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Free Space Optics

IV ECE Kottam Karunakar Reddy Institute of Technology

Free Space Optics (FSO) is an optical wireless, point-to-point, line-ofsight broadband solution.Free space means air, vacuum, outer space or something similar to that. It uses light propagating in free space to transmit data between two points. Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Charles Sumner Tainter worked on the Free Space Optics and its related components in Bell Laboratory. Free-space point-to-point optical links can be implemented using infrared laser light. It is useful where the physical connections by means of optical cables are impractical due to high costs or other considerations. Anything that can be done in optical fibers can be done in FSO. It is a full duplex communication technology. Binary data is converted into pulses of invisible light. It can be deployed easily behind windows. It doesnt require any roof rights and riser rights. It allows high bit rates and low bit error rates. Secure and undetectable FSO system can connect large areas safely with minimal planning and deployment time.Free space optics has a narrow band transmission and because it is very similar to current fiber optic systems the transition from fiber optic communication to free space optical communication will be virtually seamless.This means that outdoor wireless communication will be the way of future for everyone.

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