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Michele Kolin

Reflection Piece
Critical Issue HL440

Winter, 14

Critical Issue in Health has challenged my ability to critically think from both sides of the argument. It shows that each side of the argument has its definite strengths and weaknesses. Through the critical thinking model, an individual can properly analyze the argument by determining the issue, identifying a conclusion with evidence and reasoning, give prescriptions, implications, and assumptions to the argument, and also evaluate the argument for truth and clarity. The critical thinking model allows an individual to apply this to all aspects of life, and not just critical issues that arise. It is important to apply this model and think critically because as students we must expand our thinking outside the box. We get set into our memes and think a certain way, making it difficult to see other perspectives or opinions about lifes issues. This self-guided course made us pick a critical issue that we are passionate about and analyze it using the critical thinking model. Despite this, we were forced to use both sides of our brain. We had to analyze the argument, design a Wix/Weebly, and create an expressive piece that models our opinion piece. The Wix/Weebly showed us how to use new technology and display our creativity. It pushed our potential as NMU students and proved that we are capable of delivering professional work. During this class, we talked about many critical issues in the world. It is important to learn about these issues, but more importantly we learned how to analyze these issues critically. It showed us to question everything and to look at all points of view before taking a side. During HL440, we became critical thinkers.

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