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Maryn Observed February 27th- March 6th Social Emotional Sense of Self and Others On February 27th, 2014,

Maryn was rated a 4. Maryn is highly social and engages with others throughout the entire day. On February 27th, Maryn created a cactus with Kathryn. Throughout the activity, they talked about what their cactus looked like and complimented each others work. Maryn said, Wow Kathryn. That looks cool. Maryn also is able to describe herself in a positive way. On February 27th, Maryn came into the classroom wearing a long dress with her hair down. She said, Miss Probst, look how beautiful my hair and dress look. Next, Maryn is able to stand up and advocate for herself. It is typical for Maryn to ask for time alone or for a teacher to accompany her to do something. During nap time, Maryn cooperates well with me. I told Maryn, Maryn, if you are unable to lay quietly on your mat, you will need to stay after your friends leave. She said, ok, I will be quiet then. Also, Maryn respects her friends property and the schools property. Finally, I asked Maryn if she had siblings and what their names were. She responded, I have one sibling, Ronan. He is my only brother.

Manages Emotions Maryn is a 4 for managing her emotions. On February 27th, I found Maryn under the loft. When asked what was wrong, she said, I just need time by myself because I am very upset. Will you please leave me alone? In the photo below, you can see Maryn standing in the back, away from her friends because she was upset. Next, when Aine took Maryns block on February 27th, Maryn responded by saying, Aine, please give me back my block. I was not done playing with it. She is able to solve conflicts in the classroom with her words. Then, Mayrn was able to compromise with Aine by saying, When I am done, you can have it. Also, Maryn is familiar with all of her teachers names and calls for them when she needs help or would like someone to play with her. Finally, on February 27th, Maryn responded well to change in the classroom. She is easily able to transition from one activity to another.

Interpersonal Skills On February 27th, Maryn was rated a 4 for her interpersonal skills. First, Maryn role plays with her peers. On February 27th, Maryn played Harry Potter with Etienne. She was Hermonie and he was Harry Potter. You could hear her saying, Thats not his name, its Harry and Come on, Harry, lets go! Also, Maryn participates well in groups. She tends to lead group discussion, rules, and makes sure her voice is heard. On March 4th, Maryn worked with her peers to make a large speedboat out of blocks. (PICTURE) Next, Maryn has learned over the semester to take turns and share. On March 4th, Charlie came up and took a block from Maryn. Maryn said, Chalie, I will be done soon. Can I give it to you when I am done? Charlie agreed, and Maryn gave him the block quickly after when she was finished. Maryns conversation and communication skills are very strong. During art on March 4th, I asked, Maryn, what kind of snake are you making? Maryn said, I am making a huge cobra. Then, I asked, Where do cobras live? Maryn replied, They live in the dessert and slither on the sand. Have you ever seen a cobra? I said, No, I havent! I would be very scared. Maryn said, Me too! This cobra is a scary snake. Next, Maryn has developed strong relationships with individuals in the classroom. Maryn frequently asks to sit next to Etienne during nap and lunch time. Maryn also has a close friendship with Ellie. Finally, Maryn has skills to comfort other friends. On March 4th, Andrews stomach hurt during naptime. Maryn brought Andrew a tissue for his tears and asked if he was alright.


Maryn is at level 4 for responsibility. Maryn follows rules in the classroom and also helps other children understand the rules. On March 4th, after lunch Maryn threw away all of her trash, went to brush her teeth, and then laid on her mat. She was able to follow the routine and daily rules. Maryn also completes most tasks independently with little to no help. During art on March 4th, Maryn was offered help to staple the snake, but Maryn asked that she be allowed to do it herself. Next, Maryn uses classroom material in the appropriate ways. She is respectful while using materials such as markers, stuffed animals, and the tent. On March 4th, Maryn played in the tent with three other friends. She did not enter until there were only three other friends present. Also, she respected the rules of the tent and the material. Maryn also frequently asks for permission to do things and ways in which she can help. On March 4th, Maryn asked, Can I help clean up nap? However, Maryn does not yet know her phone number or address. However, she was able to tell that she lives in Yorktown, Indiana.

Problem Solving On March 4th, Maryn was rated at a level 3 for problem solving. Maryn and Etienne had been talking during naptime. I asked Maryn how she would be able to get up from nap with the rest of her friends instead of waiting after. She said, If Etienne and I stop talking, I can leave with my friends. She was able to think through the situation and possible solutions. Maryn is an independent child, but is not afraid to ask for help. On March 4th, Maryn asked me to tie her shoes. Approaches to Learning Maryn is a level 3 for her approach to learning. Maryn is able to stay focused and hold attention for longer periods of time. Especially for art and small group, Maryn sustains her attention until the activity is completed. Maryn works very carefully and neatly on art. As mentioned above, she spends much time on these activities. Also, Maryn pushes beyond her limits. On March 4th, Maryn continued working on the butterfly picture, even after other children left. She cut off one of the parts, so thought through different ways to still have an antenna. She tried using another paper and taping it to the original butterfly. Maryn did not leave this activity until it was complete and she was satisfied. In the classroom, Maryn typically maintains a positive attitude around her friends and teachers. When asked to participate in a more difficult small group activity, Maryn works with the teacher to complete before getting frustrated. On March 4th, I worked with Maryn at the

white board. We completed math problems, wrote out her name, and played number games. She worked for 10-15 minutes without complaining. After about 15 minutes, Maryn said, Can I be done?

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