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Sophia, Research some information about your writing topic that you brainstormed today.

Save the web link that you got the information. 1. What is a problem/issue that we face today? . What is your view/position on the problem or situation? !. What would you like to achieve with your editorial? "What is the desired result?# $. %ow will you persuade your audience to adopt your viewpoint as theirs? &ist at least four persuasive points. '. %ow will you arouse your readership to action in your conclusion? (. %ow will your editorial serve a public purpose?

)eople should do something real than things on the advertisement. $the statistics on how much didi the gover ments paid on the wars. *nd how many people need to help. +he goverments should put the money on the real need like, the flood, buildings.-nstead of harmful weapons $..ind some scholars/ article around , if the waste money and labours on the war were used on the heaping poor and change the weather or protect the earth in the either way. +he world will change a lot. +he weapons kill people. -f the weather is not good, then the people/s health will or something '.0se some e1perts sentences and their opinion. +he statistics (.+o protect people/s health.

1. What is a problem/issue that we face today? . What is your view/position on the problem or situation? !. What would you like to achieve with your editorial? "What is the desired result?# $. %ow will you persuade your audience to adopt your viewpoint as theirs? &ist at least four persuasive points.

'. %ow will you arouse your readership to action in your conclusion? (. %ow will your editorial serve a public purpose?

1. Write a statement. +hen, write a statement that clarifies. "21, 3y brother runs fast. *s a result, he won every race.#

. Write a statement. +hen, write a sentence beginning with 4for e1ample.5 "21, Sally is a helpful girl. .or e1ample, she helps her father prepare breakfast.#

!. Write a statement. +hen write a statement that adds to your previous statement. "21, -6m addicted to watching *merican -dol. *s well, - like to envision what song -6d sing as a contestant.#

$. Write a statement. +hen write a statement that indicates a se7uence. "21, - picked up the pen. +hen, - wrote on the paper.#

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