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AMEC SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL Legazpi City MAPEH II 2nd Periodical Exam Name: ______________________________ Section/Year:___________________Date: _____________

PE II Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the given blank. 1. The following are the other names of Table Tennis, except a. Ping-pong b. Whiff-whaff c. Gossima d. Mini-tennis 2. It was patterned from the sport handball which originated in Ireland. a. Table Tennis b. Lawn Tennis c. Baskeball d. Rugby 3. The year when the first national tournament of the lawn tennis was held. a. 1881 b. 1880 c.1898 d. 1818 4. The weighs of the racquet in lawn tennis in men should be 354 to 452 grams and ____ for women. a. 350 grams b. 360 grams c. 370 grams d. 380 grams 5. The trade name of the Table tennis is___ a. Ping-pong b. Whiff-whaff c. Gossima d. Mini-tennis Direction: Write the word that is implied in each sentence in the given blank. Use the words in the box. Basic Skills in Table Tennis Counter to Sidespin Half Volley Sidespin Service Topspin Service Late Push Shot 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

6. It is done by the brushing sideways of the racket, resulting in the sideways tendency of the ball. 7. An opponent can counter by simply using blockshots or gentle chopshots. 8. Place the racket to block the ball immediately after it bounces. Only a light touch is needed. 9. A long slow pushing action is applied to the racket once the ball has completed its bounce. The ball is not struck when it is dropping 10. The racket is brushed forward and over, contacting the ball on its upperhalf. The characteristics shootforward of topspin will serve as an attacking service.

6. _________________ 7.__________________ 8.__________________ 9.__________________ 10._________________

AMEC SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL Legazpi City MAPEH I 2nd Periodical Exam Name: ______________________________ Section/Year:___________________Date: _____________

PE I Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the given blank. 1. The equipment needed in this game are empty milk can, a slipper, or a piece of flat stone as pamato. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 2.It is played by kicking the ball to hit the a target. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 3. It is commonly played during fiestas. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 4. The most widely known and played game in the country is a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 5.This game is played by throwing the smaller stick upwards and striking it hard. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 6. For the purpose of making the game Tumbang Preso enjoyable and exciting, the composition of players should not be more than a. 9 b.8 c. 7 d.6 7. This game started with the toss of a coin. Whoever wins becomes the passer. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 8. This game ends once the small bag is taken. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 9.This traditional game is composed of five players in a team and a coach. a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Patintero 10. The following are the traditional game except: a.Sipa sa Mangis b. Tumbang Preso c. Bati-cobra d. Palo-Sebo e. Basketball 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 6._____

7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10.____

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