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"Abraham to kill him " By Emily Dickinson [Analysis]

Abraham to kill him [1] Was distinctly told [2] Isaac was an Urchin [3] Abraham was old [4] Not a hesitation [5] Abraham complied [6] Flattered by Obeisance [7] Tyranny demurred [8] Isaac to his children [9] Lived to tell the tale [10] Moral with a Mastiff [11] Manners may prevail. [12]
Poem 1317 [F1332] "Abraham to kill him" Analysis by David Preest [Poem]

According to the writer of Genesis God put Abraham to the test by commanding him to offer his young son, Isaac, as a sacrifice. Abraham was about to do so, when the angel of the Lord appeared to Abraham forbidding this sacrifice. 'And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold a ram caught in a thicket by his horns' (Genesis 22:1-18). Abraham was able to sacrifice the ram in place of Isaac. Presumably Abraham showed 'Manners' by immediately complying with the Mastiff's commands. A more committed Evangelical Christian than Emily might have expressed the 'flattered by Obeisance' of line 7 in some such words as 'deeply touched by Abraham's complete trust in himself.'

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