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Psychology 20Questions Relating to Adolescence

1. What five words or phrases, in your opinion, best characterize adolescence? 2. Ask an adult the same question as above what five words or phrases, in her or his opinion, best characterize adolescence? Are the answers to !"s 1 and 2 similar or different? #f there are differences, why do you think this is? $. Who has a %reater influence on you&parents and family %enerally, or your peer %roup? 'lease e(plain your answer. ). *tatistics say that teena%ers are particularly prone to e(periencin% depression +about 2,- will e(perience it. why do you think this is? /. 'lease e(plain the difference between 0se( identity1 and 0se( roles.1 2. 'lease identify five traits +in your opinion. of a %ood parent, and provide an e(ample of each trait in action. 3. 'lease identify five traits +in your opinion. of a poor parent, and provide an e(ample of each trait in action. 4. What kind of parentin% style have you e(perienced? 5efer to the three different parentin% styles discussed in class +check Weebly if you don"t remember them.. 'lease provide e(amples of parentin% decisions and approaches that have been applied to you to support your answer, and e(plain how this parentin% style has benefitted you, and how it may have had a ne%ative impact on you. 6. At what a%e do you think a youn% person should be completely independent to make her or his own decisions, without input from adults? 7(plain. 1,. What kind of work +outside of school. have you en%a%ed in? 8o you think that students should have 9obs or not? 'lease e(plain your answer. 11. 8o you have your driver"s license? #f yes, e(plain why you decided to do what you needed to do to %et it. #f no, e(plain why you"ve decided not to obtain it. #s drivin% an important aspect of adolescence in our society? 12. Will turnin% 14 years old be an important milestone for you? Why or why not? :ow do you plan on celebratin% your 14th birthday?

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