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Hello and well-come my dear friends and fans present world wide to an interactive article about communication which I think is the most important aspect of any living being in this world and may be of universe also. Hey please dont make strange faces I really assure you that it isnt going to be boring by any means. Now with out wasting any more time lets get to our real business. Let me ask you a question. an you imagine human life without the term mentioned above possible! "#f course not. I am sure that will be the only e$planatory e$pression of any damn fool reading this article. %s you would be very intelligent reader it is very fool of me to ask you such a silly question. &ithout communication a living being wont be able to even survive in this planet. 'oing little bit in detail for evidence even animals other than Homo sapiens need to attract its counter part for having se$ in any respective season and thus for the sake of its e$istence. I think this much of e$planation is enough to make you reali(e the most basic importance of communication. Now let me move to the e$act point which I want to discuss in detail with you people. In ancient times why did all the small kingdoms take place! I mean there where no countries. &hat was the reason behind this type of formation of society! )o you think that they people where so illiterate that they *ust liked to go on fighting for smallest of their problems and so *ust stayed in small groups to en*oy the charm of conflicts! #r any other more genuine reason like their inability to build up borders and hold elections or something like that. %ctually it was not before +,-. %.). /ohannes 'utenbergs invention of printer to transfer human ideas onto paper rapidly and more speedily and distribute them among the mass became as fast as selling newspaper which tried to fulfill the darkness in the area of communication with its little glowing light. 0hough more significant inventions were still to take place this single incidence alone was the basic reason for the formation of the well known protestant group of hristians because people after having read books like bible and other related articles started asking questions about validity of the ideas mentioned in it due to the information they received systematically and specifically they were able to think about it1 and it became difficult for pope to keep them united. %ny way the religious struggle took place way back is not our point to discuss. It is only my effort to drive your attention towards the effect that single invention made in the society. 2or further e$planation I want to give you people an e$ample of three physically disabled famous monkeys of 3r. 3ohandas 4aramchand 'andhi who stated that dont see bad1 dont speak bad and dont hear bad (just do it). 0hey were blind1 dumb and deaf. #nce they were going for a walk round the race course ground of 5a*kot in *ust mentioned order. 0hey went on walking and walking and soon got tired. 3eanwhile the monks who was deaf made a whistle like sound6often made by people when they are tired7 e$pressing his disability to continue any further. %t the same time a very se$y and beautiful girl was passing from there that heard the whistle and when turned around found these three monks. I dont know what made her to *ump over conclusion that the blind one had harassed her1 but she without wasting any time went to him and slapped him so hard the for a small amount of time he was turned into two in one representative of 'andhis ideas i.e. blind and deaf. Now1 as he was shocked receiving such a treatment from nearby somewhere he too didnt loose too much time to decide that it would be dumb that had hit him so hard. 8eing blind he was not in a position to get physically involved in the action and thus began to

scold him. 6as he was *ust blind and not dumb he was free to speak any of the bad words.7 How it would be possible for the middle monkey to bare such kind of insult! )ue to his miserable disability of not able to speak he started pushing the blind and the quarrel begun. &hen all these event took place the third hero of our story the deaf was *ust watching the consequences and trapped in a pu((le that why it all was occurring there because neither he did understood the reason the girl slapped his first friend and nor he did know about the abuse which the blind had done to his ne$t partner. 9o in this condition he was not able to solve the pu((le. It was this incidence that separated these three friends from each other and they never were seen together ever after. %fter reading the whole above story please dont consider me a hardliner or protestant towards ideas of 3r. 'andhi 6though its a totally different topic to discuss7 *ust assume that what would have been the outcome if any one of the character would have tried to have a simple and polite chat with any of the other one. 0he result of that might have been too much different and they would have lived happily ever after1 but the lack of communication or common sense lead the whole incidence to a tragic end. If you still want a better e$ample of ha(ardous effect of lack of communication the best one is of &orld &ar I. 0he undesirable event that put the whole &orld on the banks of bloodshed period of four years was the assassination of the prince of %ustria named :2rancis %rchduke 2erdinand; at <= th /une +>+, by a terrorist group known as :black hand or group of death;. In spite of the fact that actual war was going between 9erbia and %ustria its neighboring ?uropean countries like 8ritain1 2rance1 and 'ermany etc. began to declare war on each other taking side of one of the two countries and assuming their political benefits at stake. 0hat was the time of imperialism and colonialism and strong competition was going on between these countries especially among 8ritain1 2rance and 'ermany. 3any countries were invaded or taken over by them and moreover these countries were super power at that time. 9pecifically for 8ritain it was considered as golden period. 0herefore1 the reason of participation of these giant countries was quite enough for rest of the world to get involved in the ridiculous process and the harsh outcome was soon before the global society. 8y pointing out the above couple of e$amples the thing I want to do is to drive your attention to the fact that any of the problems can be solved by effective conversation. 0he thing you have to do is *ust to put your personal egos at one side for a while think cold bloodedly and while communicating make assurance that you represent your ideas before the opposition most effectively and efficiently. None of your sentences or words are misinterpreted or misunderstood and each and every point of the conflict is covered without leaving out any loophole in future. @ersonally my belief is that >>A disputed issues of the world can be solved by effective dialogue process. %rise of failure of any dialogue process happens when one of the side keeps unintentional points or show wrong intentions before his counterpart or in simpler language it could be said that it is willing to continue the conflict by any other reasons and doesnt want to e$press them. 'enerally the dialogue process of any of the terrorist group and government can be put under this category. 2ault could be on either side but our intention is to point out the reason. )ue to above mentioned reasons it is never going to be possible solve the disputes worldwide but it should be quite clear that if somebody is seriously willing there are always chances of avoiding any kind of hot conditions. %bove steps can be considered as the theory describing the merits and demerits of communication but whenever anybody will implement it practically or in day to day life they are certainly going to face new challenges and troubles because of the fact that truth is always stranger than fiction. I dont think you will find any other better e$ample of differentiation between theory and practical. 9o finally ending your long tiring and unbearable *ourney coming over the conclusion I want to deliver a short and simple message to my fans1 friends and readers present

worldwide that in your whole life you may be having any kind of problem with any person before taking any action or coming to a conclusion 6specially negative7 please have a short conversation with your opposition no matter whether he is a friend1 fiancB1 girl friend1 prostitute etc. and yah *ust forgot relatives1 they may also be included in the list. If still the idea doesnt work :hit themCC.and hit them hard;. I think you are enough mature and intelligent to conclude my last paragraph knowing what to consider and what you shouldnt so without clarifying anything else making your time and condition miserable I am stopping my tortureCCCC..0hat is all for nowCCC..9ee you soon with one more boring articleCCCCCC..8angCCCC.8angCCC.. DEV THE GREAT OR DTHESMARTY

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