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Miranda Suggs & Shelby Hirniak ENC 1101 Prof. McGriff 4/14/2014 The Beauty in the Beast Once upon a time, a great king ruled Adrar, where the beautiful princess Jamila lived. Although beautiful, Jamila was conceited, never listening to her father or the servants. Jamila loved the palace garden, but she trampled over everything just to reach the fruit she was banned from eating. The palace gardener not only produced the best fruit, she was also a witch. After countless times of begging Jamila not to trespass her garden, the witch cursed the fruit Jamila so loved to embezzle. During this time a great war developed, turning all of Adrar into chaos. The princess thought her fathers palace was indestructible, and went on with her days as though nothing could hurt her. Jamila was unaware of the curse, or the wicked smile on the witchs face, as she began devouring the fruit. Suddenly a strange sensation took over Jamila, turning her into a hideous beast. The witch gave a wicked laugh! All of a sudden, a bomb exploded, killing the witch. As the witch perished, so did the secret that a true loves kiss can break the curse. Jamila unaware of the adventure before her must learn that reversing the curse will not be an easy task. To find true love Jamila must befriend an enemy, unknowingly fall in love, and face death Unaware of the horrific transformation Jamila undertook, she was completely blindsided with the unlikely friendship about to take place. As the palace walls were breeched, debris and rubble flew everywhere. "Boom, Boom, Boom" more bombs were

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hitting the palace. Jamila became confused and scared, when suddenly she noticed her reflection in the pond. She started weeping in agony at her beastly appearance. Jamila began furiously running, when a young soldier leaped in front of her. His face had a look of horror, but he was frozen as he gazed into the eyes of the beast in front of him. "Adam, Look out!" Shouted another soldier, suddenly the brave soldier was shot by the Kings men. Quickly taking back the palace, the King and his men took the wounded soldier Adam, as prisoner. Jamila feeling so alone went to hide as debris and smoke filled the sky. Though scared and pained, Jamila only wondered if the soldiers gaze was because she was now so ugly, or if she still possessed some beauty. Something took over her, Jamila suddenly rushed to the castle. Leaping over all the rubble, she ran inside to find where Adam was held captive. The guards, whom did not recognize her attacked! She tackled her way through, breaking the door, and rescued Adam. As she carried the injured soldier to her home away from the palace, she wondered what she was even doing. Jamila didn't have any intentions of falling in love, nor any idea of her near spectacular future as she busted into the old wooden doors of her private home. Panting from carrying the unconscious soldier, she laid him down on the couch. One of maids starts to scream. "Nasira!" Shrieked Jamila, "Why are you yelling like that?" "Monster, Monster!" Nasira said. Suddenly Jamila remembered her appearance, "Nasira, its me, Princess Jamila!" Nasira identified her voice. "Princess?" The soldier started to awake, so Jamila ordered Nasira to fetch a glass of water. When Adam opened his eyes he was staring at the beast he came across at the palace. "Don't move" whispered Jamila, as she was handing him water, but Adam fainted again. "Princess, what happened?" cried Nasira. "I'm not sure," Jamila cried as she recounted the events leading up to the explosion. Nasira remembered

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that the gardener was a witch. They discussed how Jamila was cursed without knowing how to reverse it. Then Adam came limping in as he looked down staring at his bandages. He tried running towards the door, but Jamila blocked his entrance. Jamila explained to him that they are both prisoners in the house. Day after day Adam thought of ways to escape, when he realized he doesn't even know who, or what Jamila is. Overtime, Adam finds out that Jamila is the princess of the kingdom he invaded. Unexpectedly a loud CRASH came from the other room. Adam heard people yelling, and then a high-pitched howl as he started running towards the noise, in fear that it was Jamila. Adam stopped in his tracks as he saw the First-Sargent of his platoon running towards him, " We came to rescue you buddy!" While thinking her death is imminent, Jamlia would not believe the last couple weeks were for nothing; with a last smile she closed her eyes. Once back at base, Adam takes a minute to process everything that occurred. Adam had too many emotions running through him. If he was finally safe from the "beast", why does it feel all wrong? When Adam closed his eyes he could only think about the look on the maids face, and the sound of that agonizing howl. So many of his comrades kept asking him questions, and all he could hear was a buzz. When suddenly, he heard someone bragging about how he "took down the beast". Stunned, Adam took off running, hoping it was not true. He ran into her home yelling for her, panicking when no one replied. Thats when Adam saw Nasira weeping over Jamila's body. As Adam knelt down to hold her, he could feel the slightest movement of her chest. Even though there was hope she was still alive, he pulled her close to him as he cried. Jamila then opened her eyes and smiled. Unable to resist, he brushed the hair away from her face, then leaned over placing a sweet kiss on her lips. Just then, members of his

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platoon came panting in. They were amazed at this intimate sight, but had no idea that they were about to witness a miracle. A kiss of true love, stronger than the most powerful spell, abruptly healed Jamila. Simultaneously Adam began transforming into a beast like her. Uncaring, Adam was happy. Happy to be with Jamila, he felt like nothing could come between them now. Adams platoon starred at them in shock. "Is this even possible?" one soldier whispered to the others. Jamila opened her eyes, looking for Adam. Locking that brilliant gaze with his, that first captured him and brought them together. Adam turned and spoke to his platoon telling them the war shall cease. He will inform his father commander in chief, that there are no longer any threats in Adrar. Jamila and Adam full of beauty and love lived happily ever after, never leaving each others side W.C. 1,117

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