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Female followers of Bacchus are angry that Orepheus wont sleep with him, and they burtally kill

him. His head and lyre fall into the River Hebrus and as they gloat fown the lyre plays notes and the tonunge sings. Meanwhile, his spirit is rejoind with Eurydice in the underworld and they live happily. Bacchus is angry that the Bacchantes killed Orpheus and he turns them inot oak trees as punishment. Bacchus then goes to Thrace where he has festivities, but Silenus the elderly woodland god is missing. She is missing because some farmers found Silenus stumbling and drunk, and they tied him up and took him to see the local king Midas. Midas is a friend of his and when he recognizes him he sets 10 days of festivities to celebrate their reunion. These parties get old fast andat then end Midas tike Silenus back to Bacchus. Happy for the return, Bacchus tell Midas he will grant a wish to him, and he wishes that everthing he touches turns to gold. At first he likes touching everything and turning it into gold, but that night he cant eat dinner because the food he eats turns to gold. He then prays to take his wish back, Bacchus then tells him to wash off his sin and bathe in the spring of the river Pactolus. This river is now known have gold deposits. After this Midas decides that he doesnt want wealth and takes to the wilderness honoring the god Pan. One day Pan and Apollo are having a flute contest and Tmolus says Apollo is the winner, Midas disagrees and says that Pan should have won. This makes Apollo angry and he turns Midass ears into donkey ears for his horrible taste in music. Embarassed by his new ears he wears a turban and his secret is safe until he has to get a haircut. The barber must tell the secret so he digs a hole and wispers the secret into it and then covers it. As time passes, reeds grow from this area and as the winds blows it tell his secret to the world. Satisfied, Apoillo flies to troy or what will become Troy. There he sees King Laomedon building walls for the city and hes having a hard time. Apollo makes a deal that he and Neptune will build the walls for him in exchange for gold. When this is finished Laomedon doesnt hold his end of the bargain,, and in anger Neptune raises huge waves and floods the countryside of Troy and then demands Laomedons daughter be offered as food for a seamonster. Although, Hercules rescues her at the last minute. After this, Hercules asks the Trojans for the horses they promised and they refuse so Hercules declares war gaainst them. One of his allies in the war is Peleus, who is famous because hes a mortal who married and immortal (the sea-goddes Thetis) Before, Proteus, another dea-god, prophesized that Thetis would give birth to a son more powerful than his father. Jupiter who had a crush on Thetis, wasnt happy by this so he moved Pelus to make a move on her. Peleus trackes thetis to a cabe and tries to woo her but she refuses. He then tries to overpower her bus she is a shape shifter. Fustrated, Peleus goes out of the cave and prays to Proteus to help, and he tell wait until Thetis is asleep and tie here up. Once tied, shell shape shift and dont give in and eventually shell surrender. He does this, and then offers herself to Peleus and soon is pregnant with their son Achilles. Things go well for Peleus until he accendentally kills his half brother Phocus and gets banished from his homeland. Peleus then goes to Trachin, where Ceyx (the son of Luxifer the morning star) is king. When he arrives he finds Ceyx in mourning of his own lost brother. He asks him for help and tells him who he is and where he comes from minus the dact that hi killed his brother. Ceyx tells him he can have anything he wants. Ceyx then start crying and when asked why he tells:

Ceyxs brother is Daedalion and he was a mean guy who loved war. Daedalion had a daughter named Chione who was only 14 and had 1000 men asked to marry her. Then one day Apollo and Mercury both saw her and instantly fell in love. Apollo waited until nightfall before making a move on Chione, but Mercury made her fall asleep and then has his way with her and later that night Apollo does the same. 9 months later she gives birth to two sons, Autolycus and Philamon. The first being Mercurys son and the second being Apollos son. Autolycus bcame a ttrickster and Philamon a musician. Chione brags and says that she is more beautiful than the goddess Diana, who shoots an arrow through he r tounge who bleeds to death. After this Daedalion maddened with grief jumps off a cliff to kill himself but before he hits the ground Apollo turns him inot a hawk. After he tells his story a man named Onetor runs inot the throne room and tells something bad has happened. He tell that he was drivng his cattle along the beach where there was a temple devoted to the gods of the sea. There was a swamp nearby and out came a wolf who killed many in the herd and the herdsmen. He then asks for help to kill the wold and Peleus says the wolf must have been sent by the sea-nymph Psamathe as a punishment for killing his brother Phocus (whos mother was Psamathe). Ceyx readies his men, and then his wife runs in telling him not to put himself in danger. Peleus tells her not to worry and the can pray. However when Peleus prays to Psamathe who doesnt listen to the prayer, then Thetis convinces her to forgive Peleus and turns the wolf to stone. After this Peleus wanders the earth and comes to Magnesia where the loval king performs rituals to cleanse him of killing his brother. In the meantime, Ceyx is shaken up and gives a visit to an oracle for advice . When his wife Alcyone finds out she is upset and warns him of the dangers of traveling by sea. When out at sea he and his men soon encounter a bad storm. He dies at sea, and Alcyone is at home praying for his wellbeing. Juno breaks the news by the god of Sleep who tells the news in a dream. She then wakes up in greif and doesnt want to live any longer. She sees him ashore one day and flies to him as a kingfisher, the gods then revive him also as a kingfisher. They live happily as birds and one day when the two birds a flying over the sea an old man spots them and another bird catches his eye who is a merganser. He was in love and dies in cahsing her. He dives into the sea to his death, but Thetis turns him inot a brid who always dies underwater.

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