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In Taoist philosophy, all things are governed by one of two natural principles, yin and

yang (represented by the symbols above). Yin represents the earth, characterized by
darkness, cold or wetness. Yang represents the heavens, characterized by light, heat or
dryness. The two principles, when balanced, combine to produce the harmony of nature.
(Serra, M., Discovering Geometry, Key Curriculum Press, 2003)

Your Challenge: Construct the yin-and-yang symbol.

Hints: You will construct internally AND externally tangent circles. Think about the
radii and diameters of the circles that you need to use.

For extra credit, construct a large yin-and-yang symbol, color/decorate it. Write a
short paragraph or a “fact sheet”, providing more details about the principles of yin
and yang. Due Date: January 10, 2008

Extra Credit Opp: Find real world examples of two internally or

externally tangent circles. Write a sentence explaining which they are.
Describe the example (what is it, where is it from, who created it, etc)
Bring in a decent photocopy.
5 points per example (Must include descriptive sentence!)
Due Date: January 10, 2008

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