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Cieateu by Alex Coisaio

Lesson Plan #4 (50 Minute Lesson)
! Lesson Topic: Beginning small group work.
! Big Idea: Go a little deeper
! Skills and Understandings to be Emphasized:
! Assessment:
o Formative Assessment:
! Participation
o Homework:
! Journal assignment- What was your story? I would like you to write down the beginning,
middle and end of your story. Was it hard or easy to come up with on the spot in class?
Did you feel like you and your partner were respectful to each other?
! Sequence of Lesson:
o Warm Up: Nonverbal Line-up(6 min)
! The goal of the game is to have the students line up in order of their birthday from
January to February. They are not allowed to talk or to mouth words to each other. I will
tell them that they have two minutes to do this to heighten the stakes. Once they are in
line I will go down and each person will say their birthday.
o Storytelling: (39 min)
! Everyone gets a partner. The partners sit down and face each other. You talk about the
power of stories to turn issues and facts into people and lives; about the connection
between theatre and stories; and about the questions What is a story? As you move on
with your work, the group will use truth and fiction to explore things that matter to them.
Here is a chance to safely begin. Each person will have 4 minutes to tell a true story to
their partner about themselves and a topic you give them. I will start out with a simple
non threatening prompt-Tell a story about your favorite weekend activity. I will use a
timer. When you call out to switch its the other partners turn. Not before. For this
activity, a story has a beginning, middle, and end; is filled with details; and means
something to the teller. Once each students has told their story we will do the activity
again. This time the students will have to tell a story that involves bullying. It does not
need to be a personal story but it does need to be grounded in reality.
o Wiap 0p: (S min)
! Biu youi stoiy have a beginning miuule anu enu.
! Was it haiu to talk foi foui minutes oi uiu it go by quickly.
! I will ask if anyone woulu like to shaie his oi hei stoiy. This is completely optional
because they will be wiiting it foi homewoik.

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