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Target Students/Focus

What students are you targeting? Will the students change from year to year (ex. 2nd graders) or will the project focus on implementing over time with the same students as they grow?

The Gap target that will be addressed with the fulfillment of the technology grant is the mathematics achievement gap with the African-American students at the School for the Creative and Performing Arts (SCAPA) at Bluegrass. The primary focus will be on students in the middle school (grades 6-8). SCAPA at Bluegrass has both middle school students as well as fourth and fifth grade students.

What is the focus area of improvement? (Examples of broad categories are below. Be specific about your goal.)

The focus area of improvement is the increase of proficiency score for AfricanAmerican students on the K-PREP test. The actual score for students on the 2013 test showed that 15.3% of the African-American students at SCAPA scored Proficient or Distinguished. The Gap between the highest and lowest performing groups showed a 63.7% difference. Our delivery target for 2014 K-PREP actual score is that 63.6% are to be proficient which requires a 48.3% point increase to reach the desired goal.
Content Area

Sub-Group 2013 K-PREP Score

AfricanAmerican 15.3% are Proficient or Distinguished

63.7% Difference

2014 Delivery Targets

63.6% are to be Proficient or Distinguished

Required Increase 48.3% Points

How does your proposal align with your school improvement plan?

The proposal aligns with Goal 1 of the 2013 2014 School Improvement Plan. Goal 1 is a Gap Reduction Plan Goal where SCAPA will increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the nonduplicated GAP group.

What data do you currently have to support the need to focus on this area?

The data to support the need to focus on this area are the results of the 2013 KPREP.

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