters into the rent"l "%reement "nd is presented notice of "mendments to the rules "nd re%ul"tions "nd rules "nd re%ul"tions "dopted su&se'uent to the time he enters into the rent"l "%reement) A rule or re%ul"tion "dopted "fter the resident enters into the rent"l "%reement is enforce"&le "%"inst the resident if re"son"&le notice of its "doption is %i$en to the resident "nd it does not wor/ " su&st"nti"l modific"tion of his &"r%"in) 47-8-24. Ri"#t of entry. A) The resident sh"ll! in "ccord"nce with pro$isions of the rent"l "%reement "nd notice pro$isions "s pro$ided in this section! consent to the owner to enter into the dwellin% unit in order to inspect the premises! m"/e necess"r or "%reed rep"irs! decor"tions! "lter"tions or impro$ements! suppl necess"r or "%reed ser$ices or e(hi&it the dwellin% unit to prospecti$e or "ctu"l purch"sers! mort%"%ees! prospecti$e residents! wor/men or contr"ctors- pro$ided th"t+ 789 unless otherwise "%reed upon & the owner "nd resident! the owner m" enter the resident3s dwellin% unit pursu"nt to this su&section onl "fter %i$in% the resident twent *four hours written notific"tion of his intent to enter! the purpose for entr "nd the d"te "nd re"son"&le estim"te of the time fr"me of the entr 7>9 this su&section is not "pplic"&le to entr & the owner to perform rep"irs or ser$ices within se$en d" s of " re'uest & the resident or when the owner is "ccomp"nied

:"%e 8G of >C

UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT & " pu&lic offici"l conductin% "n inspection or " c"&le tele$ision! electric! %"s or telephone comp"n represent"ti$e- "nd 7C9 where the resident %i$es re"son"&le prior notice "nd "ltern"te times or d"tes for entr "nd it is pr"ctic"&le or will not result in economic detriment to the owner! then the owner sh"ll "ttempt to re"son"&l "ccommod"te the "ltern"te time of entr ) .) The owner m" enter the dwellin% unit without consent of the resident in c"se of "n emer%enc ) C) The owner sh"ll not "&use the ri%ht of "ccess) D) The owner h"s no other ri%ht of "ccess e(cept & court order! "s permitted & this section if the resident h"s "&"ndoned or surrendered the premises or if the resident h"s &een "&sent from the premises more th"n se$en d" s! "s permitted in Section =@*A*C= NMSA 8?@A) E) If the resident refuses to "llow l"wful "ccess! the owner m" o&t"in in5uncti$e relief to compel "ccess or termin"te the rent"l "%reement) In either c"se! the owner m" reco$er d"m"%es) F) If the owner m"/es "n unl"wful entr ! or " l"wful entr in "n unre"son"&le m"nner! or m"/es repe"ted dem"nds for entr th"t "re otherwise l"wful &ut th"t h"$e the effect of unre"son"&l interferin% with the resident3s 'uiet en5o ment of the dwellin% unit! the resident m" o&t"in in5uncti$e relief to pre$ent the recurrence of the conduct or termin"te the rent"l "%reement) In either c"se! the resident m" reco$er d"m"%es) 47-8-25. 1se of dwellin" unit li!ited. Unless otherwise "%reed! the resident sh"ll occup his dwellin% unit onl "s " dwellin% unit "nd in compli"nce with terms "nd conditions of the rent"l "%reement) The rent"l "%reement m" re'uire th"t the resident notif the owner of "n "nticip"ted e(tended "&sence from the premises in e(cess of se$en d" s no l"ter th"n the first d" of the e(tended "&sence) 47-8-26. Deli ery of possession. A) At the time specified in the rent"l "%reement for the commencement of occup"nc ! the owner sh"ll deli$er possession of the premises to the resident in compli"nce with the rent"l "%reement "nd Section =@*A*>G NMSA 8?@A) The owner m" &rin% "n "ction for possession "%"inst the resident or "n person wron%full in possession "nd m" reco$er the d"m"%es pro$ided in Su&section F of Section =@*A*CC NMSA 8?@A) .) If the owner f"ils to deli$er possession of the premises to the prospecti$e resident "s pro$ided in Su&section A of this section! one hundred percent of the rent "&"tes until possession is deli$ered "nd the prospecti$e resident m" + 789 upon written notice to the owner! termin"te the rent"l "%reement effecti$e immedi"tel ) Upon termin"tion the owner sh"ll return "ll prep"id rent "nd deposits- or 7>9 dem"nd perform"nce of the rent"l "%reement & the owner "nd! if the prospecti$e resident elects! m"int"in "n "ction for possession of the premises "%"inst "n person wron%full withholdin% possession "nd reco$er the d"m"%es sust"ined & him "nd see/ the remedies pro$ided in Section =@*A*=A NMSA 8?@A) C) If the owner m"/es re"son"&le efforts to o&t"in possession of the premises "nd returns prep"id rents! deposits "nd fees within se$en d" s of recei$in% " prospecti$e

:"%e 88 of >C

UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT resident3s notice of termin"tion! the owner sh"ll not &e li"&le for d"m"%es under this section) 47-8-27. Repealed. 47-8-27.). 3reac# of a"ree!ent %y owner and relief %y resident. A) Upon the f"ilure of the owner to perform his o&li%"tions "s re'uired & Section =@*A*>G NMSA 8?@A! the resident sh"ll %i$e written notice to the owner specif in% the &re"ch "nd+ 789 if there is " m"teri"l noncompli"nce & the owner with the rent"l "%reement or " noncompli"nce with the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act m"teri"ll "ffectin% he"lth "nd s"fet ! the resident sh"ll deli$er " written notice to the owner specif in% the "cts "nd omissions constitutin% the &re"ch) The notice sh"ll st"te th"t the rent"l "%reement will termin"te upon " d"te not less th"n se$en d" s "fter receipt of the notice if " re"son"&le "ttempt to remed the &re"ch is not m"de in se$en d" s! "nd the rent"l "%reement sh"ll termin"te "s pro$ided in the notice) If the owner m"/es " re"son"&le "ttempt to "de'u"tel remed the &re"ch prior to the d"te specified in the notice! the rent"l "%reement sh"ll not termin"te) If the rent"l "%reement is termin"ted & the resident "nd possession restored to the owner! the owner sh"ll return the &"l"nce! if "n ! of prep"id rent "nd deposit to which the resident is entitled pursu"nt to the rent"l "%reement or Section =@*A*8A NMSA 8?@A- or 7>9 the resident m" &e entitled to "&"tement of the rent "s pro$ided in Section =@*A*>@)> NMSA 8?@A) .) The ri%hts pro$ided under this section do not "rise if the condition w"s c"used & the deli&er"te or ne%li%ent "ct or omission of the resident! " mem&er of his f"mil or other person on the premises with his consent) If the noncompli"nce with the rent"l "%reement or with Section =@*A*>G NMSA 8?@A results solel from circumst"nces &e ond the owner3s control! the resident is entitled onl to those remedies set forth in :"r"%r"ph 789 or 7>9 of this su&section "nd is not entitled to "n "ction for d"m"%es or in5uncti$e relief "%"inst the owner) C) The resident m" "lso reco$er d"m"%es "nd o&t"in in5uncti$e relief for "n m"teri"l noncompli"nce & the owner with the rent"l "%reement or the pro$isions of Section =@*A*>G NMSA 8?@A) The remed pro$ided in this su&section is in "ddition to "n ri%ht of the resident "risin% under Su&section A of this section) D) If the resident proceeds under :"r"%r"ph 789 of Su&section A of this section! he sh"ll not proceed under :"r"%r"ph 7>9 of Su&section A of this section in the s"me rent"l period for the s"me $iol"tion) If the resident proceeds under :"r"%r"ph 7>9 of Su&section A of this section! he sh"ll not proceed under :"r"%r"ph 789 of Su&section A of this section in the s"me rent"l period for the s"me $iol"tion) A resident m" ! howe$er! proceed under "nother p"r"%r"ph of Su&section A of this section for " su&se'uent $iol"tion or the s"me $iol"tion th"t occurs in su&se'uent rent"l periods) E) When the l"st d" for remed in% "n &re"ch pursu"nt to the written notice re'uired under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act occurs on " wee/end or feder"l holid" ! the period to remed sh"ll &e e(tended until the ne(t d" th"t is not " wee/end or feder"l holid" )

:"%e 8> of >C

UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 47-8-27.2. 2%ate!ent. A) If there is " $iol"tion of Su&section A of Section =@*A*>G NMSA 8?@A! other th"n " f"ilure or defect in "n "menit ! the resident sh"ll %i$e written notice to the owner of the conditions needin% rep"ir) If the owner does not remed the conditions set out in the notice within se$en d" s of the notice! the resident is entitled to "&"te rent "s set forth &elow+ 789 one*third of the pro*r"t" d"il rent for e"ch d" from the d"te the resident notified the owner of the conditions needin% rep"ir! throu%h the d" the conditions in the notice "re remedied) If the conditions compl"ined of continue to e(ist without remed throu%h "n portion of " su&se'uent rent"l period! the resident m" "&"te "t the s"me r"te for e"ch d" th"t the conditions "re not remedied- "nd 7>9 one hundred percent of the rent for e"ch d" from the d"te the resident notified the owner of the conditions needin% rep"ir until the d"te the &re"ch is cured if the dwellin% is uninh"&it"&le "nd the resident does not inh"&it the dwellin% unit "s " result of the condition) .) For e"ch rent"l period in which there is " $iol"tion under Su&section A of this section! the resident m" "&"te the rent or m" choose "n "ltern"te remed in "ccord"nce with the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) The choice of one remed sh"ll not preclude the use of "n "ltern"te remed for the s"me $iol"tion in " su&se'uent rent"l period) C) If the resident3s rent is su&sidi#ed in whole or in p"rt & " %o$ernment "%enc ! the "&"tement limit"tion of one month3s rent sh"ll me"n the tot"l monthl rent p"id for the dwellin% "nd not the portion of the rent th"t the resident "lone p" s) Where there is " third p"rt p" or! either the p" or or the resident m" "uthori#e the remed "nd m" "&"te rent p" ments "s pro$ided in this section) D) Nothin% in this section sh"ll limit " court in its discretion to "ppl e'uit"&le "&"tement) E) Nothin% in this section sh"ll entitle the resident to "&"te rent for the un"$"il"&ilit of "n "menit ) 47-8-28. Repealed. 47-8-2&. Repealed. 47-8-3*. 2ction for counterclai! for resident. A) In "n "ction for possession &"sed upon nonp" ment of rent or in "n "ction for rent where the resident is in possession! the resident m" countercl"im for "n "mount which he m" reco$er under the rent"l "%reement or the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! pro$idin% th"t the resident sh"ll &e responsi&le for p" ment to the owner of the rent specified in the rent"l "%reement durin% his period of possession) 2ud%ment sh"ll &e entered in "ccord"nce with the f"cts of the c"se) .) If the defense or countercl"im & the resident is without merit "nd is not r"ised in %ood f"ith! the owner m" reco$er re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees "nd his court costs) C) If the "ction or repl to the countercl"im is without merit "nd is not in %ood f"ith! the resident m" reco$er re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees "nd his court costs) 47-8-3). Resident ri"#ts followin" fire or casualty.

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT A) If the dwellin% unit or premises "re d"m"%ed or destro ed & fire or c"su"lt to "n e(tent th"t en5o ment of the dwellin% unit is su&st"nti"ll imp"ired! the resident m" + 789 $"c"te the premises "nd notif the owner in writin% within se$en d" s there"fter of his intention to termin"te the rent"l "%reement! in which c"se the rent"l "%reement termin"tes "s of the d"te of $"c"tin%- or 7>9 if continued occup"nc is l"wful! $"c"te "n p"rt of the dwellin% unit rendered unus"&le & the fire or c"su"lt ! in which c"se the resident3s li"&ilit for rent is reduced in proportion to the diminution in the f"ir rent"l $"lue of the dwellin% unit) .) If the rent"l "%reement is termin"ted! the owner sh"ll return the &"l"nce! if "n ! ;ofB prep"id rent "nd deposits reco$er"&le under Section 8A ;=@*A*8A NMSA 8?@AB of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) Accountin% for rent! in the e$ent of termin"tion or "pportionment! is to occur "s of the d"te of the $"c"tion) Notwithst"ndin% the pro$isions of this section! the resident is responsi&le for d"m"%e c"used & his ne%li%ence) 47-8-32. Repealed. 47-8-33. 3reac# of a"ree!ent %y resident and relief %y owner. A) E(cept "s pro$ided in the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! if there is noncompli"nce with Section =@*A*>> NMSA 8?@A m"teri"ll "ffectin% he"lth "nd s"fet or upon the initi"l m"teri"l noncompli"nce & the resident with the rent"l "%reement or "n sep"r"te "%reement! the owner sh"ll deli$er " written notice to the resident specif in% the "cts "nd omissions constitutin% the &re"ch! includin% the d"tes "nd specific f"cts descri&in% the n"ture of the "lle%ed &re"ch! "nd st"tin% th"t the rent"l "%reement will termin"te upon " d"te not less th"n se$en d" s "fter receipt of the notice if the &re"ch is not remedied in se$en d" s) .) Upon the second m"teri"l noncompli"nce with the rent"l "%reement or "n sep"r"te "%reement & the resident! within si( months of the initi"l &re"ch! the owner sh"ll deli$er " written notice to the resident specif in% the "cts "nd omissions constitutin% the &re"ch! includin% the d"tes "nd specific f"cts descri&in% the n"ture of the "lle%ed &re"ch! "nd st"tin% th"t the rent"l "%reement sh"ll termin"te upon " d"te not less th"n se$en d" s "fter receipt of the notice) If the su&se'uent &re"ch occurs more th"n si( months "fter the initi"l &re"ch! it sh"ll constitute "n initi"l &re"ch for purposes of "ppl in% the pro$isions of this section) C) The initi"l notice pro$ided in this section sh"ll st"te th"t the rent"l "%reement will termin"te upon the second m"teri"l noncompli"nce with the rent"l "%reement or "n sep"r"te "%reement & the resident! within si( months of the initi"l &re"ch) To &e effecti$e! "n notice pursu"nt to this su&section sh"ll &e %i$en within thirt d" s of the &re"ch or /nowled%e thereof) D) If rent is unp"id when due "nd the resident f"ils to p" rent within three d" s "fter written notice from the owner of nonp" ment "nd his intention to termin"te the rent"l "%reement! the owner m" termin"te the rent"l "%reement "nd the resident sh"ll immedi"tel deli$er possession of the dwellin% unit- pro$ided th"t tender of the full "mount due! in the m"nner st"ted in the notice! prior to the e(pir"tion of the three*d" notice sh"ll &"r "n "ction for nonp" ment of rent)

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT E) In "n court "ction for possession for nonp" ment of rent or other ch"r%es where the resident disputes the "mount owed &ec"use+ 789 the resident h"s "&"ted rent pursu"nt to Section =@*A*>@)> or =@*A*= NMSA 8?@A- or 7>9 the owner h"s "lloc"ted rent p"id & the resident "s p" ment for d"m"%es to the premises! then! if the owner is the pre$"ilin% p"rt ! the court sh"ll enter " writ of restitution conditioned upon the ri%ht of the resident to remed within three d" s of entr of 5ud%ment) If the resident h"s s"tisfied the 5ud%ment within three d" s! the writ sh"ll &e dismissed) If the resident h"s not s"tisfied the 5ud%ment within three d" s! the owner m" e(ecute upon the writ without further order of the court) F) E(cept "s pro$ided in the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! the owner m" reco$er d"m"%es "nd o&t"in in5uncti$e or other relief for "n noncompli"nce & the resident with the rent"l "%reement or this section or Section =@*A*>> NMSA 8?@A) 0) In " 5udici"l "ction to enforce " remed for which prior written notice is re'uired! relief m" &e %r"nted &"sed onl upon the %rounds set forth in the written notice ser$edpro$ided! howe$er! th"t this sh"ll not &"r " defend"nt from r"isin% "n "nd "ll defenses or countercl"ims for which written notice is not otherwise re'uired & the Uniform Owner* Resident Rel"tions Act) 1) When the l"st d" for remed in% "n &re"ch pursu"nt to written notice re'uired under the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act occurs on " wee/end or feder"l holid" ! the period to remed sh"ll &e e(tended until the ne(t d" th"t is not " wee/end or feder"l holid" ) I) If the resident /nowin%l commits or consents to "nother person in the dwellin% unit or on the premises /nowin%l committin% " su&st"nti"l $iol"tion! the owner sh"ll deli$er " written notice to the resident specif in% the time! pl"ce "nd n"ture of the "ct constitutin% the su&st"nti"l $iol"tion "nd th"t the rent"l "%reement will termin"te upon " d"te not less th"n three d" s "fter receipt of the notice) 2) In "n "ction for possession under Su&section I of this section! it sh"ll &e " defense th"t the resident is " $ictim of domestic $iolence) If the resident h"s filed for or secured " tempor"r domestic $iolence restr"inin% order "s " result of the incident th"t is the &"sis for the termin"tion notice or "s " result of " prior incident! the writ of restitution sh"ll not issue) In "ll other c"ses where domestic $iolence is r"ised "s " defense! the court sh"ll h"$e the discretion to e$ict the resident "ccused of the $iol"tion! while "llowin% the ten"nc of the rem"inder of the residents to continue undistur&ed) 4) In "n "ction for possession under Su&section I of this section! it sh"ll &e " defense th"t the resident did not /now of! "nd could not h"$e re"son"&l /nown of or pre$ented! the commission of " su&st"nti"l $iol"tion & "n other person in the dwellin% unit or on the premises) 6) In "n "ction for possession under Su&section I of this section! it sh"ll &e " defense th"t the resident too/ re"son"&le "nd l"wful "ctions in defense of himself! others or his propert ) M) In "n "ction for possession under Su&section I of this section! if the court finds th"t the "ction w"s fri$olous or &rou%ht in &"d f"ith! the petitioner sh"ll &e su&5ect to " ci$il pen"lt e'u"l to two times the "mount of the monthl rent! plus d"m"%es "nd costs)

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 47-8-34. 4otice of e(tended a%sence. A) If the rent"l "%reement re'uires the resident to %i$e notice to the owner of "n "nticip"ted e(tended "&sence in e(cess of se$en d" s "s re'uired in Su&section A of Section C ;=@*A*C NMSA 8?@AB of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "nd the resident willfull f"ils to do so! the owner m" reco$er d"m"%es from the resident) .) Durin% "n "&sence of the resident in e(cess of se$en d" s! the owner m" enter the dwellin% unit "t times re"son"&l necess"r ) C) If the resident "&"ndons the dwellin% unit "s defined in Su&section A of Section C of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! the owner sh"ll &e entitled to t"/e immedi"te possession of the dwellin% unit) The owner sh"ll! in such c"ses! &e responsi&le for the remo$in% "nd storin% of the person"l propert for such periods "s "re pro$ided & l"w) Upon "&"ndonment! the owner m" m"/e re"son"&le efforts to rent the dwellin% unit "nd premises "t " f"ir rent"l) If the owner rents the dwellin% unit for " term &e%innin% prior to the e(pir"tion of the rent"l "%reement! it is deemed to &e termin"ted "s of the d"te the new ten"nc &e%ins) 47-8-34.). Disposition of property left on t#e pre!ises. A) Where the rent"l "%reement termin"tes & "&"ndonment pursu"nt to Section =@*A* C= NMSA 8?@A+ 789 the owner sh"ll store "ll person"l propert of the resident left on the premises for not less th"n thirt d" s7>9 the owner sh"ll ser$e the resident with written notice st"tin% the owner3s intent to dispose of the person"l propert on " d"te not less th"n thirt d" s from the d"te of the notice) The notice sh"ll "lso cont"in " telephone num&er "nd "ddress where the resident c"n re"son"&l cont"ct the owner to retrie$e the propert prior to the disposition d"te in the notice7C9 the notice of intent to dispose of person"l propert sh"ll &e person"ll deli$ered to the resident or &e sent & first cl"ss m"il! post"%e prep"id! to the resident "t his l"st /nown "ddress) If the notice is returned "s undeli$er"&le! or where the resident3s l"st /nown "ddress is the $"c"ted dwellin% unit! the owner sh"ll "lso ser$e "t le"st one notice to such other "ddress "s h"s &een pro$ided to the owner & the resident! includin% the "ddress of the resident3s pl"ce of emplo ment! or of " f"mil mem&er or emer%enc cont"ct for which the owner h"s " record7=9 the resident m" cont"ct the owner to retrie$e the propert "t "n time prior to the d"te specified in the notice for disposition of the propert 7<9 the owner sh"ll pro$ide re"son"&le "ccess "nd "de'u"te opportunities for the resident to retrie$e "ll of the propert stored prior to "n disposition- "nd 7E9 if the resident does not cl"im or m"/e "ttempt to retrie$e the stored person"l propert prior to the d"te specified in the notice of disposition of the propert ! the owner m" dispose of the stored person"l propert ) .) Where the rent"l "%reement termin"tes & the resident3s $olunt"r surrender of the premises! the owner sh"ll store "n person"l propert on the premises for " minimum of fourteen d" s from the d"te of surrender of the premises) The owner sh"ll pro$ide re"son"&le "ccess to the resident for the purpose of the resident o&t"inin% possession of the person"l propert stored) If "fter fourteen d" s from surrender of the premises! the

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT resident h"s not retrie$ed "ll the stored person"l propert ! the owner m" dispose of the stored person"l propert ) C) Where the rent"l "%reement termin"tes & " writ of restitution! the owner sh"ll h"$e no o&li%"tion to store "n person"l propert left on the premises "fter three d" s followin% e(ecution of writ of restitution! unless otherwise "%reed & the owner "nd resident) The owner m" there"fter dispose of the person"l propert in "n m"nner without further notice or li"&ilit ) D) Where the propert h"s " m"r/et $"lue of less th"n one hundred doll"rs 7F8GG9! the owner h"s the ri%ht to dispose of the propert in "n m"nner) E) Where the propert h"s " m"r/et $"lue of more th"n one hundred doll"rs 7F8GG9! the owner m" + 789 sell the person"l propert under "n pro$isions herein! "nd the proceeds of the s"le! if in e(cess of mone due "nd owin% to the owner! sh"ll &e m"iled to the resident "t his l"st /nown "ddress "lon% with "n itemi#ed st"tement of the "mounts recei$ed "nd "mounts "lloc"ted to other costs! within fifteen d" s of the s"le- or 7>9 ret"in the propert for his own use or the use of others! in which c"se the owner sh"ll credit the "ccount of the resident for the f"ir m"r/et $"lue of the propert "%"inst "n mone due "nd owin% to the owner! "nd "n $"lue in e(cess of mone due "nd owin% sh"ll &e m"iled to the resident "t his l"st /nown "ddress "lon% with "n itemi#ed st"tement of the $"lue "lloc"ted to the propert "nd the "mount "lloc"ted to costs within fifteen d" s of the retention of the propert ) F) If the l"st /nown "ddress is the dwellin% unit! the owner sh"ll "lso m"il "t le"st one cop of the "ccountin% "nd notice of the sums for distri&ution! to the other "ddress! if pro$ided to the owner & the resident! such "s! pl"ce of emplo ment! f"mil mem&ers! or emer%enc cont"ct on record with the owner) 0) An owner m" ch"r%e the resident re"son"&le stor"%e fees for "n time th"t the owner pro$ided stor"%e for the resident3s person"l propert "nd the pre$"ilin% r"te of mo$in% fees) The owner m" re'uire p" ment of stor"%e "nd mo$in% costs prior to the rele"se of the propert ) 1) The owner m" not hold the propert for "n other de&ts cl"imed due or ownin% or for 5ud%ments for which "n "pplic"tion for writ of e(ecution h"s not pre$iousl &een filed) The owner m" not ret"in e(empt propert where "n "pplic"tion for " writ of e(ecution h"s &een %r"nted) 47-8-34.2. Personal property and security deposit of deceased resident5 contact person. A) As used in this section! ,cont"ct person, me"ns the person desi%n"ted & " resident in writin% "s the person to cont"ct "nd rele"se propert to in the e$ent of the resident3s de"th) .) The owner m" re'uest in writin%! includin% & " re'uirement in the rent"l "%reement! th"t the resident+ 789 pro$ide the owner with the n"me! "ddress "nd telephone num&er of " cont"ct person- "nd 7>9 si%n " st"tement "uthori#in% the owner in the e$ent of the resident3s de"th to+ 7"9 %r"nt the cont"ct person "ccess to the dwellin% unit "t " re"son"&le time "nd in the presence of the owner or the owner3s "%ent-

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 7&9 "llow the cont"ct person to remo$e the resident3s propert from the dwellin% unit- "nd 7c9 refund the resident3s securit deposit! less l"wful deductions! to the cont"ct person) C) A resident m" ! without re'uest from the owner! pro$ide the owner with the n"me! "ddress "nd telephone num&er of " cont"ct person) D) E(cept "s pro$ided in Su&section E of this section! in the e$ent of the de"th of " resident who is the sole occup"nt of " rent"l dwellin%! the owner+ 789 sh"ll turn o$er possession of propert in the dwellin% unit to the cont"ct person or to "n other person l"wfull entitled to the propert if the re'uest is m"de prior to the propert &ein% disc"rded pursu"nt to :"r"%r"ph 7<9 of this su&section7>9 sh"ll refund the resident3s securit deposit! less l"wful deductions! includin% the cost of remo$in% "nd storin% the propert ! to the cont"ct person or to "n other person l"wfull entitled to the refund7C9 m" remo$e "nd store "ll propert found in the dwellin% unit7=9 m" re'uire "n person who remo$es propert from the resident3s dwellin% unit to si%n "n in$entor of the propert &ein% remo$ed- "nd 7<9 m" disc"rd propert remo$ed & the owner from the resident3s dwellin% unit if+ 7"9 the owner h"s m"iled " written re'uest & certified m"il! return receipt re'uested! to the cont"ct person! re'uestin% th"t the propert &e remo$ed7&9 the cont"ct person f"iled to remo$e the propert within thirt d" s "fter the re'uest is m"iled- "nd 7c9 the owner! prior to the d"te of disc"rdin% the propert ! h"s not &een cont"cted & "n one cl"imin% the propert ) E) An owner "nd " resident m" "%ree to " procedure different th"n the procedure in this section for remo$in%! storin% or disposin% of propert in the dwellin% unit of " dece"sed resident in " written rent"l "%reement or other "%reement) F) If! "fter " written re'uest & "n owner! " resident does not pro$ide the owner with the n"me! "ddress "nd telephone num&er of " cont"ct person! the owner sh"ll h"$e no responsi&ilit "fter the resident3s de"th for remo$"l! stor"%e! dis"ppe"r"nce! d"m"%e or disposition of propert in the resident3s dwellin%) 0) An owner who $iol"tes Su&section D of this section sh"ll &e li"&le to the est"te of the dece"sed resident for "ctu"l d"m"%es) 47-8-35. 6lai! for rent and da!a"es. If the rent"l "%reement is termin"ted! the owner is entitled to possession "nd m" h"$e " cl"im for rent "nd " sep"r"te cl"im for d"m"%es for &re"ch of the rent"l "%reement "nd re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees "s pro$ided in Su&section C of Section CC ;=@*A*CC NMSA 8?@AB of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) 47-8-36. 1nlawful re!o al and di!inution of ser ices pro#i%ited. A) E(cept in c"se of "&"ndonment! surrender or "s otherwise permitted in the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! "n owner or "n person "ctin% on &eh"lf of the owner sh"ll not /nowin%l e(clude the resident! remo$e! thre"ten or "ttempt to remo$e or dispossess " resident from the dwellin% unit without " court order & +

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 789 fr"ud7>9 plu%%in%! ch"n%in%! "ddin% or remo$in% "n loc/ or l"tchin% de$ice7C9 &loc/in% "n entr"nce into the dwellin% unit7=9 interferin% with ser$ices or norm"l "nd necess"r utilities to the unit pursu"nt to Section =@*A*C> NMSA 8?@A! includin% &ut not limited to electricit ! %"s! hot or cold w"ter! plum&in%! he"t or telephone ser$ice! pro$ided th"t this section sh"ll not impose " dut upon the owner to m"/e utilit p" ments or otherwise pre$ent utilit interruptions resultin% from nonp" ment of utilit ch"r%es & the resident7<9 remo$in% the resident3s person"l propert from the dwellin% unit or its premises7E9 remo$in% or inc"p"cit"tin% "ppli"nces or fi(tures! e(cept for m"/in% necess"r "nd le%itim"te rep"irs- or 7@9 "n willful "ct renderin% " dwellin% unit or "n person"l propert loc"ted in the dwellin% unit or on the premises in"ccessi&le or uninh"&it"&le) .) The pro$isions of Su&section A of this section sh"ll not "ppl if "n owner tempor"ril interferes with possession while m"/in% le%itim"te rep"irs or inspections "s pro$ided for in the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) C) If "n owner commits "n of the "cts st"ted in Su&section A of this section! the resident m" + 789 "&"te one hundred percent of the rent for e"ch d" in which the resident is denied possession of the premises for "n portion of the d" or e"ch d" where the owner c"used termin"tion or diminishment of "n ser$ice for "n portion of the d" 7>9 &e entitled to ci$il pen"lties "s pro$ided in Su&section . of Section =@*A*=A NMSA 8?@A7C9 see/ restitution of the premises pursu"nt to Sections =@*A*=8 "nd Section =@* A*=> NMSA 8?@A or termin"te the rent"l "%reement- "nd 7=9 &e entitled to d"m"%es) 47-8-36.). 7andlord lien. A) There sh"ll &e no l"ndlord3s lien "risin% out of the rent"l of " dwellin% unit to which the Uniform Owner*Resident ;Rel"tionsB Act "pplies) .) Nothin% in this section sh"ll prohi&it the owner from le$ "nd e(ecution on " 5ud%ment "risin% out of " cl"im for rent or d"m"%es) 47-8-37. 4otice of ter!ination and da!a"es. A) The owner or the resident m" termin"te " wee/*to*wee/ residenc & " written notice %i$en to the other "t le"st se$en d" s prior to the termin"tion d"te specified in the notice) .) The owner or the resident m" termin"te " month*to*month residenc & " written notice %i$en to the other "t le"st thirt d" s prior to the periodic rent"l d"te specified in the notice) C) If the resident rem"ins in possession without the owner3s consent "fter e(pir"tion of the term of the rent"l "%reement or its termin"tion! the owner m" &rin% "n "ction for possession "nd if the resident3s holdo$er is willful "nd not in %ood f"ith the owner! in "ddition! m" reco$er the d"m"%es sust"ined & him "nd re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees) If the

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT owner consents to the resident3s continued occup"nc ! Su&section C of Section 8< ; 47-8)5 NMSA 8?@AB of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "pplies) 47-8-38. .n,uncti e relief. A) If the resident refuses to "llow l"wful "ccess! the owner m" o&t"in in5uncti$e relief to compel "ccess or termin"te the rent"l "%reement) In either c"se! the owner m" reco$er d"m"%es! re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees "nd court costs) .) If the owner m"/es "n unl"wful entr or " l"wful entr in "n unre"son"&le m"nner or m"/es repe"ted dem"nds for entr otherwise l"wful &ut which h"$e the effect of unre"son"&l h"r"ssin% the resident! the resident m" o&t"in in5uncti$e relief to pre$ent the recurrence of the conduct or termin"te the rent"l "%reement) In either c"se! the resident m" reco$er d"m"%es "nd re"son"&le "ttorne 3s fees) 47-8-3&. -wner retaliation pro#i%ited. A) An owner m" not ret"li"te "%"inst " resident who is in compli"nce with the rent"l "%reement "nd not otherwise in $iol"tion of "n pro$ision of the Uniform Owner* Resident Rel"tions Act & incre"sin% rent! decre"sin% ser$ices or & &rin%in% or thre"tenin% to &rin% "n "ction for possession &ec"use the resident h"s within the pre$ious si( months+ 789 compl"ined to " %o$ernment "%enc ch"r%ed with responsi&ilit for enforcement of " minimum &uildin% or housin% code of " $iol"tion "pplic"&le to the premises m"teri"ll "ffectin% he"lth "nd s"fet 7>9 or%"ni#ed or &ecome " mem&er of " residents3 union! "ssoci"tion or simil"r or%"ni#"tion7C9 "cted in %ood f"ith to e(ercise his ri%hts pro$ided under the Uniform Owner* Resident Rel"tions Act! includin% when the resident m"/es " written re'uest or compl"int to the owner to m"/e rep"irs to compl with the owner3s o&li%"tions under Section =@*A* >G NMSA 8?@A7=9 m"de " f"ir housin% compl"int to " %o$ernment "%enc ch"r%ed with "uthorit for enforcement of l"ws or re%ul"tions prohi&itin% discrimin"tion in rent"l housin%7<9 pre$"iled in " l"wsuit "s either pl"intiff or defend"nt or h"s " l"wsuit pendin% "%"inst the owner rel"tin% to the residenc 7E9 testified on &eh"lf of "nother resident- or 7@9 "&"ted rent in "ccord"nce with the pro$isions of Section =@*A*>@)8 or =@*A* >@)> NMSA 8?@A) .) If the owner "cts in $iol"tion of Su&section A of this section! the resident is entitled to the remedies pro$ided in Section =@*A*=A NMSA 8?@A "nd the $iol"tion sh"ll &e " defense in "n "ction "%"inst him for possession) C) Notwithst"ndin% the pro$isions of Su&section A of this section! the owner m" incre"se the rent or ch"n%e ser$ices upon "ppropri"te notice "t the end of the term of the rent"l "%reement or "s pro$ided under the terms of the rent"l "%reement if the owner c"n est"&lish th"t the incre"sed rent or ch"n%es in ser$ices "re consistent with those imposed on other residents of simil"r rent"l units "nd "re not directed "t the p"rticul"r resident! &ut "re uniform)

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 47-8-4*. 2ction for possession %y owner. A) Notwithst"ndin% Su&sections A "nd . of Section =@*A*C? NMSA 8?@A! "n owner m" &rin% "n "ction for possession if+ 789 the $iol"tion of the "pplic"&le minimum &uildin% or housin% code w"s c"used prim"ril & l"c/ of re"son"&le c"re & the resident or other person in his household or upon the premises with the resident3s consent7>9 the resident is in def"ult in rent7C9 there is " m"teri"l noncompli"nce with the rent"l "%reement th"t would otherwise %i$e rise to the owner3s ri%ht to termin"te the rent"l "%reement7=9 " resident /nowin%l commits or consents to "n other person in the dwellin% unit or on the premises /nowin%l committin% " su&st"nti"l $iol"tion- or 7<9 compli"nce with the "pplic"&le &uildin% or housin% code re'uires "lter"tion! remodelin% or demolition th"t would effecti$el depri$e the resident of use of the dwellin% unit) .) The m"inten"nce of "n "ction under Su&section A of this section does not rele"se the owner from li"&ilit under Section =@*A*>G NMSA 8?@A) 47-8-4). 2ction for possession %y owner or resident. An "ction for possession of "n premises su&5ect to the pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act sh"ll &e commenced in the m"nner prescri&ed & the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) 47-8-42. Petition for restitution. The person see/in% possession sh"ll file " petition for restitution with the cler/ of the district or m"%istr"te court) The petition sh"ll cont"in+ A) the f"cts! with p"rticul"rit ! on which he see/s to reco$er.) " re"son"&l "ccur"te description of the premises- "nd C) the re'uisite compli"nce with the notice pro$isions of the Uniform Owner* Resident Rel"tions Act) The petition m" "lso cont"in other c"uses of "ction rel"tin% to the residenc ! &ut such c"uses of "ction sh"ll &e "nswered "nd tried sep"r"tel ! if re'uested & either p"rt in writin%) 47-8-43. .ssuance of su!!ons. A) The summons sh"ll &e issued "nd directed! with " cop of the petition "tt"ched to the summons! "nd sh"ll st"te the c"use of the compl"int! the "nswer d" for other c"uses of "ction "nd notice th"t if the defend"nt f"ils to "ppe"r! 5ud%ment sh"ll &e entered "%"inst him) The summons m" &e ser$ed pursu"nt to the New Me(ico rules of ci$il procedure "nd returned "s in other c"ses) Tri"l of the "ction for possession sh"ll &e set "s follows+ 789 for "n m"tter &rou%ht & the owner for possession! not less th"n se$en or more th"n ten d" s "fter the ser$ice of summons- or 7>9 for "n m"tter &rou%ht & the resident for possession! not less th"n three or more th"n fi$e d" s "fter the ser$ice of summons) .) Upon findin% of %ood c"use! the court m" continue the d"te of he"rin% on the "ction for possession for up to se$en d" s from the d"te of the initi"l he"rin%)

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT 47-8-44. 2%sence fro! court of defendant. If the defend"nt sh"ll not "ppe"r in response to the summons! "nd it sh"ll h"$e &een properl ser$ed! the court sh"ll tr the c"use "s thou%h he were present) 47-8-45. 7e"al or equita%le defense. On or &efore the d" fi(ed for his "ppe"r"nce! the defend"nt m" "ppe"r "nd "nswer "nd "ssert "n le%"l or e'uit"&le defense! setoff or countercl"im) 47-8-46. 0rit of restitution. A) Upon petition for restitution filed & the owner if 5ud%ment is rendered "%"inst the defend"nt for restitution of the premises! the court sh"ll decl"re the forfeiture of the rent"l "%reement "nd sh"ll! "t the re'uest of the pl"intiff or his "ttorne ! issue " writ of restitution directin% the sheriff to restore possession of the premises to the pl"intiff on " specified d"te not less th"n three nor more th"n se$en d" s "fter entr of 5ud%ment) .) Upon " petition for restitution filed & the resident! if 5ud%ment is rendered "%"inst the defend"nt for restitution of the premises! the court sh"ll! "t the re'uest of the pl"intiff or his "ttorne ! issue " writ of restitution directin% the sheriff to restore possession of the premises to the pl"intiff within twent *four hours "fter entr of 5ud%ment) 47-8-47. 2ppeal stays e(ecution. A) If either p"rt feels "%%rie$ed & the 5ud%ment! th"t p"rt m" "ppe"l "s in other ci$il "ctions) An "ppe"l & the defend"nt sh"ll st" the e(ecution of "n writ of restitution- pro$ided th"t in c"ses in which the resident is the "ppell"nt! the e(ecution of the writ of restitution sh"ll not &e st" ed unless the resident! within fi$e d" s of the filin% of the notice of "ppe"l! p" s to the owner or into "n escrow "ccount with " profession"l escrow "%ent "n "mount e'u"l to the rent"l "mount th"t sh"ll come due from the d" followin% the 5ud%ment throu%h the end of th"t rent"l period) The resident sh"ll continue to p" the monthl rent est"&lished & the rent"l "%reement "t the time the compl"int w"s filed! on " monthl &"sis on the d"te rent would otherwise &ecome due) :" ments pursu"nt to this su&section & " su&sidi#ed resident sh"ll not e(ceed the "ctu"l "mount of monthl rent p"id & th"t resident) When the resident p" s the owner directl ! the owner sh"ll immedi"tel pro$ide " written receipt to the resident upon dem"nd) When the resident p" s into "n escrow "ccount the resident sh"ll c"use such "mounts to &e p"id o$er to the owner immedi"tel upon receipt unless otherwise ordered & the court) Upon the f"ilure of the resident or the escrow "%ent to m"/e " monthl rent p" ment on the first d" rent would otherwise &e due! the owner m" ser$e " three*d" written notice on the resident pursu"nt to Su&section D of Section =@*A*CC NMSA 8?@A) If the resident or the resident3s escrow "%ent f"ils to p" the rent within the three d" s! " he"rin% on the issue sh"ll &e scheduled within ten d" s from the d"te the court is notified of the f"ilure to p" rent) In the c"se of "n "ppe"l de no$o! the he"rin% sh"ll &e in the court in which the "ppe"l will &e he"rd) If! "t the he"rin%! the court finds th"t rent h"s not &een p"id! the court sh"ll immedi"tel lift the st" "nd issue the writ of restitution unless the resident demonstr"tes " le%"l 5ustific"tion for f"ilin% to compl with the rent p" ment re'uirement)

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UNIFORM OWNER RESIDENT ACT .) In order to st" the e(ecution of " mone 5ud%ment! the tri"l court! within its discretion! m" re'uire "n "ppell"nt to deposit with the cler/ of the tri"l court the "mount of 5ud%ment "nd costs or to %i$e " supersede"s &ond in the "mount of 5ud%ment "nd costs with or without suret ) An &ond or deposit sh"ll not &e refund"&le durin% the pendenc of "n "ppe"l) 47-8-48. Pre ailin" party ri"#ts in law suit5 ci il penalties. A) If suit is &rou%ht & "n p"rt to the rent"l "%reement to enforce the terms "nd conditions of the rent"l "%reement or to enforce "n pro$isions of the Uniform Owner* Resident Rel"tions Act! the pre$"ilin% p"rt sh"ll &e entitled to re"son"&le "ttorne s3 fees "nd court costs to &e "ssessed & the court) .) An owner who $iol"tes " pro$ision of Section =@*A*CE or =@*A*C? NMSA 8?@A sh"ll &e su&5ect to " ci$il pen"lt e'u"l to two times the "mount of the monthl rent) C) An resident who intention"ll $iol"tes " pro$ision of Su&section F of Section =@*A*>> NMSA 8?@A sh"ll &e su&5ect to " ci$il pen"lt e'u"l to two times the "mount of the monthl rent) 47-8-4&. 1nlawful and forci%le entry. The l"ws "nd procedures of New Me(ico pert"inin% to compl"ints of unl"wful "nd forci&le entr sh"ll "ppl to "ctions for possession of "n premises not su&5ect to the pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act or the Mo&ile 1ome :"r/ Act ;=@*8G*8 NMSA 8?@AB) 47-8-5*. Prior transactions alid. Tr"ns"ctions entered into &efore the effecti$e d"te of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! "nd not e(tended or renewed "fter th"t d"te! "nd the ri%hts! duties "nd interests flowin% from them rem"in $"lid "nd m" &e termin"ted! completed! consumm"ted or enforced "s re'uired or permitted prior to the effecti$e d"te of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) 47-8-5). 2pplica%ility. The pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act "re "pplic"&le to rent"l "%reements entered into or e(tended or renewed "fter the effecti$e d"te "nd sh"ll not &e "pplic"&le to "n "%reements or conditions entered into &etween the owner "nd resident which pro$isions m" "lter "%reements or conditions e(istin% prior to the effecti$e d"te of the pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act) 47-8-52. 6onflicts5 applica%ility of law. Unless " pro$ision of the Mo&ile 1ome :"r/ Act ;=@*8G*8 NMSA 8?@AB directl conflicts with the pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act! the pro$isions of the Uniform Owner*Resident Rel"tions Act sh"ll "ppl to mo&ile home p"r/ owners "nd residents)

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